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<?php date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Singapore'); $strvalidstart = '2014-01-22'; $strpointbal = '1640.0000'; function array_totaldays_in_month() { $totaldays_array = array("1"=>"", "2"=>"28", "3"=>"31", "4"=>"30", "5"=>"31", "6"=>"30", "7"=>"31", "8"=>"31", "9"=>"30", "10"=>"31", "11"=>"30", "12"=>"31"); return $totaldays_array; } /* this section for emember num days */ // $strvalidstart = "2012-03-01"; // debug $emember_numdays = 0; $param_day_multiplier = 24 * 60 * 60; $stremember_finaldate = ""; if ($strvalidstart != "") { $curr_timestamp = time(); $start_timestamp = strtotime($strvalidstart); if (floatval($strpointbal) <= 0) { // if no receipts / no points, start counting from current date $start_timestamp = $curr_timestamp; } $timediff = $curr_timestamp - $start_timestamp; // $end_timestamp = $start_timestamp + (90 * $param_day_multiplier); /* modified by ZY 13 Jul 2012, calc 3 months on the exact day */ $end_yy = intval(date("Y", $curr_timestamp)); $end_mm = intval(date("m", $curr_timestamp)); $end_dd = intval(date("d", $curr_timestamp)); if ($end_mm >= 10) { $end_yy++; $end_mm = $end_mm + 3 - 12; } else { $end_mm = $end_mm + 3; } $end_timestamp = strtotime($end_yy ."-". $end_mm ."-". $end_dd); $leapyear_flag = date("L", $end_timestamp); $totaldays_array = array_totaldays_in_month(); $strkey = strval($end_mm); $month_totaldays = $totaldays_array[$strkey]; if ($end_mm == 2 && strval($leapyear_flag) == "1") { $month_totaldays = "29"; } $month_totaldays = intval($month_totaldays); if ($end_dd > $month_totaldays) { // if end-day is larger than total num of days in this month, set end-day to the last day of month $end_dd = $month_totaldays; } $end_timestamp = strtotime($end_yy ."-". $end_mm ."-". $end_dd); $emember_numdays = floor($timediff / $param_day_multiplier); if ($emember_numdays < 0) { $emember_numdays = 0; } else { $emember_numdays = 90 - $emember_numdays; if ($emember_numdays < 0) $emember_numdays = 0; } $stremember_finaldate = date("d-M-Y", $end_timestamp); } $strfinal_emember_numdays = $emember_numdays; // $strfinal_emember_numdays = $strvalidstart ." , ". $emember_numdays ." days"; // debug /* modified by ZY 6 Aug 2012, show - if no receipts */ if (floatval($strpointbal) <= 0) { // if no receipts / no points, change to dash $stremember_finaldate = "-"; }

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