
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php /** * * @package install * @version $Id$ * @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License * */ /**#@+ * @ignore */ define('IN_PHPBB', true); define('IN_INSTALL', true); /**#@-*/ $phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : './../'; $phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1); // @todo Review this test and see if we can find out what it is which prevents PHP 4.2.x from even displaying the page with requirements on it if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '4.3.3') < 0) { die('You are running an unsupported PHP version. Please upgrade to PHP 4.3.3 or higher before trying to install phpBB 3.0'); } function phpbb_require_updated($path, $optional = false) { global $phpbb_root_path; $new_path = $phpbb_root_path . 'install/update/new/' . $path; $old_path = $phpbb_root_path . $path; if (file_exists($new_path)) { require($new_path); } else if (!$optional || file_exists($old_path)) { require($old_path); } } phpbb_require_updated('includes/startup.' . $phpEx); // Try to override some limits - maybe it helps some... @set_time_limit(0); $mem_limit = @ini_get('memory_limit'); if (!empty($mem_limit)) { $unit = strtolower(substr($mem_limit, -1, 1)); $mem_limit = (int) $mem_limit; if ($unit == 'k') { $mem_limit = floor($mem_limit / 1024); } else if ($unit == 'g') { $mem_limit *= 1024; } else if (is_numeric($unit)) { $mem_limit = floor((int) ($mem_limit . $unit) / 1048576); } $mem_limit = max(128, $mem_limit) . 'M'; } else { $mem_limit = '128M'; } @ini_set('memory_limit', $mem_limit); // Include essential scripts require($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions.' . $phpEx); phpbb_require_updated('includes/functions_content.' . $phpEx, true); include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/auth.' . $phpEx); include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/session.' . $phpEx); include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/template.' . $phpEx); include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/acm/acm_file.' . $phpEx); include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/cache.' . $phpEx); include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_admin.' . $phpEx); include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/utf/utf_tools.' . $phpEx); require($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_install.' . $phpEx); // Try and load an appropriate language if required $language = basename(request_var('language', '')); if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']) && !$language) { $accept_lang_ary = explode(',', strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])); foreach ($accept_lang_ary as $accept_lang) { // Set correct format ... guess full xx_yy form $accept_lang = substr($accept_lang, 0, 2) . '_' . substr($accept_lang, 3, 2); if (file_exists($phpbb_root_path . 'language/' . $accept_lang) && is_dir($phpbb_root_path . 'language/' . $accept_lang)) { $language = $accept_lang; break; } else { // No match on xx_yy so try xx $accept_lang = substr($accept_lang, 0, 2); if (file_exists($phpbb_root_path . 'language/' . $accept_lang) && is_dir($phpbb_root_path . 'language/' . $accept_lang)) { $language = $accept_lang; break; } } } } // No appropriate language found ... so let's use the first one in the language // dir, this may or may not be English if (!$language) { $dir = @opendir($phpbb_root_path . 'language'); if (!$dir) { die('Unable to access the language directory'); exit; } while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) { $path = $phpbb_root_path . 'language/' . $file; if (!is_file($path) && !is_link($path) && file_exists($path . '/iso.txt')) { $language = $file; break; } } closedir($dir); } if (!file_exists($phpbb_root_path . 'language/' . $language) || !is_dir($phpbb_root_path . 'language/' . $language)) { die('No language found!'); } // And finally, load the relevant language files include($phpbb_root_path . 'language/' . $language . '/common.' . $phpEx); include($phpbb_root_path . 'language/' . $language . '/acp/common.' . $phpEx); include($phpbb_root_path . 'language/' . $language . '/acp/board.' . $phpEx); include($phpbb_root_path . 'language/' . $language . '/install.' . $phpEx); include($phpbb_root_path . 'language/' . $language . '/posting.' . $phpEx); // usually we would need every single constant here - and it would be consistent. For 3.0.x, use a dirty hack... :( // Define needed constants define('CHMOD_ALL', 7); define('CHMOD_READ', 4); define('CHMOD_WRITE', 2); define('CHMOD_EXECUTE', 1); $mode = request_var('mode', 'overview'); $sub = request_var('sub', ''); // Set PHP error handler to ours set_error_handler(defined('PHPBB_MSG_HANDLER') ? PHPBB_MSG_HANDLER : 'msg_handler'); $user = new user(); $auth = new auth(); $cache = new cache(); $template = new template();
Finding entry points
Branch analysis from position: 0
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 10, Position 2 = 13
