
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php // Begin PHP script //echo "crs:".$crs."sess:".$sess."yr:".$EXyear."<br />"; $year = 'Y'; if ( $year=='2012' || $year=='2013' || $year=='2014') //temporary - fix year { //echo "year: $year<br />"; //for debugging $nextyr=$year+1; $prevyr=$year-1; //echo "nextyear: $nextyr<br />"; //for debugging //echo "prevyear: $prevyr<br />"; //for debugging $prevyr = substr($prevyr, -2,2); $lookupyr = substr($year, -2); $nextyr = substr($nextyr, -2); //echo "previous year: $prevyr - look up year: $lookupyr - next year: $nextyr<br />";//for debugging // set EX Year according to session variable if ( $sess == 'SP' ){ $EXyear=$prevyr.$lookupyr; } else if ( $sess == 'SU' ){ $EXyear=$prevyr.$lookupyr; } else { $EXyear=$lookupyr.$nextyr; } //echo "EXyear:$EXyear<br />";//for debugging }//temporary else { $EXyear=$year; } if (!isset($FacID)) {// if FacID is not set then check these variables if (!isset($crs) || !isset($sess) || !isset($year)) exit("<h1 align='center'>Sorry, Improper Access</h1>"); if (!isset($ch)) { $ch="OFF"; } if (!isset($cp)) { $cp="OFF"; } if (!isset($sh)) { $sh="OFF"; } if (!isset($ts)) { $ts="OFF"; } if (!isset($tc)) { $tc="OFF"; } if (!isset($wr)) { $wr="OFF"; } if (!isset($all)) { $all=false; } // =============================== // Session module goes here // =============================== $campus_query = ""; $num_campus = 0; $report = ""; // process campus selection if(!$all == "ON") { $campus_query = "and ( "; if ($ch =="ON") { $campus_query .= "section_master_v.loc_cde='CH' "; $num_campus++; $report .= "CH "; } if ($cp =="ON") { if($num_campus > 0) $campus_query .= "or "; $campus_query .= "section_master_v.loc_cde='CP' "; $num_campus++; $report .= "CP "; } if ($sh =="ON") { if($num_campus > 0) $campus_query .= "or "; $campus_query .= "section_master_v.loc_cde='SH' "; $num_campus++; $report .= "SH "; } if ($ts =="ON") { if($num_campus > 0) $campus_query .= "or "; $campus_query .= "section_master_v.loc_cde='TS' "; $num_campus++; $report .= "TS "; } if ($tc =="ON") { if($num_campus > 0) $campus_query .= "or "; $campus_query .= "section_master_v.loc_cde='TC' "; $num_campus++; $report .= "TC "; } if ($wr =="ON") { if($num_campus > 0) $campus_query .= "or "; $campus_query .= "section_master_v.loc_cde='WR' "; $num_campus++; $report .= "WR "; } $campus_query .= " ) "; if($num_campus < 1) { exit("<table><tr><td><font color='white' size='2'><b>Please select a campus.</b></font></td></tr></table>"); } }//if(!$all == "ON") -- process campus selection else { $report = "ALL CAMPUSES"; }// else (!$all == "ON") -- process campus selection //---------- set up calcuations for automatic year based on current date $Cur_Date = getdate(); $Cur_Day = $Cur_Date['mday']; $Cur_Month = $Cur_Date['mon']; $Cur_Year = $Cur_Date['year']; /* if ( $year=='2012' || $year=='2013' || $year=='2014') //temporary - fix year { //echo "year: $year<br />"; //for debugging $nextyr=$year+1; $prevyr=$year-1; //echo "nextyear: $nextyr<br />"; //for debugging //echo "prevyear: $prevyr<br />"; //for debugging $prevyr = substr($prevyr, -2,2); $lookupyr = substr($year, -2); $nextyr = substr($nextyr, -2); //echo "previous year: $prevyr - look up year: $lookupyr - next year: $nextyr<br />";//for debugging // set EX Year according to session variable if ( $sess == 'SP' ){ $EXyear=$prevyr.$lookupyr; } else if ( $sess == 'SU' ){ $EXyear=$prevyr.$lookupyr; } else { $EXyear=$lookupyr.$nextyr; } //echo "EXyear:$EXyear<br />";//for debugging }//temporary else { $EXyear=$year; } */ $query = "select distinct section_master_v.crs_cde, section_master_v.crs_comp1, section_master_v.crs_comp2, section_master_v.crs_comp3, section_master_v.crs_comp4, section_master_v.loc_cde, section_master_v.crs_enrollment, section_master_v.section_sts, section_master_v.crs_capacity, section_master_v.crs_title "; $query .="from section_master_v "; $query .