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<?php /** * @package Wargaming.API * @version 1.2 * @author Artur Stępień (artur.stepien@bestproject.pl) * @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 Artur Stępień, All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 3 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ namespace Wargaming { class API { /** * Application ID from Wargaming Developer Room * @var Integer */ protected $application_id; /** * Language for data retrieved from Wargaming servers (language code). * * @var String */ protected $language; /** * API server URL. This one depends on server you use. * * @var String */ protected $server; /** * CURL connection handle * * @var */ protected $connection = null; /** * Create Wargaming API instance * * @param string $application_id Application ID obtainable from Wargaming websites * @param string $language Language of data (mostly errors). Default: LANGUAGE_ENGLISH * @param string $server Server/Cluster that should be used as source. DefaultL SERVER_EU */ public function __construct($application_id, $language = LANGUAGE_ENGLISH, $server = SERVER_EU) { $this->application_id = $application_id; $this->language = $language; $this->server = $server; } /** * Return data from Wargaming servers. Documentation for all API methods can be found here: https://eu.wargaming.net/developers/api_reference * * @param string $namespace Namespace of data you want to get(for example wgn/servers/info or wot/account/list ) * @param array $options All the options required for this field to work except application_id and language (for example array('fields'=>'server','game'=>'wot')) * @param boolean $assoc If set to true function will return associative array instead of object/array of objects. * @param string $ETag ETag string to validate data (without quotation marks). If in response server will return HTTP 304 Not Modified status method will return boolean TRUE. That means that data did not changed. Documentation: https://eu.wargaming.net/developers/documentation/guide/getting-started/#etag * @param boolean $HTTPHeaders If this parameter is set to TRUE, method will return also HTTP headers sent with response in format: array('headers'=>array(), 'data'=>array()). * * @return mixed */ public function get($namespace, Array $options = array(), $assoc = false, $ETag = null, $HTTPHeaders = false) { // Build query url $url = 'https://'.$this->server.'/'.$namespace.'/?application_id='.$this->application_id.'&language='.$this->language.'&'.http_build_query($options); // Get response $buff = $this->getUrlContents($url, $ETag, $HTTPHeaders); // Wrong response (probably wrong server URL) if( $buff['data'] === false ) { throw new \Exception('Wrong server or namespace.', 404); // Data did not changed on server } else if( $buff['data'] === true ) { // If HTTPHeaders parameter is set, return assocative array containing data and headers if( $HTTPHeaders ) { return $buff; // Return plain data } else { return $buff['data']; } // New data available } else { // Convert response to object or array depending on $assoc param $response = json_decode($buff['data'], $assoc); // User chose object format if( is_object($response) ) { // Servers return correct data if( $response->status=='ok') { // If HTTPHeaders parameter is set, return assocative array containing also headers if( $HTTPHeaders ) { return array('data'=>$response->data, 'headers'=>$buff['headers']); // Return plain data } else { return $response->data; } // Api server return error } elseif( $response->status=='error' ) { // Create exception throw new \Exception( $this->translateError($response->error->message, $namespace), $response->error->code ); // Page not found } else { throw new \Exception('You set wrong server or namespace.', 404); } // User chose array format } elseif ( is_array($response) ) { // Servers return correct data if( $response['status']=='ok') { // If HTTPHeaders parameter is set, return assocative array containing also headers if( $HTTPHeaders ) { return array('data'=>$response['data'], 'headers'=>$buff['headers']); // Return plain data } else { return $response['data']; } // Api server return error } elseif( $response['status']=='error' ) { // Create exception throw new \Exception( $this->translateError($response['error']['message'], $namespace), $response['error']['code'] ); // Page not found } else { throw new \Exception('You set wrong server or namespace.', 404); } // Unsupported response format } else { throw new \Exception('Wrong response format.', 502); } } return false; } /** * Returns data from url provided in $url. This function use same curl handle for each request * * @param String $url Data url to process * @param String $ETag ETag HTTP header value (without quotation marks) to be used for request. * @param boolean $HTTPHeaders If this parameter is set to TRUE, method will return also HTTP headers sent with response in format: array('headers'=>array(), 'data'=>''). * * @return mixed Array if success, FALSE on failure, TRUE if data did not changed (only when ETag is used). */ protected function getUrlContents($url, $ETag = null, $HTTPHeaders = false) { // Connection needs to be created if ( !is_resource($this->connection) ) { // Initialise connection $this->connection = curl_init(); // Make curl return response instead of printing it curl_setopt($this->connection, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($this->connection, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); if( $HTTPHeaders ) { curl_setopt($this->connection, CURLOPT_HEADER, true); } } // User provided ETag so use it if( !is_null($ETag) ) { curl_setopt($this->connection, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'If-None-Match: "'.