Branch analysis from position: 10
1 jumps found. (Code = 42) Position 1 = 14
Branch analysis from position: 14
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 30, Position 2 = 31
Branch analysis from position: 30
1 jumps found. (Code = 79) Position 1 = -2
Branch analysis from position: 31
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 49, Position 2 = 90
Branch analysis from position: 49
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 62, Position 2 = 68
Branch analysis from position: 62
1 jumps found. (Code = 42) Position 1 = 83
Branch analysis from position: 83
1 jumps found. (Code = 42) Position 1 = 91
Branch analysis from position: 91
2 jumps found. (Code = 46) Position 1 = 141, Position 2 = 143
Branch analysis from position: 141
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 144, Position 2 = 208
Branch analysis from position: 144
2 jumps found. (Code = 77) Position 1 = 155, Position 2 = 207
Branch analysis from position: 155
2 jumps found. (Code = 78) Position 1 = 156, Position 2 = 207
Branch analysis from position: 156
2 jumps found. (Code = 46) Position 1 = 175, Position 2 = 181
Branch analysis from position: 175
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 182, Position 2 = 185
Branch analysis from position: 182
1 jumps found. (Code = 42) Position 1 = 207
Branch analysis from position: 207
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 210, Position 2 = 253
Branch analysis from position: 210
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 219, Position 2 = 221
Branch analysis from position: 219
1 jumps found. (Code = 79) Position 1 = -2
Branch analysis from position: 221
1 jumps found. (Code = 42) Position 1 = 244
Branch analysis from position: 244
2 jumps found. (Code = 44) Position 1 = 250, Position 2 = 222
Branch analysis from position: 250
2 jumps found. (Code = 47) Position 1 = 260, Position 2 = 267
Branch analysis from position: 260
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 268, Position 2 = 269
Branch analysis from position: 268
1 jumps found. (Code = 79) Position 1 = -2
Branch analysis from position: 269
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 323, Position 2 = 326
Branch analysis from position: 323
1 jumps found. (Code = 42) Position 1 = 327
Branch analysis from position: 327
1 jumps found. (Code = 62) Position 1 = -2
Branch analysis from position: 326
1 jumps found. (Code = 62) Position 1 = -2
Branch analysis from position: 267
Branch analysis from position: 222
2 jumps found. (Code = 46) Position 1 = 230, Position 2 = 235
Branch analysis from position: 230
2 jumps found. (Code = 46) Position 1 = 236, Position 2 = 241
Branch analysis from position: 236
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 242, Position 2 = 244
Branch analysis from position: 242
1 jumps found. (Code = 42) Position 1 = 250
Branch analysis from position: 250
Branch analysis from position: 244
Branch analysis from position: 241
Branch analysis from position: 235
Branch analysis from position: 253
Branch analysis from position: 185
2 jumps found. (Code = 46) Position 1 = 197, Position 2 = 203
Branch analysis from position: 197
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 204, Position 2 = 206
Branch analysis from position: 204
1 jumps found. (Code = 42) Position 1 = 207
Branch analysis from position: 207
Branch analysis from position: 206
1 jumps found. (Code = 42) Position 1 = 155
Branch analysis from position: 155
Branch analysis from position: 203
Branch analysis from position: 181
Branch analysis from position: 207
Branch analysis from position: 207
Branch analysis from position: 208
Branch analysis from position: 143
Branch analysis from position: 68
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 70, Position 2 = 72
Branch analysis from position: 70
1 jumps found. (Code = 42) Position 1 = 83
Branch analysis from position: 83
Branch analysis from position: 72
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 76, Position 2 = 83
Branch analysis from position: 76
1 jumps found. (Code = 42) Position 1 = 91
Branch analysis from position: 91
Branch analysis from position: 83
Branch analysis from position: 90
2 jumps found. (Code = 46) Position 1 = 141, Position 2 = 143
Branch analysis from position: 141
Branch analysis from position: 143
Branch analysis from position: 13
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 30, Position 2 = 31
Branch analysis from position: 30
Branch analysis from position: 31
filename:       /in/4fb6s
function name:  (null)
number of ops:  342
compiled vars:  !0 = $phpbb_root_path, !1 = $phpEx, !2 = $mem_limit, !3 = $unit, !4 = $language, !5 = $accept_lang_ary, !6 = $accept_lang, !7 = $dir, !8 = $path, !9 = $file, !10 = $mode, !11 = $sub, !12 = $user, !13 = $auth, !14 = $cache, !15 = $template
line      #* E I O op                           fetch          ext  return  operands
   14     0  E >   INIT_FCALL                                               'define'
