
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php $pass='test'; $hash = password_hash($pass, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); echo $hash; $hash = crypt ($pass); echo $hash; echo password_needs_rehash($hash, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); echo password_verify($pass, $hash);
Output for 7.3.1
$2y$10$ZcpF0gXkqKq6xMhxEY0yVeqfAk0ZlJ9YENtG8kFgRdWnrUDYFNHP. Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$qaiyi82D$lDyQIwwCAIGcrE1r3FK67.11
Output for 7.3.0
$2y$10$GuC9vEz0G7nEeKPk3MDC7.ygviaA7mAroGDyIiRwysm6o4scsymFu Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$lm6Uk9i6$g6BPI/t6GGVXlrjHYwxtH011
Output for 7.2.13
$2y$10$cXjFoXTv/NTD6h.oFTHAPu04.x0cGtxCA/giZ2RufYMFPbFKFGjy. Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$pUEv6Gcs$PmmTQfSjZvQJ5gxzwFYIN.11
Output for 7.2.12
$2y$10$snX0A0uXkbbBZiQEW5Trz.3nXy71P9Sry2JLGYqBCKN6e22w6/0ca Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$lhngcveS$.lCZbvy8yIfGRewkbunKF011
Output for 7.2.11
$2y$10$m9N2iGM.EdtQ.aq.0j4ZMu6E0xnKbh5XB275pJAhwUkUq4TESsOky Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$RirLzMT/$c49C.xxHeoagbAIKzHn/g.11
Output for 7.2.10
$2y$10$w51Gts8bsxgKZobLH2ym7eUEV7v4GDgUpnByOSldQ8CJuGMlxJnCu Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$keYyIHw3$HoPlLA1wFKhXwGFCZVYUF011
Output for 7.2.9
$2y$10$g8FbuPfAMs7Y5rrB2QwfW.1RevAVmdaR9Wc5uoZxCM6QUrLhvvALK Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$sXwfqFLp$jhfML7ST1QBxVQ6BWqGbD/11
Output for 7.2.8
$2y$10$mYzctAeycFqBnR2pmb9tK.P6bhgi.PtEnCtblEW02bvCnThWhrjaW Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$eahw7Oa6$Va5FPlTaP0muTE2xqPUyo011
Output for 7.2.7
$2y$10$BIjv.V.RzrRhzL2Jpf05vOnYi7psRbXq8XCNJWM9xm0gP5g/dYGaG Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$MfyhWMU5$W8GLQijcpocUpl0QOgb23111
Output for 7.2.6
$2y$10$FJ0ayjvGIhsq.5CmVOq3j.yyuLIQjU8tKzhxehlStaZb6x2/yKct2 Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$e4SEJK7z$W1ZsPK0slBKVX1uwzkvRJ011
Output for 7.2.5
$2y$10$dCibnG1px5P27iEmSj/eV.gOkCJJ2gwi4OfLjw/igosZYZRGI9scC Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$8iGfKOeB$2X6tRv2eHq5/.v4WiJnfg011
Output for 7.2.4
$2y$10$nZmgBW7R8xKmb0wCwdvrBO6Vz1nx7xjPjwWyWmKs8h5.2R9JEZjOi Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$YNEqmjSl$NZtFiib9OZbs6.HeLxZuk111
Output for 7.2.3
$2y$10$mdjBfDKROoXwl540JoYP6OtO13t0gderZjvAob.4EUv3GWUwNVNSy Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$uj0FZK/O$Y14Ti5c3vQEyTXj.tbifV011
Output for 7.2.2
$2y$10$VIVzWzhGU3FpIKhhMnq/kOAoChEd7Ql2a0QcxpzsOj8dC7zn3rm3W Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$99KrF.Ee$97y..zHZaaLLy5qC1TkPU111
Output for 7.2.1
$2y$10$1JpbP8FJ9vORJJcqEbORTun.toWz9bW0r5scPmB3us/ZBMU3IJa1u Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$0VQKQi.n$o6RjwFmapSYlSIPdAWtrY111