= "where section_master_v.trm_cde='". $sess . "' and section_master_v.yr_cde='". $EXyear. "' "; $query .= $campus_query; $query .= "and section_master_v.crs_comp1 LIKE '". $crs ."%' "; $query .= "order by section_master_v.crs_comp1, section_master_v.crs_comp2, section_master_v.crs_comp4, section_master_v.crs_comp3 "; }// end if $FacID is not set else {// else $FacID is set $query = "select distinct section_schedules.crs_cde, section_schedules.professor_id_num, section_schedules.comment_txt, section_schedules.crs_meet_type, name_master.last_name, name_master.first_name "; $query .="from section_schedules left outer join name_master "; $query .= "on section_schedules.professor_id_num=name_master.id_num "; $query .= "where section_schedules.trm_cde='". $sess . "' and section_schedules.yr_cde='". $EXyear. "' and section_schedules.professor_id_num='". $FacID . "' "; $query .= "order by section_schedules.crs_cde "; $report = "ALL CAMPUSES"; }// end else $FacID is set // print query for debug //echo "<p><font color='white'>$query</p>"; function dbquery($sql) { // function to connect to db and fetch data into an array; function returns an array $arr = array(); $conn = odbc_connect("sqlserver","jenzwebuser","pumpkin@pplepi3"); $rs = odbc_exec($conn,$sql); $x = 1; $ycount=0; while (odbc_fetch_array($rs, $rownumber=null)) { for ($y = 1; $y <= odbc_num_fields($rs); $y++) { $arr[$x][$y] = odbc_result($rs,$y); $ycount=$y; } $x++; } // echo "x:".$x." y:".$ycount."<br />"; if ($x > 1) return $arr; else return null; } $array = dbquery($query); //$arraysize = count($array); //echo "arraysize:".$arraysize."<br />"; // Main table for formatting - Beginning echo "<table width='700' cellpadding='10' border='0'>"; echo "<tr><td width='5'></td><td align='left' valign='top'>"; // Dummy table beginning for proper output echo "<table width='100%'><tr><td>"; // report info echo "<table width='100%'><tr><td><font color='white'><b>Session: $sess $EXyear </td><td align='right'><font color='white'><b>Campuses: $report</td></tr></table>"; // search by department ---------------------seacrh by faculty id // 1 - crs_cde 1 - crs_cde // 2 - crs_comp1 2 - professor_id_num // 3 - crs_comp2 3 - comment_txt // 4 - crs_comp3 4 - crs_meet_type // 5 - crs_comp4 5 - last_name // 6 - loc_cde 6 - first_name // 7 - crs_enrollment 7 // 8 - section_sts 8 // 9 - crs_capacity 9 // 10 - crs_title 10 if($array!=null ) { echo "<table border='0' bgcolor='#BFBFBF' width='100%' style='border-collapse: collapse' bordercolor='black'><tr><td>"; $last_crsno = null; for ($i=1; $i<count($array)+1; $i++)// step through array to get course info { //execute the SQL query and return course information if (isset($FacID)) //search by faculty id { $crsmeettype = $array[$i][4]; $comtxt = $array[$i][3]; $crscde_1 = trim($array[$i][1]); //$crscdearr = explode(" ",$crscde_1); //$crscde_1 = trim($crscdearr[0])." ".trim($crscdearr[1])." ".trim($crscdearr[2]); //if ( sizeof($crscdearr)==4 ) //{ $crscde_1 .= " ".trim($crscdearr[3]); } $query = " select distinct section_master_v.crs_comp1, section_master_v.crs_comp2, section_master_v.crs_comp3, section_master_v.crs_comp4, section_master_v.loc_cde, section_master_v.crs_enrollment, section_master_v.section_sts, section_master_v.crs_capacity, section_master_v.crs_title FROM section_master_v WHERE ( section_master_v.yr_cde = '".$EXyear."' ) AND ( section_master_v.trm_cde = '".$sess."' ) AND ( section_master_v.crs_cde = '". trim($crscde_1)."' )"; // echo "q2:".$query."<br />"; $conn = odbc_connect("sqlserver","jenzwebuser","pumpkin@pplepi3"); $result = odbc_exec($conn,$query); $row = odbc_fetch_array($result); //put results in array $crscomp1 = $row["crs_comp1"]; // get 1st element $crscomp2 = $row["crs_comp2"]; // get second element $crscomp3 = $row["crs_comp3"]; // get thrid element $crscomp4 = $row["crs_comp4"]; // get fourth element $loccde = $row["loc_cde"]; // get fifth element $crsenrll = $row["crs_enrollment"]; // get sixth element $secsts = $row["section_sts"]; // get seventh element $crscap = $row["crs_capacity"]; // get eighth element $crstitle = $row["crs_title"]; // get eighth element //fix instrutor name incase there in a peron called "Staff" (last name only) $instructor_name = null; if (trim($array[$i][6])==null ) // check first name $instructor_name=$array[$i][5]; else $instructor_name=$array[$i][5].", ".