          1        SEND_VAL                                                 'IN_PHPBB'
          2        SEND_VAL                                                 <true>
          3        DO_ICALL                                                 
   15     4        INIT_FCALL                                               'define'
          5        SEND_VAL                                                 'IN_INSTALL'
          6        SEND_VAL                                                 <true>
          7        DO_ICALL                                                 
   18     8        DEFINED                                                  'PHPBB_ROOT_PATH'
          9      > JMPZ                                                     ~18, ->13
         10    >   FETCH_CONSTANT                                   ~19     'PHPBB_ROOT_PATH'
         11        QM_ASSIGN                                        ~20     ~19
         12      > JMP                                                      ->14
         13    >   QM_ASSIGN                                        ~20     '.%2F..%2F'
         14    >   ASSIGN                                                   !0, ~20
   19    15        INIT_FCALL                                               'substr'
         16        INIT_FCALL                                               'strrchr'
         17        SEND_VAL                                                 '%2Fin%2F4fb6s'
         18        SEND_VAL                                                 '.'
         19        DO_ICALL                                         $22     
         20        SEND_VAR                                                 $22
         21        SEND_VAL                                                 1
         22        DO_ICALL                                         $23     
         23        ASSIGN                                                   !1, $23
   22    24        INIT_FCALL                                               'version_compare'
         25        SEND_VAL                                                 '8.3.0'
         26        SEND_VAL                                                 '4.3.3'
         27        DO_ICALL                                         $25     
         28        IS_SMALLER                                               $25, 0
         29      > JMPZ                                                     ~26, ->31
   24    30    > > EXIT                                                     'You+are+running+an+unsupported+PHP+version.+Please+upgrade+to+PHP+4.3.3+or+higher+before+trying+to+install+phpBB+3.0'
   44    31    >   INIT_FCALL                                               'phpbb_require_updated'
         32        CONCAT                                           ~27     'includes%2Fstartup.', !1
         33        SEND_VAL                                                 ~27
         34        DO_FCALL                                      0          
   47    35        BEGIN_SILENCE                                    ~29     
         36        INIT_FCALL                                               'set_time_limit'
         37        SEND_VAL                                                 0
         38        DO_ICALL                                                 
         39        END_SILENCE                                              ~29
   48    40        BEGIN_SILENCE                                    ~31     
         41        INIT_FCALL                                               'ini_get'
         42        SEND_VAL                                                 'memory_limit'
         43        DO_ICALL                                         $32     
         44        END_SILENCE                                              ~31
         45        ASSIGN                                                   !2, $32
   49    46        ISSET_ISEMPTY_CV                                 ~34     !2
         47        BOOL_NOT                                         ~35     ~34
         48      > JMPZ                                                     ~35, ->90
   51    49    >   INIT_FCALL                                               'strtolower'
         50        INIT_FCALL                                               'substr'
         51        SEND_VAR                                                 !2
         52        SEND_VAL                                                 -1
         53        SEND_VAL                                                 1
         54        DO_ICALL                                         $36     
         55        SEND_VAR                                                 $36
         56        DO_ICALL                                         $37     
         57        ASSIGN                                                   !3, $37
   52    58        CAST                                          4  ~39     !2
         59        ASSIGN                                                   !2, ~39
