- Output for git.master, git.master_jit
- Array ( [0] => InternalIterator [12] => Closure [16] => WeakMap [17] => Attribute [18] => ReturnTypeWillChange [19] => AllowDynamicProperties [20] => SensitiveParameter [21] => SensitiveParameterValue [24] => stdClass [25] => DateTime [26] => DateTimeImmutable [27] => DateTimeZone [28] => DateInterval [29] => DatePeriod [30] => LibXMLError [37] => DOMImplementation [38] => DOMNode [39] => DOMNameSpaceNode [40] => DOMDocumentFragment [41] => DOMDocument [42] => DOMNodeList [43] => DOMNamedNodeMap [44] => DOMCharacterData [45] => DOMAttr [46] => DOMElement [47] => DOMText [48] => DOMComment [49] => DOMCdataSection [50] => DOMDocumentType [51] => DOMNotation [52] => DOMEntity [53] => DOMEntityReference [54] => DOMProcessingInstruction [55] => DOMXPath [57] => HashContext [87] => EmptyIterator [89] => ArrayObject [90] => ArrayIterator [91] => RecursiveArrayIterator [92] => SplFileInfo [93] => DirectoryIterator [94] => FilesystemIterator [95] => RecursiveDirectoryIterator [99] => SplDoublyLinkedList [100] => SplQueue [101] => SplStack [103] => SplMinHeap [104] => SplMaxHeap [105] => SplPriorityQueue [106] => SplFixedArray [107] => SplObjectStorage [108] => MultipleIterator [113] => SessionHandler [117] => Random\Engine\Mt19937 [118] => Random\Engine\PcgOneseq128XslRr64 [119] => Random\Engine\Xoshiro256StarStar [123] => Reflection [145] => __PHP_Incomplete_Class [147] => php_user_filter [148] => Directory [149] => SimpleXMLElement [150] => SimpleXMLIterator [152] => Phar [153] => PharData [154] => PharFileInfo [155] => PhpToken [159] => GMP [161] => NumberFormatter [162] => Normalizer [163] => Locale [164] => MessageFormatter [165] => IntlDateFormatter [166] => IntlDatePatternGenerator [168] => Transliterator [169] => IntlTimeZone [170] => IntlCalendar [171] => IntlGregorianCalendar [172] => Spoofchecker [175] => IntlBreakIterator [176] => IntlRuleBasedBreakIterator [177] => IntlCodePointBreakIterator [179] => UConverter [180] => IntlChar )
- Output for rfc.property-hooks
- Array ( [0] => InternalIterator [12] => Closure [16] => WeakMap [17] => Attribute [18] => ReturnTypeWillChange [19] => AllowDynamicProperties [20] => SensitiveParameter [21] => SensitiveParameterValue [24] => stdClass [25] => DateTime [26] => DateTimeImmutable [27] => DateTimeZone [28] => DateInterval [29] => DatePeriod [39] => LibXMLError [46] => DOMImplementation [47] => DOMNode [48] => DOMNameSpaceNode [49] => DOMDocumentFragment [50] => DOMDocument [51] => DOMNodeList [52] => DOMNamedNodeMap [53] => DOMCharacterData [54] => DOMAttr [55] => DOMElement [56] => DOMText [57] => DOMComment [58] => DOMCdataSection [59] => DOMDocumentType [60] => DOMNotation [61] => DOMEntity [62] => DOMEntityReference [63] => DOMProcessingInstruction [64] => DOMXPath [66] => HashContext [96] => EmptyIterator [98] => ArrayObject [99] => ArrayIterator [100] => RecursiveArrayIterator [101] => SplFileInfo [102] => DirectoryIterator [103] => FilesystemIterator [104] => RecursiveDirectoryIterator [108] => SplDoublyLinkedList [109] => SplQueue [110] => SplStack [112] => SplMinHeap [113] => SplMaxHeap [114] => SplPriorityQueue [115] => SplFixedArray [116] => SplObjectStorage [117] => MultipleIterator [122] => SessionHandler [126] => Random\Engine\Mt19937 [127] => Random\Engine\PcgOneseq128XslRr64 [128] => Random\Engine\Xoshiro256StarStar [133] => Reflection [155] => __PHP_Incomplete_Class [157] => php_user_filter [158] => Directory [159] => SimpleXMLElement [160] => SimpleXMLIterator [162] => Phar [163] => PharData [164] => PharFileInfo [165] => PhpToken [169] => GMP [171] => NumberFormatter [172] => Normalizer [173] => Locale [174] => MessageFormatter [175] => IntlDateFormatter [176] => IntlDatePatternGenerator [178] => Transliterator [179] => IntlTimeZone [180] => IntlCalendar [181] => IntlGregorianCalendar [182] => Spoofchecker [185] => IntlBreakIterator [186] => IntlRuleBasedBreakIterator [187] => IntlCodePointBreakIterator [189] => UConverter [190] => IntlChar )
This tab shows result from various feature-branches currently under review by the php developers. Contact me to have additional branches featured.
Active branches
Archived branches
Once feature-branches are merged or declined, they are no longer available. Their functionality (when merged) can be viewed from the main output page
- 2020-03-21 RFC: Is_Literal - declined
- 2020-12-04 Enumerations - included in PHP 8.1
- 2018-06-15 Typed Properties v2 - implemented in PHP 7.4
- 2016-08-12 Object typehint - included in PHP 7.2
- 2016-08-14 Arrow functions - withdrawn
- 2016-05-29 array_change_keys() - withdrawn
- 2016-04-19 Lexical scope support for anonymous classes - suspended
- 2016-04-17 Functional Interfaces - declined
- 2016-03-16 Typed Properties - superseded in favor of Typed Properties 2.0
- 2015-08-27 Callable Prototypes - declined
- 2015-05-01 Short Closures - declined / withdrawn in favor of Arrow Functions
- 2015-02-18 Scalar type hints v5 - included in PHP 7
- 2015-02-14 Union Types - declined
- 2013-09-22 Anonymous classes - included in PHP 7