Output for 7.2.0
$2y$10$1R0qxguCxRnNZA9Z.UQSdOfGnl88WB7bsJDy554aHvqHb6WoIlzFK Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$AeGM34ZZ$7di2lcMzp2aOSV8m.KCSq011
Output for 7.1.25
$2y$10$4AUithJO/RnpUS8lPzuTbekOQwrXpzQG/NX23BjfNCNh5QjXmbuLe Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$TRvhEQqo$DpTAAbQfGdstxvGRNrSQt111
Output for 7.1.20
$2y$10$eXVzu7hqBG3XHXYaZQ5r8Oob9JMltLGEgKOKqCiVgDprVdyt9VJdG Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$E5GiIgw0$l8bO6/HjhIIOfjrEag6Wt/11
Output for 7.1.10
$2y$10$4yiX8gX1RQHrNlABT3U6FefgS2EGYYqxHd4W5.KS1lovgxTxgrXZS Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$PLD7EViy$kqq1UMzoZmfXXLLS9NEyD011
Output for 7.1.7
$2y$10$rALzfMVC.VFwTU8/yfYNWu5tHapvl.73c5Fqe0/WK1NTHdBlKBYKm Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$K8RsfWsn$cEDadFKMrJTR5vItM75pw/11
Output for 7.1.6
$2y$10$tRMDyk5siNdTm7ma25Of8efJcJ.QPu0vyt2wdMPRHSFavgWU//mx6 Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$S43PCSRM$4UmRoTJTAOLc/ZDyot8.J011
Output for 7.1.5
$2y$10$IHRele.z1SFnUq4Prxr13u/Ba68N.JwnZHEn71R2.zLX/n1La4NJu Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$1RSgH3K4$MITaOCkIXwkPHRUqGZOB6.11
Output for 7.1.0
$2y$10$ZGByPf4WzwQ2pkDFYmAoduAFUwgZRuo3cJIzoYA3/.tVb2yYHS06. Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$PSvS0xYL$LwB543W5jwFZySYWv3SMC111
Output for 7.0.20
$2y$10$LlNOr56UD6X09j0c47CtcOMAEFbLaSmJIsM7zXxFDQhgakssYo2A. Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$2M8DO43D$ccGckgCPYxv6hDLFEN427011
Output for 7.0.6
$2y$10$.YzWZ8Vd1ZGJxNA0iWkhNORxxx80H2jxAY7NwhQKX6VmePUoneCDW Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$vu7LjhQo$vrg0F.hdlSYkZE7T8qyq6111
Output for 7.0.5
$2y$10$Xm.1HY5g1qD6F.6dcExaDuVY1Oj7IQAa9l5xmABQC0UTuv1tn2cJW Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$Xd6ilOmI$grnWKTmHhKpYQISrfrxh2011
Output for 7.0.4
$2y$10$GjoEuQWTogB7w59ySBUCy.SxJP3VPXvSLo/puFYYe1.NBh9QdrSkS Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$/PUy8JE7$fLxZKpkaRHUjLxhkcv9JU/11
Output for 7.0.3
$2y$10$2xXzDS4jgXg5lIfzqYCbDOSleV1xTJaCYyaJF/OojRyA2C1NnCVCy Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$LzbGDe.H$RzpOkFXdLgf2YPFHc13ib/11
Output for 7.0.2
$2y$10$G3UZIgLVzSbuC8ZCuZrLxuYhw.H1WK237yARztnDXuTLT6Aai5x.K Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$yHTwmgXu$WlWgFr6yUIAMtzFGlqj11.11
Output for 7.0.1
$2y$10$PzuwpetymJuskwQ55D40kOVa2X3mWUNIh0d28Tf6nNgftN1gIMh3W Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$Lzgt.UJf$MHyIzBlGaN53lCG6ssDJd/11
Output for 7.0.0
$2y$10$IlMqjTuiV6ejF4IKkY4TQuloQaI0uhdJbqD2Pk.Jc9RQXllCgOTF2 Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$K8rEXyT3$wnUEN2TjK2o1S4wt.H5Ze111
Output for 5.6.28
$2y$10$540Oa6VVGv0OYOqVst/fy.LKnM28fKnT8misUxkwdvsCidzkEQ24m Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$MqlUPnL9$XiBJFe1N5vr.zZS7Dp4dy/11