   54    60        IS_EQUAL                                                 !3, 'k'
         61      > JMPZ                                                     ~41, ->68
   56    62    >   INIT_FCALL                                               'floor'
         63        DIV                                              ~42     !2, 1024
         64        SEND_VAL                                                 ~42
         65        DO_ICALL                                         $43     
         66        ASSIGN                                                   !2, $43
   54    67      > JMP                                                      ->83
   58    68    >   IS_EQUAL                                                 !3, 'g'
         69      > JMPZ                                                     ~45, ->72
   60    70    >   ASSIGN_OP                                     3          !2, 1024
   58    71      > JMP                                                      ->83
   62    72    >   INIT_FCALL                                               'is_numeric'
         73        SEND_VAR                                                 !3
         74        DO_ICALL                                         $47     
         75      > JMPZ                                                     $47, ->83
   64    76    >   INIT_FCALL                                               'floor'
         77        CONCAT                                           ~48     !2, !3
         78        CAST                                          4  ~49     ~48
         79        DIV                                              ~50     ~49, 1048576
         80        SEND_VAL                                                 ~50
         81        DO_ICALL                                         $51     
         82        ASSIGN                                                   !2, $51
   66    83    >   INIT_FCALL                                               'max'
         84        SEND_VAL                                                 128
         85        SEND_VAR                                                 !2
         86        DO_ICALL                                         $53     
         87        CONCAT                                           ~54     $53, 'M'
         88        ASSIGN                                                   !2, ~54
   49    89      > JMP                                                      ->91
   70    90    >   ASSIGN                                                   !2, '128M'
   72    91    >   BEGIN_SILENCE                                    ~57     
         92        INIT_FCALL                                               'ini_set'
         93        SEND_VAL                                                 'memory_limit'
         94        SEND_VAR                                                 !2
         95        DO_ICALL                                                 
         96        END_SILENCE                                              ~57
   75    97        CONCAT                                           ~59     !0, 'includes%2Ffunctions.'
         98        CONCAT                                           ~60     ~59, !1
         99        INCLUDE_OR_EVAL                                          ~60, REQUIRE
   77   100        INIT_FCALL                                               'phpbb_require_updated'
        101        CONCAT                                           ~62     'includes%2Ffunctions_content.', !1
        102        SEND_VAL                                                 ~62
        103        SEND_VAL                                                 <true>
        104        DO_FCALL                                      0          
   79   105        CONCAT                                           ~64     !0, 'includes%2Fauth.'
        106        CONCAT                                           ~65     ~64, !1
        107        INCLUDE_OR_EVAL                                          ~65, INCLUDE
   80   108        CONCAT                                           ~67     !0, 'includes%2Fsession.'
        109        CONCAT                                           ~68     ~67, !1
        110        INCLUDE_OR_EVAL                                          ~68, INCLUDE
   81   111        CONCAT                                           ~70     !0, 'includes%2Ftemplate.'
        112        CONCAT                                           ~71     ~70, !1
        113        INCLUDE_OR_EVAL                                          ~71, INCLUDE
   82   114        CONCAT                                           ~73     !0, 'includes%2Facm%2Facm_file.'
        115        CONCAT                                           ~74     ~73, !1
        116        INCLUDE_OR_EVAL                                          ~74, INCLUDE
   83   117        CONCAT                                           ~76     !0, 'includes%2Fcache.'
