
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php declare(strict_types=1); // print() ignores strict_types... print(1 + 2) * 3; // outputs "9"; the parentheses cause 1+2 to be evaluated first, then 3*3 // the print statement sees the whole expression as one argument // As for the type mismatch? the strict_types ? ignored.. echo "\n"; if ( print("hello") && false ) { print "WTF: inside if"; } else { print "OK: inside else"; } echo "\n"; if ( 1 && false ) { print "WTF: inside if"; } else { print "OK: inside else"; } echo "\n"; print "hello " && print "world"; // outputs "world1"; ... WTF? echo "\n"; ob_start(); print "hello " && print "world"; $str = ob_get_clean(); assert(str_contains($str, 'hello'));

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