Output for 5.6.21
$2y$10$Mwcqrm0Z1hzRET9qmExrQ.5ZtMnhalQGUH.vRAXIJPbd1H0GbJxQK Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$2oo3CJss$o9rUWFlZkzA4X0AiJ18A7.11
Output for 5.6.20
$2y$10$zDbelF9SgWDJvj2/yAGvf.xBCRv015mCr3jpzbUE1GR6u/1V8fCAq Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$6h/09wIY$gQ.6sU2AzSQ1kGKqpdJ9a111
Output for 5.6.19
$2y$10$kMs9tTDGVFuey0bAND50vePVw4i.hT0kWELuIAdF/w4jD8uxb.Sy2 Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$0o6XA2kI$yCJBSmLb5GYe.eDOFgXXe011
Output for 5.6.18
$2y$10$V5eZm/e880UdFMAbdcSnMulkEXGRRNuJGiurPfm2IDLT01aUgu4he Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$K4qAraA0$GDCuRkaJRZpNw0OdI.XO3.11
Output for 5.6.17
$2y$10$asmUBQW7w/etsLA9QTjliOwPLktgwhh0Vw9PVBIF0ej/7tMahLXqi Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$pzonqqki$mZbmZHuAlqQfvsmbdd7bJ.11
Output for 5.6.16
$2y$10$hjKL0hzaC/CfRkqNdJw5LO5Q6JSxY1r3Md/yT8gmBlvQAC7UTIv1e Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$3fksDqGn$VIurPg411pH2fTnn7TvmD011
Output for 5.6.15
$2y$10$zMg2tzMYiEX8eCc64cYOTezBJ5.8fQzM5xO8sPHsV7BjZJlTIVwxO Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$Hz2eT0Sw$nDBO/vGSFAstvXjXIK/8I/11
Output for 5.6.14
$2y$10$bwKAUj/SyfuuWlJejwh1..Qb8dIXvEY7A2zQd4i1lg7to1uhFp1sC Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$bU0Ojbt.$foWkJTBmyItUrArgB7S5m.11
Output for 5.6.13
$2y$10$hwY2DwvHcy/Z4cL/vTA4BeLg3/kDl/Dp4F/KUsL//wglQvuRoXBAe Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$ImeTcmZQ$vOHO5e2VMOR4OwQYNXVQ/011
Output for 5.6.12
$2y$10$8Gup8kBhfQ4RJDXtvnJ2KOeoDn1ks0bV23/hZuWtXtlmy0sRhmPGa Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$Zl3F0JSC$e5stgcLcL4KnDOjpGBWx0111
Output for 5.6.11
$2y$10$Pl.4PU5bY7xQp.vPaVl/IOzPorV6dlmDylVB5g3s0aREIbC3kBx6K Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$ws4TF/Rr$hEqh9QWyZoJuB.QXSPDFr011
Output for 5.6.10
$2y$10$I93KsCFpNr81iV.zDuLaSORDskg5hmoHbBn.ccz3xS/Nsa4Rjmc26 Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$8D3FnxN3$tAE98m0wA7djNA/Iey4vw.11
Output for 5.6.9
$2y$10$3xOoR8QdbXHadY6TnBrZcem2MnCoBUbOcRpWDWBRz3hdTSzRu/iIe Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$Q1PuCxoy$A/EooYcj.ZUblcqm4E1p..11
Output for 5.6.8
$2y$10$8SUgPMtLGwvyKIZPez/cLOQNNcG.b0FDq0tZMrNPx0T6eLZqionei Notice: crypt(): No salt parameter was specified. You must use a randomly generated salt and a strong hash function to produce a secure hash. in /in/47mqf on line 5 $1$4KbEJXC9$/AwkqJZwmRJzoZjMupnat.11
Output for 5.5.35
Output for 5.5.34
Output for 5.5.33
Output for 5.5.32
Output for 5.5.31
Output for 5.5.30
Output for 5.5.29
Output for 5.5.28
Output for 5.5.27
Output for 5.5.26
Output for 5.5.25
Output for 5.5.24
Output for 5.4.0 - 5.4.45
Fatal error: Call to undefined function password_hash() in /in/47mqf on line 3
Process exited with code 255.

108.85 ms | 403 KiB | 108 Q