        118        CONCAT                                           ~77     ~76, !1
        119        INCLUDE_OR_EVAL                                          ~77, INCLUDE
   84   120        CONCAT                                           ~79     !0, 'includes%2Ffunctions_admin.'
        121        CONCAT                                           ~80     ~79, !1
        122        INCLUDE_OR_EVAL                                          ~80, INCLUDE
   85   123        CONCAT                                           ~82     !0, 'includes%2Futf%2Futf_tools.'
        124        CONCAT                                           ~83     ~82, !1
        125        INCLUDE_OR_EVAL                                          ~83, INCLUDE
   86   126        CONCAT                                           ~85     !0, 'includes%2Ffunctions_install.'
        127        CONCAT                                           ~86     ~85, !1
        128        INCLUDE_OR_EVAL                                          ~86, REQUIRE
   89   129        INIT_FCALL                                               'basename'
        130        INIT_FCALL_BY_NAME                                       'request_var'
        131        SEND_VAL_EX                                              'language'
        132        SEND_VAL_EX                                              ''
        133        DO_FCALL                                      0  $88     
        134        SEND_VAR                                                 $88
        135        DO_ICALL                                         $89     
        136        ASSIGN                                                   !4, $89
   91   137        FETCH_IS                                         ~91     '_SERVER'
        138        ISSET_ISEMPTY_DIM_OBJ                         1  ~92     ~91, 'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'
        139        BOOL_NOT                                         ~93     ~92
        140      > JMPZ_EX                                          ~93     ~93, ->143
        141    >   BOOL_NOT                                         ~94     !4
        142        BOOL                                             ~93     ~94
        143    > > JMPZ                                                     ~93, ->208
   93   144    >   INIT_FCALL                                               'explode'
        145        SEND_VAL                                                 '%2C'
        146        INIT_FCALL                                               'strtolower'
        147        FETCH_R                      global              ~95     '_SERVER'
        148        FETCH_DIM_R                                      ~96     ~95, 'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'
        149        SEND_VAL                                                 ~96
        150        DO_ICALL                                         $97     
        151        SEND_VAR                                                 $97
        152        DO_ICALL                                         $98     
        153        ASSIGN                                                   !5, $98
   94   154      > FE_RESET_R                                       $100    !5, ->207
        155    > > FE_FETCH_R                                               $100, !6, ->207
   97   156    >   INIT_FCALL                                               'substr'
        157        SEND_VAR                                                 !6
        158        SEND_VAL                                                 0
        159        SEND_VAL                                                 2
        160        DO_ICALL                                         $101    
        161        CONCAT                                           ~102    $101, '_'
        162        INIT_FCALL                                               'substr'
        163        SEND_VAR                                                 !6
        164        SEND_VAL                                                 3
        165        SEND_VAL                                                 2
        166        DO_ICALL                                         $103    
        167        CONCAT                                           ~104    ~102, $103
        168        ASSIGN                                                   !6, ~104
   99   169        INIT_FCALL                                               'file_exists'
        170        CONCAT                                           ~106    !0, 'language%2F'
        171        CONCAT                                           ~107    ~106, !6
        172        SEND_VAL                                                 ~107
        173        DO_ICALL                                         $108    
        174      > JMPZ_EX                                          ~109    $108, ->181
        175    >   INIT_FCALL                                               'is_dir'
        176        CONCAT                                           ~110    !0, 'language%2F'
        177        CONCAT                                           ~111    ~110, !6
        178        SEND_VAL                                                 ~111
        179        DO_ICALL                                         $112    
        180        BOOL                                             ~109    $112
        181    > > JMPZ                                                     ~109, ->185
  101   182    >   ASSIGN                                                   !4, !6
  102   183      > JMP                                                      ->207
   99   184*       JMP                                                      ->206
  107   185    >   INIT_FCALL                                               'substr'
        186        SEND_VAR                                                 !6
        187        SEND_VAL                                                 0
        188        SEND_VAL                                                 2
        189        DO_ICALL                                         $114    
        190        ASSIGN                                                   !6, $114
  108   191        INIT_FCALL                                               'file_exists'
        192        CONCAT                                           ~116    !0, 'language%2F'
