
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php $dec = Decrypt("/TXRfo3Pfg8W47sFKRQYsO5ya6b4fAv9ef3Tt2JCro8=", "ICS2015", "7"); echo "Dec: " . $dec . "\r\n"; #$enc = Encrypt("boy13@naver.com", "ICS2015", "7"); #echo "Enc: " . $enc . "\r\n"; function Decrypt($ciphertext, $password, $salt) { $ciphertext = base64_decode($ciphertext); $key = PBKDF1($password, $salt, 100, 32); $iv = PBKDF1($password, $salt, 100, 16); // NB: Need 128 not 256 and CBC mode to be compatible $decpad = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $key, $ciphertext, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv); $pad = ord($decpad[($len = strlen($decpad)) - 1]); $dec = substr($decpad, 0, strlen($decpad) - $pad); return $dec; } function Encrypt($ciphertext, $password, $salt) { $ciphertext = mb_convert_encoding($ciphertext,'UTF-16LE'); $key = PBKDF1($password, $salt, 100, 32); $iv = PBKDF1($password, $salt, 100, 16); return base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $key, $ciphertext, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv)); } function PBKDF1($pass, $salt, $count, $cb) { static $base; static $extra; static $extracount= 0; static $hashno; static $state = 0; if ($state == 0) { $hashno = 0; $state = 1; $key = $pass . $salt; $base = sha1($key, true); for($i = 2; $i < $count; $i++) { $base = sha1($base, true); } } $result = ""; if ($extracount > 0) { $rlen = strlen($extra) - $extracount; if ($rlen >= $cb) { $result = substr($extra, $extracount, $cb); if ($rlen > $cb) { $extracount += $cb; } else { $extra = null; $extracount = 0; } return $result; } $result = substr($extra, $rlen, $rlen); } $current = ""; $clen = 0; $remain = $cb - strlen($result); while ($remain > $clen) { if ($hashno == 0) { $current = sha1($base, true); } else if ($hashno < 1000) { $n = sprintf("%d", $hashno); $tmp = $n . $base; $current .= sha1($tmp, true); } $hashno++; $clen = strlen($current); } // $current now holds at least as many bytes as we need $result .= substr($current, 0, $remain); // Save any left over bytes for any future requests if ($clen > $remain) { $extra = $current; $extracount = $remain; } return $result; } ?>

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