
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php // Benchmarking function with garbage collection disabled function benchmark($callback, $iterations = 100) { gc_disable(); // Disable garbage collection for clearer memory tracking $startTime = microtime(true); $startMemory = memory_get_peak_usage(); for ($i = 0; $i < $iterations; $i++) { $callback(); } $endTime = microtime(true); $endMemory = memory_get_peak_usage(); gc_enable(); // Re-enable garbage collection return [ 'time' => $endTime - $startTime, 'peak_memory' => $endMemory - $startMemory, ]; } // Test data - larger arrays to better see memory impact $baseArray = range(1, 1000); $newData = range(1001, 2000); // Method 1: Using array_merge in a loop $mergeArray = $baseArray; $mergeBenchmark = benchmark(function () use (&$mergeArray, $newData) { $tempArray = $mergeArray; // Clone array for memory comparison $mergeArray = array_merge($tempArray, $newData); }); // Method 2: Using array unpacking in a loop $unpackArray = $baseArray; $unpackBenchmark = benchmark(function () use (&$unpackArray, $newData) { $tempArray = $unpackArray; // Clone array for memory comparison $unpackArray = [...$tempArray, ...$newData]; }); // Display results echo "Array Merge:\n"; echo "Time: " . $mergeBenchmark['time'] . " seconds\n"; echo "Peak Memory: " . $mergeBenchmark['peak_memory'] . " bytes\n\n"; echo "Array Unpacking:\n"; echo "Time: " . $unpackBenchmark['time'] . " seconds\n"; echo "Peak Memory: " . $unpackBenchmark['peak_memory'] . " bytes\n";
Output for git.master_jit
Array Merge: Time: 0.059792995452881 seconds Peak Memory: 4202616 bytes Array Unpacking: Time: 0.032917022705078 seconds Peak Memory: 2101736 bytes
Output for git.master
Array Merge: Time: 0.063530921936035 seconds Peak Memory: 4202616 bytes Array Unpacking: Time: 0.029899120330811 seconds Peak Memory: 2101736 bytes

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