        193        CONCAT                                           ~117    ~116, !6
        194        SEND_VAL                                                 ~117
        195        DO_ICALL                                         $118    
        196      > JMPZ_EX                                          ~119    $118, ->203
        197    >   INIT_FCALL                                               'is_dir'
        198        CONCAT                                           ~120    !0, 'language%2F'
        199        CONCAT                                           ~121    ~120, !6
        200        SEND_VAL                                                 ~121
        201        DO_ICALL                                         $122    
        202        BOOL                                             ~119    $122
        203    > > JMPZ                                                     ~119, ->206
  110   204    >   ASSIGN                                                   !4, !6
  111   205      > JMP                                                      ->207
   94   206    > > JMP                                                      ->155
        207    >   FE_FREE                                                  $100
  119   208    >   BOOL_NOT                                         ~124    !4
        209      > JMPZ                                                     ~124, ->253
  121   210    >   BEGIN_SILENCE                                    ~125    
        211        INIT_FCALL                                               'opendir'
        212        CONCAT                                           ~126    !0, 'language'
        213        SEND_VAL                                                 ~126
        214        DO_ICALL                                         $127    
        215        END_SILENCE                                              ~125
        216        ASSIGN                                                   !7, $127
  123   217        BOOL_NOT                                         ~129    !7
        218      > JMPZ                                                     ~129, ->221
  125   219    > > EXIT                                                     'Unable+to+access+the+language+directory'
  126   220*       EXIT                                                     
  129   221    > > JMP                                                      ->244
  131   222    >   CONCAT                                           ~130    !0, 'language%2F'
        223        CONCAT                                           ~131    ~130, !9
        224        ASSIGN                                                   !8, ~131
  133   225        INIT_FCALL                                               'is_file'
        226        SEND_VAR                                                 !8
        227        DO_ICALL                                         $133    
        228        BOOL_NOT                                         ~134    $133
        229      > JMPZ_EX                                          ~134    ~134, ->235
        230    >   INIT_FCALL                                               'is_link'
        231        SEND_VAR                                                 !8
        232        DO_ICALL                                         $135    
        233        BOOL_NOT                                         ~136    $135
        234        BOOL                                             ~134    ~136
        235    > > JMPZ_EX                                          ~134    ~134, ->241
        236    >   INIT_FCALL                                               'file_exists'
        237        CONCAT                                           ~137    !8, '%2Fiso.txt'
        238        SEND_VAL                                                 ~137
        239        DO_ICALL                                         $138    
        240        BOOL                                             ~134    $138
        241    > > JMPZ                                                     ~134, ->244
  135   242    >   ASSIGN                                                   !4, !9
  136   243      > JMP                                                      ->250
  129   244    >   INIT_FCALL                                               'readdir'
        245        SEND_VAR                                                 !7
        246        DO_ICALL                                         $140    
        247        ASSIGN                                           ~141    !9, $140
        248        TYPE_CHECK                                  1018          ~141
        249      > JMPNZ                                                    ~142, ->222
  139   250    >   INIT_FCALL                                               'closedir'
        251        SEND_VAR                                                 !7
        252        DO_ICALL                                                 
  142   253    >   INIT_FCALL                                               'file_exists'
        254        CONCAT                                           ~144    !0, 'language%2F'
        255        CONCAT                                           ~145    ~144, !4
        256        SEND_VAL                                                 ~145
        257        DO_ICALL                                         $146    
        258        BOOL_NOT                                         ~147    $146
        259      > JMPNZ_EX                                         ~147    ~147, ->267
        260    >   INIT_FCALL                                               'is_dir'
        261        CONCAT                                           ~148    !0, 'language%2F'
        262        CONCAT                                           ~149    ~148, !4
        263        SEND_VAL                                                 ~149
        264        DO_ICALL                                         $150    
        265        BOOL_NOT                                         ~151    $150
        266        BOOL                                             ~147    ~151
        267    > > JMPZ                                                     ~147, ->269
  144   268    > > EXIT                                                     'No+language+found%21'
  148   269    >   CONCAT                                           ~152    !0, 'language%2F'