$array[$i][6]; //set course name if ( trim($crscomp4) == 'L' ) // if comp4 is empty (not a lab) $crs_no = trim($crscomp1)." ".trim($crscomp2)." ".trim($crscomp4); // add lab "L" to course name else $crs_no = trim($crscomp1)." ".trim($crscomp2); // don't add lab "L" to course name if ( $last_crsno == $crs_no) //if last course name and current course name are the same, reset course name (do nothing really) { $crs_no = ""; // print nothing } else {// current course name different then last course name. Make a new table with course name header echo "<table border='0' width='100%'><tr>"; echo "<td colspan='2' width='40%'><font color='black'><b>" . $crs_no . "</b></font></td>"; echo "<td colspan='4' align='right'><b>". $crstitle. "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr bgcolor='white'>"; echo "<td align='center' width='10%'></td>"; echo "<td align='center'><b><font color='#2A4266'>Section</font></td>"; echo "<td align='center'><b><font color='#2A4266'>Campus</font></td>"; echo "<td align='center'><b><font color='#2A4266'>Instructor</font></td>"; echo "<td align='center'><b><font color='#2A4266'># Students</font></td>"; echo "<td align='center'><b><font color='#2A4266'>Notes</font></td></tr>"; $last_crsno = $crs_no; } }// end if seach by FacID else //search by department { $crscde = trim($array[$i][1]); // get 1st element $crscomp1 = trim($array[$i][2]); // get 2st element $crscomp2 = trim($array[$i][3]); // get 3rd element $crscomp3 = trim($array[$i][4]); // get 4th element $crscomp4 = trim($array[$i][5]); // get 5th element $loccde = trim($array[$i][6]); // get 6th element $crsenrll = trim($array[$i][7]); // get 7th element $secsts = trim($array[$i][8]); // get 8th element $crscap = trim($array[$i][9]); // get 9th element $crstitle = trim($array[$i][10]); if ( $crscomp4 == 'L' ) // if comp4 is empty (not a lab) $crs_no = $crscomp1." ".$crscomp2." ".$crscomp4; // add lab "L" to course name else $crs_no = $crscomp1." ".$crscomp2; // don't add lab "L" to course name if ( $last_crsno == $crs_no) //if last course name and current course name are the same, reset course name (do nothing really) { $crs_no = ""; // print nothing } else {// current course name different then last course name. Make a new table with course name header echo "<table border='0' width='100%'><tr>"; echo "<td colspan='2' width='40%'><font color='black'><b>" . $crs_no . "</b></font></td>"; echo "<td colspan='4' align='right'><b>". $crstitle. "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr bgcolor='white'>"; echo "<td align='center' width='10%'></td>"; echo "<td align='center'><b><font color='#2A4266'>Section</font></td>"; echo "<td align='center'><b><font color='#2A4266'>Campus</font></td>"; echo "<td align='center'><b><font color='#2A4266'>Instructor</font></td>"; echo "<td align='center'><b><font color='#2A4266'># Students</font></td>"; echo "<td align='center'><b><font color='#2A4266'>Notes</font></td></tr>"; $last_crsno = $crs_no; } $query = " SELECT crs_meet_type, comment_txt, professor_id_num, name_master.last_name, name_master.first_name FROM section_schedules left outer join name_master on section_schedules.professor_id_num=name_master.id_num WHERE ( section_schedules.yr_cde = '".$EXyear."' ) AND ( section_schedules.trm_cde = '".$sess."' ) AND ( section_schedules.crs_cde like '". $crscde . "' ); "; //if ($i==10){ echo "q2:".$query."