
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php $str = 'Hello I am a very very very very long string'; $compressed = gzcompress($str, 9); $uncompressed = gzuncompress($compressed); echo $str, "\n"; echo $uncompressed, "\n"; echo base64_encode($compressed), "\n"; echo bin2hex($compressed), "\n"; echo urlencode($compressed), "\n";
Output for git.master, git.master_jit, rfc.property-hooks
Hello I am a very very very very long string Hello I am a very very very very long string eNrzSM3JyVfwVEjMVUhUKEstqkQncvLz0hWKS4oy89IBV2AP7A== 78daf348cdc9c957f05448cc554854284b2daa442772f2f3d2158a4b8a32f3d20157600fec x%DA%F3H%CD%C9%C9W%F0TH%CCUHT%28K-%AAD%27r%F2%F3%D2%15%8AK%8A2%F3%D2%01W%60%0F%EC

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