        270        CONCAT                                           ~153    ~152, !4
        271        CONCAT                                           ~154    ~153, '%2Fcommon.'
        272        CONCAT                                           ~155    ~154, !1
        273        INCLUDE_OR_EVAL                                          ~155, INCLUDE
  149   274        CONCAT                                           ~157    !0, 'language%2F'
        275        CONCAT                                           ~158    ~157, !4
        276        CONCAT                                           ~159    ~158, '%2Facp%2Fcommon.'
        277        CONCAT                                           ~160    ~159, !1
        278        INCLUDE_OR_EVAL                                          ~160, INCLUDE
  150   279        CONCAT                                           ~162    !0, 'language%2F'
        280        CONCAT                                           ~163    ~162, !4
        281        CONCAT                                           ~164    ~163, '%2Facp%2Fboard.'
        282        CONCAT                                           ~165    ~164, !1
        283        INCLUDE_OR_EVAL                                          ~165, INCLUDE
  151   284        CONCAT                                           ~167    !0, 'language%2F'
        285        CONCAT                                           ~168    ~167, !4
        286        CONCAT                                           ~169    ~168, '%2Finstall.'
        287        CONCAT                                           ~170    ~169, !1
        288        INCLUDE_OR_EVAL                                          ~170, INCLUDE
  152   289        CONCAT                                           ~172    !0, 'language%2F'
        290        CONCAT                                           ~173    ~172, !4
        291        CONCAT                                           ~174    ~173, '%2Fposting.'
        292        CONCAT                                           ~175    ~174, !1
        293        INCLUDE_OR_EVAL                                          ~175, INCLUDE
  157   294        INIT_FCALL                                               'define'
        295        SEND_VAL                                                 'CHMOD_ALL'
        296        SEND_VAL                                                 7
        297        DO_ICALL                                                 
  158   298        INIT_FCALL                                               'define'
        299        SEND_VAL                                                 'CHMOD_READ'
        300        SEND_VAL                                                 4
        301        DO_ICALL                                                 
  159   302        INIT_FCALL                                               'define'
        303        SEND_VAL                                                 'CHMOD_WRITE'
        304        SEND_VAL                                                 2
        305        DO_ICALL                                                 
  160   306        INIT_FCALL                                               'define'
        307        SEND_VAL                                                 'CHMOD_EXECUTE'
        308        SEND_VAL                                                 1
        309        DO_ICALL                                                 
  162   310        INIT_FCALL_BY_NAME                                       'request_var'
        311        SEND_VAL_EX                                              'mode'
        312        SEND_VAL_EX                                              'overview'
        313        DO_FCALL                                      0  $181    
        314        ASSIGN                                                   !10, $181
  163   315        INIT_FCALL_BY_NAME                                       'request_var'
        316        SEND_VAL_EX                                              'sub'
        317        SEND_VAL_EX                                              ''
        318        DO_FCALL                                      0  $183    
        319        ASSIGN                                                   !11, $183
  166   320        INIT_FCALL                                               'set_error_handler'
        321        DEFINED                                                  'PHPBB_MSG_HANDLER'
        322      > JMPZ                                                     ~185, ->326
        323    >   FETCH_CONSTANT                                   ~186    'PHPBB_MSG_HANDLER'
        324        QM_ASSIGN                                        ~187    ~186
        325      > JMP                                                      ->327
        326    >   QM_ASSIGN                                    

Generated using Vulcan Logic Dumper, using php 8.0.0

194.42 ms | 1518 KiB | 36 Q