
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); ini_set('display_errors', 1); function getFillNotion(\DateTimeImmutable $fillStart, \DateTimeImmutable $fillEnd, \DateTimeInterface $gapStart, \DateTimeInterface $gapEnd) { //$gapInterval = $gapStart->diff($gapEnd); // Doesn't work $gapInterval = new \DateInterval('PT'.($gapEnd->getTimestamp() - $gapStart->getTimestamp()).'S'); if($gapStart > $fillStart) { //The fill is older than the gap so make the fill's endTime match the gap's endTime $fillEndModified = $fillEnd ->modify('previous '.$gapEnd->format('D')) ->setTime(...explode('.', $gapEnd->format('H.i.s.u'))); if($fillEndModified->diff($fillEnd)->format('%a') >= 7) { $fillEndModified = $fillEndModified->add(new \DateInterval('P7D')); } $fillStartModified = $fillEndModified->sub($gapInterval); if($fillStartModified < $fillStart) { return []; } } else { //The fill is newer than the gap so make the fill's startTime match the gap's startTime $fillStartModified = $fillStart ->modify('next '.$gapStart->format('D')) ->setTime(...explode('.', $gapStart->format('H.i.s.u'))); if($fillStart->diff($fillStartModified)->format('%a') >= 7) { $fillStartModified = $fillStartModified->sub(new \DateInterval('P7D')); } $fillEndModified = $fillStartModified->add($gapInterval); if($fillEndModified > $fillEnd) { return []; } } return [$fillStartModified, $fillEndModified]; } function getFillRequinix(\DateTime $fillStart, \DateTime $fillEnd, \DateTime $gapStart, \DateTime $gapEnd) { // // being with the original start $fillStartModified = clone $fillStart; // move to the next weekday and time $wdtStart = $gapStart->format("l H:i:s"); if ($fillStartModified->format("l H:i:s") != $wdtStart) { $fillStartModified->modify("next {$wdtStart}"); } // get the duration, minus a bit so we can do a "next <day>" after $days = $gapStart->diff($gapEnd)->days - 1; // get the weekday and time $wdtEnd = $gapEnd->format("l H:i:s"); // update $fillEndModified = clone $fillStartModified; $fillEndModified->modify("+${days} days"); $fillEndModified->modify("next {$wdtEnd}"); return $fillStartModified < $fillStart || $fillEndModified > $fillEnd?[]:[$fillStartModified, $fillEndModified]; } function isDifferent(?DateTimeInterface $requinix, $notion) { if($requinix xor $notion) { return true; } elseif(!$requinix && !$notion) { return false; } else { return $requinix->getTimestamp() !== $notion->getTimestamp(); } } /* Fill Sunday 2019-02-17 08:09:53 -> Saturday 2019-04-06 19:09:48 Gap Sunday 2019-04-14 20:33:00 -> Tuesday 2019-05-28 10:05:28 */ $max = 800*24*60*60; $int = 80*24*60*60; $score = ['requinix'=>0, 'notion'=>0, 'tie'=>0, 'nofill'=>0]; for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) { $fillEnd = time()-rand(0, $max); $fillStart = $fillEnd-rand(0, $int); $gapEnd = time()-rand(0, $max); $gapStart = $gapEnd-rand(0, $int); $fillEnd = new DateTime("@$fillEnd"); $fillStart = new DateTime("@$fillStart"); $gapEnd = new DateTime("@$gapEnd"); $gapStart = new DateTime("@$gapStart"); $fillRequinix = getFillRequinix($fillStart, $fillEnd, $gapStart, $gapEnd); $fillNotion = getFillNotion(DateTimeImmutable::createFromMutable( $fillStart ), DateTimeImmutable::createFromMutable( $fillEnd ), $gapStart, $gapEnd); if($fillRequinix && $fillNotion) { $gapStartTimestamp = $gapStart->getTimestamp(); $fillRequinixOffset = abs($gapStartTimestamp - $fillRequinix[0]->getTimestamp()); $fillNotionOffset = abs($gapStartTimestamp - $fillNotion[0]->getTimestamp()); if($fillRequinixOffset === $fillNotionOffset) { $score['tie']++; } elseif($fillRequinixOffset<$fillNotionOffset) { $score['requinix']++; } else { $score['notion']++; } } elseif($fillRequinix) { $score['requinix']++; } elseif($fillNotion) { $score['notion']++; } else { $score['nofill']++; } } $score['total'] = array_sum($score); print_r($score);
Output for 7.4.10
Array ( [requinix] => 79 [notion] => 2145 [tie] => 2315 [nofill] => 5461 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.4.9
Array ( [requinix] => 65 [notion] => 2118 [tie] => 2369 [nofill] => 5448 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.4.8
Array ( [requinix] => 62 [notion] => 2124 [tie] => 2373 [nofill] => 5441 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.4.7