$ETag.'"', )); } // Set connection URL curl_setopt($this->connection, CURLOPT_URL, $url); // Get response $buffer = curl_exec($this->connection); // Check if curl did not return erro $error = curl_error($this->connection); if( $error!=='' ) { throw new \Exception('(Curl) '.$error, curl_errno($this->connection)); } // Prepare headers if( $HTTPHeaders ) { // Split response headers and response body list($headers, $body) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $buffer, 2); // Process headers $headers = explode("\r\n", $headers); $tmp = array(); foreach($headers AS $header) { $row = explode(': ', $header, 2); if( count($row)==1 ) { $tmp[$row[0]] = ''; } else { $tmp[$row[0]] = $row[1]; } } // Set formatted headers $headers = $tmp; } else { $headers = array(); $body = $buffer; } // Get response status code $status_code = curl_getinfo($this->connection, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); // If data did not changed, return TRUE if( $status_code==304 ) { $body = true; } return array('headers'=>$headers, 'data'=>$body); } /** * Returns human readable error message. * * @param string $error The error to translate. * @param string $namespace Namespace passed into get() function. * * @return string */ protected function translateError($error, $namespace = null) { $messages = array( 'SEARCH_NOT_SPECIFIED' => 'Parameter <b>search</b> not specified.', 'NOT_ENOUGH_SEARCH_LENGTH' => '<b>Search</b> parameter is not long enough. Minimum length: 3 characters.', 'ACCOUNT_ID_LIST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED' => 'Limit of passed-in <b>account_id</b> IDs exceeded. Maximum: 100.', 'METHOD_NOT_FOUND' => 'Invalid API method <b>'.$namespace.'</b>.', 'METHOD_DISABLED' => 'Specified method is disabled.', 'APPLICATION_IS_BLOCKED' => 'Application is blocked by the administration.', 'INVALID_APPLICATION_ID' => 'Invalid <b>application_id</b>.', 'INVALID_IP_ADDRESS' => 'Invalid IP-address for the server application.', 'REQUEST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED' => 'Request limit is exceeded.', 'SOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE' => 'Data source is not available.', 'INVALID_FIELDS' => 'Invalid fields specified in <b>fields</b> parameter.', 'AUTH_CANCEL' => 'Application authorization cancelled by user.', 'AUTH_EXPIRED' => 'User authorization timed out.', 'AUTH_ERROR' => 'Authentication error.', 'MEMBER_ID_LIST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED' => 'Limit of passed-in <b>member_id</b> IDs exceeded. Maximum: 100.', 'CLAN_ID_LIST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED' => 'Limit of passed-in <b>clan_id</b> IDs exceeded. Maximum: 100.', 'INCOMPATIBLE_MODULE_IDS' => 'Specified modules are incompatible in a single configuration.', 'ACCOUNT_ID_NOT_SPECIFIED' => 'Required parameter <b>account_id</b> was not specified.', 'TYPE_NOT_SPECIFIED' => 'Required parameter <b>type</b> was not specified.', 'INVALID_TYPE' => 'Invalid value set in <b>type</b> parameter.', 'RATINGS_NOT_FOUND' => 'No rating details for specified date.', 'RANK_FIELD_NOT_SPECIFIED' => 'Required parameter <b>rank_field</b> not specified.', 'INVALID_RANK_FIELD' => 'Invalid value set in <b>rank_field</b> parameter.', 'INVALID_CLAN_ID' => 'Invalid value set in <b>clan_id</b> parameter. Clan with that ID probably don\'t exist.', 'CLAN_ID_NOT_SPECIFIED' => 'Required parameter <b>clan_id</b> was not specified.', 'INVALID_LIMIT' => 'Invalid value set in <b>limit</b> parameter.', ); if( isset($messages[$error]) ) { return $messages[$error]; } elseif( stripos($error, '_NOT_SPECIFIED') ) { return 'Required field <b>'.strtolower(str_ireplace('_NOT_SPECIFIED', '', $error)).'</b> is not specified.'; } elseif( stripos($error, '_NOT_FOUND') ) { return 'Data for <b>'.strtolower(str_ireplace('_NOT_FOUND', '', $error)).'</b> not found.'; } elseif( stripos($error, '_LIST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED') ) { return 'Limit of passed-in identifiers in the <b>'.strtolower(str_ireplace('_LIST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED', '', $error)).'</b> exceeded.'; } elseif( stripos($error, 'INVALID_') ) { return 'Specified field value <b>'.strtolower(str_ireplace('INVALID_', '', $error)).'</b> is not valid.'; } else { return $error; } } } // Supported language codes (used mostly in Tankpedia queries) CONST LANGUAGE_ENGLISH = 'en'; CONST LANGUAGE_POLISH = 'pl'; CONST LANGUAGE_RUSSIAN = 'ru'; CONST LANGUAGE_DEUTSCH = 'de'; CONST LANGUAGE_FRENCH = 'fr'; CONST LANGUAGE_SPANISH = 'es'; CONST LANGUAGE_CHINESE = 'zh-cn'; CONST LANGUAGE_TURKISH = 'tr'; CONST LANGUAGE_CZECH = 'cs'; CONST LANGUAGE_THAI = 'th'; CONST LANGUAGE_VIETNAMESE = 'vi'; // Supported servers CONST SERVER_EU = 'api.worldoftanks.eu'; CONST SERVER_NA = 'api.worldoftanks.com'; CONST SERVER_RU = 'api.worldoftanks.ru'; CONST SERVER_ASIA = 'api.worldoftanks.asia'; CONST SERVER_KR = 'api.worldoftanks.kr'; }
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Output for 8.3.5
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