
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php class IteratorV1 implements Iterator { private $index; public $table; function __construct(SplFixedArray $table){ $this->table = $table; $this->rewind(); } function rewind(){ $this->index = -1; $this->next(); } function next(){ while( ++$this->index < $this->table->count() && $this->table->offsetGet($this->index) === NULL ); } function valid(){ return $this->index < $this->table->count(); } function key(){ return $this->table->offsetGet($this->index)->uncommentMe; } function current(){ return $this->table->offsetGet($this->index)->uncommentMe; } } class IteratorV2 implements Iterator { private $index; private $array; private $entry; function __construct(SplFixedArray $array){ $this->array = $array; $this->rewind(); } function rewind(){ for( $this->index = 0; $this->index < $this->array->count(); $this->index++ ){ $this->entry = $this->array->offsetGet($this->index); if($this->entry !== NULL){ return; } } $this->entry = NULL; } function next(){ for( $this->index++; $this->index < $this->array->count(); $this->index++ ){ $this->entry = $this->array->offsetGet($this->index); if($this->entry !== NULL){ return; } } $this->entry = NULL; } function valid(){ return $this->entry !== NULL; } function key(){ return $this->entry->uncommentMe; } function current(){ return $this->entry->uncommentMe; } } class Entry{ public $uncommentMe = 123; } $array = new SplFixedArray(2 ** 18); for($i = 0; $i < (2 ** 18) / 2; $i++){ $array->offsetSet($i * 2, new Entry); } echo "should be slower:\n"; $st = microtime(true); foreach(new IteratorV1($array) as $key => $content){} echo number_format(microtime(true) - $st, 10) . "s\n"; echo "should be faster:\n"; $st = microtime(true); foreach(new IteratorV2($array) as $key => $content){} echo number_format(microtime(true) - $st, 10) . "s\n";

26.71 ms | 402 KiB | 5 Q