Array ( [requinix] => 64 [notion] => 2103 [tie] => 2322 [nofill] => 5511 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.4.6
Array ( [requinix] => 58 [notion] => 2191 [tie] => 2375 [nofill] => 5376 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.4.5
Array ( [requinix] => 74 [notion] => 2113 [tie] => 2349 [nofill] => 5464 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.4.4
Array ( [requinix] => 76 [notion] => 2073 [tie] => 2424 [nofill] => 5427 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.4.3
Array ( [requinix] => 75 [notion] => 2062 [tie] => 2408 [nofill] => 5455 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.4.2
Array ( [requinix] => 67 [notion] => 2088 [tie] => 2414 [nofill] => 5431 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.4.1
Array ( [requinix] => 62 [notion] => 2152 [tie] => 2313 [nofill] => 5473 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.4.0
Array ( [requinix] => 58 [notion] => 2106 [tie] => 2454 [nofill] => 5382 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.3.22
Array ( [requinix] => 73 [notion] => 2108 [tie] => 2377 [nofill] => 5442 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.3.21
Array ( [requinix] => 62 [notion] => 2067 [tie] => 2362 [nofill] => 5509 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.3.20
Array ( [requinix] => 77 [notion] => 2084 [tie] => 2398 [nofill] => 5441 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.3.19
Array ( [requinix] => 66 [notion] => 2064 [tie] => 2365 [nofill] => 5505 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.3.18
Array ( [requinix] => 68 [notion] => 2105 [tie] => 2419 [nofill] => 5408 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.3.17
Array ( [requinix] => 68 [notion] => 2197 [tie] => 2319 [nofill] => 5416 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.3.16
Array ( [requinix] => 88 [notion] => 2106 [tie] => 2354 [nofill] => 5452 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.3.15
Array ( [requinix] => 70 [notion] => 2093 [tie] => 2380 [nofill] => 5457 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.3.14
Array ( [requinix] => 85 [notion] => 2154 [tie] => 2368 [nofill] => 5393 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.3.13
Array ( [requinix] => 64 [notion] => 2086 [tie] => 2365 [nofill] => 5485 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.3.12
Array ( [requinix] => 79 [notion] => 2154 [tie] => 2435 [nofill] => 5332 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.3.11
Array ( [requinix] => 67 [notion] => 2107 [tie] => 2372 [nofill] => 5454 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.3.10
Array ( [requinix] => 73 [notion] => 2118 [tie] => 2367 [nofill] => 5442 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.3.9
Array ( [requinix] => 80 [notion] => 2157 [tie] => 2416 [nofill] => 5347 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.3.8
Array ( [requinix] => 71 [notion] => 2158 [tie] => 2374 [nofill] => 5397 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.3.7
Array ( [requinix] => 76 [notion] => 2179 [tie] => 2353 [nofill] => 5392 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.3.6
Array ( [requinix] => 80 [notion] => 2091 [tie] => 2383 [nofill] => 5446 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.3.5
Array ( [requinix] => 59 [notion] => 2155 [tie] => 2362 [nofill] => 5424 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.3.4
Array ( [requinix] => 73 [notion] => 2139 [tie] => 2357 [nofill] => 5431 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.3.3
Array ( [requinix] => 62 [notion] => 2089 [tie] => 2422 [nofill] => 5427 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.3.2
Array ( [requinix] => 58 [notion] => 2111 [tie] => 2344 [nofill] => 5487 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.3.1
Array ( [requinix] => 69 [notion] => 2111 [tie] => 2360 [nofill] => 5460 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.3.0
Array ( [requinix] => 62 [notion] => 2137 [tie] => 2375 [nofill] => 5426 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.33
Array ( [requinix] => 78 [notion] => 2090 [tie] => 2394 [nofill] => 5438 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.32