<br />";} $conn = odbc_connect("sqlserver","jenzwebuser","pumpkin@pplepi3"); $result = odbc_exec($conn,$query); $row = odbc_fetch_array($result); //put results in array $crsmeettype = $row["crs_meet_type"]; // get 1st element $comtxt = $row["comment_txt"]; // get second element $facid = $row["professor_id_num"]; $last_name = $row["last_name"]; $first_name = $row["first_name"]; //fix instrutor name incase there in a peron called "Staff" (last name only) $instructor_name = null; if (trim($first_name)==null ) // check first name $instructor_name=trim($last_name); else $instructor_name=trim($last_name).", ".$first_name; }// else search by department if ($secsts=='C') {// class cancelled echo "<tr bgcolor='white'>"; echo "<td align='center' width='10%'><font color='gray'><b>CANC</font></td>"; echo "<td align='center' width='13%'><font color='gray'><b>" . $crscomp3 . "</td>"; echo "<td align='center' width='13%'><font color='gray'><b>" . $loccde . "</td>"; echo "<td align='center' width='25%'><font color='gray'><b>" . $instructor_name . "</td>"; echo "<td align='center' width='15%'><font color='gray'><b>" . $crsenrll. "/" . $crscap . "</font></td>"; //display itv if set if ( (trim($crsmeettype)=='LC') || (trim($crsmeettype)=='LB') ) echo "<td align='center' width='19%'><font color='gray'><b>-</td>"; else echo "<td align='center' width='19%'><font color='gray'><b>" . $crsmeettype."-".$comtxt . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; }// end if class cancelled else if ($secsts=='F') {// class full echo "<tr bgcolor='white'>"; echo "<td align='center' width='10%'><font color='red'><b>CLOS</font></td>"; echo "<td align='center' width='13%'><font color='red'><b>" . $crscomp3 . "</td>"; echo "<td align='center' width='13%'><font color='red'><b>" . $loccde . "</td>"; echo "<td align='center' width='25%'><font color='red'><b>" . $instructor_name . "</td>"; echo "<td align='center' width='15%'><font color='red'><b>" .$crsenrll. "</font><font color='gray'>/" . $crscap. "</font></td>"; //display itv if set if ( (trim($crsmeettype)=='LC') || (trim($crsmeettype)=='LB') ) echo "<td align='center' width='19%'><font color='red'><b> - </td>"; else echo "<td align='center' width='19%'><font color='red'><b>" .$crsmeettype."-". $comtxt . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; }// end if class full else {// class open echo "<tr bgcolor='white'>"; echo "<td align='center' width='10%'><font color='#006B00'><b>OPEN</td>"; echo "<td align='center' width='13%'><font color='#006B00'><b>" . $crscomp3 . "</td>"; echo "<td align='center' width='13%'><font color='#006B00'><b>" . $loccde . "</td>"; echo "<td align='center' width='25%'><font color='#006B00'><b>" . $instructor_name . "</td>"; echo "<td align='center' width='15%'><font color='#006B00'><b>" . $crsenrll . "</font><font color='gray'>/" . $crscap. "</font></td>"; //display itv if set if ( (trim($crsmeettype)=='LC') || (trim($crsmeettype)=='LB') ) echo "<td align='center' width='19%'><font color='#006B00'><b> - </td>"; else echo "<td align='center' width='19%'><font color='#006B00'><b>" . $crsmeettype."-".$comtxt . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; }// end class open }// for loop // Finish up tables echo "</table></td></tr></table><br>"; odbc_close($conn); }// if array is not empty else { echo "<table width='100%'><tr><td bgcolor='#CCCCCC'>"; if (isset($FacID)) echo "<font size=2><b>Sorry, no courses being offered for <font color='red'>specified ID</font> for <font color='red'> $sess $EXyear</font> at the specified campuses.</b></font>"; else echo "<font size=2><b>Sorry, no <font color='red'>$crs</font> courses being offered for <font color='red'>$sess $EXyear</font> at the specified campuses.</b></font>"; echo "</td></tr></table>"; }// end else array empty /////////////////////////// // Main table for formatting - End echo "</td></tr>"; echo "</table>"; //echo "</center>"; ?>
Output for git.master, git.master_jit, rfc.property-hooks
<h1 align='center'>Sorry, Improper Access</h1>

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30.22 ms | 401 KiB | 8 Q