
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"> <html> <body bgColor='#FFFFCC'> <? //$bbb = 5; echo "haha = $haha <br>"; echo "bbb = $bbb <br>"; $msgs=$t0."#".$t1."#".$t1x."#".$t2."#".$t3."#".$t4."#".$t5."#".$t6; echo "$msgs<br>"; switch($HTTP_POST["haha"]) { case 0: echo " <b><BR><center>Please enter all information before downloading</center></b> <hr> <FORM action='regis.php?haha=1&bbb=2' method=post> <INPUT TYPE=hidden name=haha value=1> <font face='MS Sans Serif'> <table> <tr><td><font >First Name </font></td><td> <input type='text' size=40v name='t0' value='$t0'> (English) </td></tr> <tr><td><font >Lastname </font></td><td> <input type='text' name='t1' ></td></tr> <tr><td><font>Organization</font></td><td> <input type='text' size=60 name='t1x' ></td></tr> <tr><td><font >Position </font></td><td><input type='text' name='t2' size=40 value='$t2'> </td></tr> <tr><td>Address </td><td><input type='text' name='t3' size=70 value='$t3'></td></tr> <tr><td>Telephone Number</td><td><input type='text' name='t4' size=40 value='$t4'></td></tr> <tr><td><font >Email Address </font></td><td><input type='text' size=40 name='t5' value='$t5'> </td></tr> <tr><td>Recommendations</td><td><input type='text' name='t6' size=60 value='$t6'> (Optional)</td></tr> </table><br>"; echo " <hr>Thank you very much for giving us your information <br><b>Click sumit button below to start downloading</b> <br><br><input type='submit' value=' Submit '> </form>"; break; case 1: if ($t0=='') { echo " Please enter your firstname <br>"; $haha=0; } if ($t1=='') { echo " Please enter your lastname <br>"; $haha=0;} if ($t1x=='') { echo " Please enter your organization <br>"; $haha=0;} if ($t2=='') { echo " Please enter your position <br>"; $haha=0;} if ($t3=='') { echo " Please enter your working address<BR>";$haha=0; } if ($t5=='') { echo " Please enter your telephone number<br>"; $haha=0;} if ($t5=='') { echo " Please enter your email address <br>";$haha=0; } if ($haha==0) { include("regis.php"); } else { $t8=date('d-m-Y, H:i '); $t7='normal'; $msg=$t0."#".$t1."#".$t1x."#".$t2."#".$t3."#".$t4."#".$t5."#".$t6; $msg=$msg."#".$t7."#".$t8; $nl=chr(13).chr(10); $msg = ereg_replace($nl, "<BR>", $msg); $msg=$msg.chr(10); $fcoun="data/registrants.dat"; $fp=fopen($fcoun,"a"); fwrite($fp,$msg); fclose($fp); $usr=$t0; $f1= ord(substr($usr,0,1)); $f2 = ord(substr($usr,strlen($usr)-1,1)); $f3 = $f1*$f2; $passt= $f3 + $f1 + ($f2 * $f2) + ($f3 * 1234); //$sender="ergonomics@siit.tu.ac.th"; //$reciever=$t5; //$msg=" For installing Noise Manager Version 1, your username is $t0 and your password is $passt"; // include("zendmail.php"); //mail($sender, $reciever, $subject, $msg); $to = $t5; $subject="Noise Manager Installation"; $body = " For installing Noise Manager Version 1, \n\n your username is $t0 and your password is $passt \n\n If you have any question, please reply us. Thank you."; $headers = "From: ergonomics@siit.tu.ac.th\r\n"."X-Mailer: php"; echo " Thank you very much for giving us your information<br><BR>"; // For installation, your username is <B>$t0</B> and your password is // <FONT COLOR=red><B>$passt</B></FONT>. <BR>"; if (mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers)) { echo("<p> The username and password are already sent to <B>$t5</B>. You need them for installing Noise Manager </p>"); } else { echo("<p>The username and password CANNOT be sent to <B>$t5</B></p>"); } echo " Please click <A HREF='nm1.exe'>here ( nm1.exe approx. 1MB) </A> to start downloading Noise Manager for Microsoft Excel 97/2000 ."; // echo " <BR>Noise Manager for Excel 97 will be available soon."; } break; } ?> </body></html>

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