Array ( [requinix] => 74 [notion] => 2127 [tie] => 2377 [nofill] => 5422 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.31
Array ( [requinix] => 86 [notion] => 2086 [tie] => 2397 [nofill] => 5431 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.30
Array ( [requinix] => 57 [notion] => 2117 [tie] => 2404 [nofill] => 5422 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.29
Array ( [requinix] => 58 [notion] => 2141 [tie] => 2458 [nofill] => 5343 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.28
Array ( [requinix] => 57 [notion] => 2073 [tie] => 2395 [nofill] => 5475 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.27
Array ( [requinix] => 65 [notion] => 2210 [tie] => 2386 [nofill] => 5339 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.26
Array ( [requinix] => 77 [notion] => 2022 [tie] => 2495 [nofill] => 5406 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.25
Array ( [requinix] => 68 [notion] => 2147 [tie] => 2331 [nofill] => 5454 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.24
Array ( [requinix] => 68 [notion] => 2120 [tie] => 2432 [nofill] => 5380 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.23
Array ( [requinix] => 68 [notion] => 2122 [tie] => 2375 [nofill] => 5435 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.22
Array ( [requinix] => 80 [notion] => 2126 [tie] => 2365 [nofill] => 5429 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.21
Array ( [requinix] => 76 [notion] => 2151 [tie] => 2422 [nofill] => 5351 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.20
Array ( [requinix] => 61 [notion] => 2155 [tie] => 2321 [nofill] => 5463 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.19
Array ( [requinix] => 76 [notion] => 2125 [tie] => 2431 [nofill] => 5368 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.18
Array ( [requinix] => 67 [notion] => 2127 [tie] => 2365 [nofill] => 5441 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.17
Array ( [requinix] => 77 [notion] => 2098 [tie] => 2385 [nofill] => 5440 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.16
Array ( [requinix] => 82 [notion] => 2151 [tie] => 2401 [nofill] => 5366 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.15
Array ( [requinix] => 86 [notion] => 2110 [tie] => 2360 [nofill] => 5444 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.14
Array ( [requinix] => 61 [notion] => 2138 [tie] => 2351 [nofill] => 5450 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.13
Array ( [requinix] => 65 [notion] => 2103 [tie] => 2443 [nofill] => 5389 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.12
Array ( [requinix] => 67 [notion] => 2126 [tie] => 2432 [nofill] => 5375 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.11
Array ( [requinix] => 63 [notion] => 2160 [tie] => 2389 [nofill] => 5388 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.10
Array ( [requinix] => 71 [notion] => 2142 [tie] => 2374 [nofill] => 5413 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.9
Array ( [requinix] => 57 [notion] => 2139 [tie] => 2390 [nofill] => 5414 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.8
Array ( [requinix] => 70 [notion] => 2062 [tie] => 2421 [nofill] => 5447 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.7
Array ( [requinix] => 55 [notion] => 2145 [tie] => 2369 [nofill] => 5431 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.6
Array ( [requinix] => 73 [notion] => 2172 [tie] => 2306 [nofill] => 5449 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.5
Array ( [requinix] => 65 [notion] => 2117 [tie] => 2408 [nofill] => 5410 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.4
Array ( [requinix] => 59 [notion] => 2072 [tie] => 2314 [nofill] => 5555 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.3
Array ( [requinix] => 60 [notion] => 2017 [tie] => 2379 [nofill] => 5544 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.2
Array ( [requinix] => 71 [notion] => 2085 [tie] => 2410 [nofill] => 5434 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.1
Array ( [requinix] => 68 [notion] => 2227 [tie] => 2325 [nofill] => 5380 [total] => 10000 )
Output for 7.2.0
Array ( [requinix] => 45 [notion] => 2116 [tie] => 2392 [nofill] => 5447 [total] => 10000 )

88.03 ms | 401 KiB | 73 Q