
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php use strict;
Output for 5.3.0 - 5.3.29, 7.2.29 - 7.2.33, 7.3.16 - 7.3.33, 7.4.3 - 7.4.33, 8.0.0 - 8.0.30, 8.1.0 - 8.1.31, 8.2.0 - 8.2.27, 8.3.0 - 8.3.16, 8.4.1 - 8.4.3
Warning: The use statement with non-compound name 'strict' has no effect in /in/WY1Vs on line 3
Output for 5.4.0 - 5.4.45, 5.5.0 - 5.5.38, 5.6.0 - 5.6.30, 7.0.0 - 7.0.26, 7.1.0 - 7.1.12
Fatal error: You seem to be trying to use a different language... in /in/WY1Vs on line 3
Process exited with code 255.

106.26 ms | 408 KiB | 5 Q