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<?php /* Work Block */ if(!class_exists('ST_Portfolio_Block')) { class ST_Portfolio_Block extends AQ_Block { function __construct() { $block_options = array( 'name' => '<i class="fa fa-archive"></i> Portfolio', 'size' => 'col-md-12', ); //create the widget parent::__construct('st_portfolio_block', $block_options); } function form($instance){ $defaults = array( 'title' => 'Title Portfolio', 'show' => '4', 'orderby' => 'title', 'orderpost' => 'ASC' ); $instance = wp_parse_args($instance, $defaults); extract($instance); $orderpost_options = array ( 'ASC' => 'ASC : lowest to highest', 'DESC' => 'DESC : highest to lowest', ); $orderby_options = array ( 'title' => 'Title', 'date' => 'Date', 'rand' => 'Random' ); ?> <h3 style="text-align: center;">Portfolio</h3> <div class="description"> <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('title') ?>"> Title<br/><em style="font-size: 0.8em;">(Please enter title portfolio)</em><br/> <?php echo aq_field_input('title', $block_id, $title, $size = 'full') ?> </label> </div> <div class="cf"></div> <div class="description third"> <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('show') ?>"> Show portfolio<br/><em style="font-size: 0.8em;">(Chosen number portfolio. Ex: 6)</em><br/> <?php echo aq_field_input('show', $block_id, $show, $size = 'full',$type = 'number') ?> </label> </div> <div class="description third"> <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('orderpost') ?>"> Sort Order<br/><em style="font-size: 0.8em;">Sort from lowest to highest (Default)</em><br/> <?php echo aq_field_select('orderpost', $block_id, $orderpost_options, $orderpost, $size = 'full') ?> </label> </div> <div class="description third last"> <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('orderby') ?>"> Order by<br/><em style="font-size: 0.8em;">Title (Default)</em><br/> <?php echo aq_field_select('orderby', $block_id, $orderby_options, $orderby, $size = 'full') ?> </label> </div> <div class="cf"></div> <?php } function block($instance){ extract($instance); $title1 = (!empty($title) ? ' '.esc_attr($title) : ''); $desc1 = (!empty($subtitle) ? ' '.esc_attr($subtitle) : ''); $show1 = (!empty($show) ? ' '.esc_attr($show) : ''); $text1 = (!empty($text) ? ' '.esc_attr($text) : ''); ?> <!-- Container --> <div class="container"> <!-- Headline --> <div class="fiveteen columns"> <div class="container"> <h3 class="headline"><?php echo htmlspecialchars_decode($title1); ?></h3> <span class="line" style="margin-bottom:35px;"></span> </div> <ul class="grid cs-style"> <?php $args = array( 'post_type' => 'portfolio', 'posts_per_page' => $show1, 'order' => $orderpost, 'orderby' => $orderby, ); $wp_query = new WP_Query($args); $i = 1; while ($wp_query -> have_posts()) : $wp_query -> the_post(); $cates = get_the_terms(get_the_ID(),'categories'); $cate_name =''; $cate_slug = ''; foreach((array)$cates as $cate){ if(count($cates)>0){ $cate_name .= $cate->name.' ' ; $cate_slug .= $cate->slug .' '; } } ?> <li> <figure> <?php $params = array( 'width' => 573, 'height' => 394 ); $image = bfi_thumb( wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id()), $params ); ?> <img src="<?php echo $image; ?>" alt="<?php the_title(); ?>"/> <figcaption> <h3><?php the_title();?></h3> <span><?php echo $cate_name;?></span> <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php global $theme_option; echo $theme_option['portfolio_read']; ?></a> </figcaption> </figure> </li> <?php $i++; endwhile;?> </ul> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> <!-- Container / End --> <? } function update($new_instance, $old_instance) { $new_instance = aq_recursive_sanitize($new_instance); return $new_instance; } } }

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