
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php function extract_docblocks($data) { $inBlock = false; $forceNewItem = true; $currentBlock = array(); $blocks = array(); foreach (preg_split('/[\r\n]+/', $data) as $line) { $line = trim($line); if (!$inBlock) { if ($line === '/**') { $inBlock = true; } continue; } if ($line[0] !== '*') { $inBlock = false; $forceNewItem = true; $currentBlock = array(); continue; } if ($line === '*/') { $inBlock = false; $forceNewItem = true; $blocks[] = $currentBlock; $currentBlock = array(); continue; } $line = trim(substr($line, 1)); if ($line[0] === '@' || $forceNewItem) { $forceNewItem = false; $currentBlock[] = $line; } else if ($line === '') { $forceNewItem = true; } else { $currentBlock[count($currentBlock) - 1] .= "\n" . $line; } } return $blocks; } $str = <<<'CLASS' <?php /** * Class EventLoop * * This is not the fastest event loop implementation in the world, at least * partially because it's been stupidified for PHP4. It's not really for high * performance asyncSaucezOMG though, so it shouldn't matter. */ class EventLoop { /** * @var EventLoopConfig */ var $config; /** * @var EventLoopLogger * @access private */ var $_logger; /** * @var WorkerPoolFactory */ var $_workerPoolFactory; /** * @var array * @access private */ var $_streamWatchers = array( 'read' => array( 'streams' => array(), 'callbacks' => array(), ), 'write' => array( 'streams' => array(), 'callbacks' => array(), ), 'except' => array( 'streams' => array(), 'callbacks' => array(), ), ); /** * @var int * @access private */ var $_streamWatcherCount = 0; /** * @var Scheduler * @access private */ var $_scheduler; /** * @var WorkerPool * @access private */ var $_dynamicWorkerPool; /** * @var WorkerPool * @access private */ var $_dnsWorkerPool; /** * @var StreamHandler[] * @access private */ var $_streamHandlers = array(); /** * @var bool * @access private */ var $_running = false; /** * Constructor * * @param WorkerPoolFactory $workerPoolFactory * @param EventLoopConfig $config * @param EventLoopLogger $logger * @param SchedulerFactory $schedulerFactory * @param StreamHandler $socketStreamHandler */ function EventLoop(&$workerPoolFactory, &$config, &$logger, &$schedulerFactory, &$socketStreamHandler) { $this->config = &$config; $this->_logger = &$logger; $this->_workerPoolFactory = &$workerPoolFactory; $this->_scheduler = &$schedulerFactory->create($this->_logger); $this->registerStreamHandler($socketStreamHandler, array('tcp', 'udp', 'unix')); $this->_dynamicWorkerPool = &$workerPoolFactory->create($this, $this->config->workers, $this->_logger, 'Dynamic'); $config->dns->normalizeInheritableProperties($this->config->workers); $this->_dnsWorkerPool = &$workerPoolFactory->create($this, $this->config->dns, $this->_logger, 'DNS'); } /** * Get the current time as a float * * @return float * @access private */ function _now() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } /** * Check whether at least one client socket or scheduled item is active * * @return bool * @access private */ function _isActive() { return $this->_streamWatcherCount || $this->_scheduler->isActive(); } /** * Get the time until there is something to do * * @return float|null * @access private */ function _getNextActivityTime() { $candidates = array(); if (null !== $time = $this->_scheduler->getNextActivityTime()) { $candidates[] = $time; } if (null !== $time = $this->_dynamicWorkerPool->getNextActivityTime()) { $candidates[] = $time; } if (null !== $time = $this->_dnsWorkerPool->getNextActivityTime()) { $candidates[] = $time; } return $candidates ? max(min($candidates), 0) : null; } /** * Sleep until the next scheduled item is due to be executed * * @access private */ function _awaitNextActivity($timeout) { if ($timeout) { $this->_logger->debug(null, 'Waiting until next scheduled activity, timeout: %f', $timeout); usleep(floor($timeout * 1000000)); } } /** * Process I/O on all active streams * * @access private */ function _processStreams($timeout) { $streams = array( 'read' => $this->_streamWatchers['read']['streams'], 'write' => $this->_streamWatchers['write']['streams'], 'except' => $this->_streamWatchers['except']['streams'], ); if ($timeout !== null) { $secs = floor($timeout); $usecs = floor(($timeout - $secs) * 1000000); } else { $secs = $usecs = null; } $this->_logger->debug( null, 'select() watching %d streams for activity (read: %d, write: %d, except: %d), timeout: %s', count($streams['read']) + count($streams['write']) + count($streams['except']), count($streams['read']), count($streams['write']), count($streams['except']), $secs === null ? 'NULL' : "{$secs}s {$usecs}u" ); $count = stream_select($streams['read'], $streams['write'], $streams['except'], $secs, $usecs); if ($count === false) { $this->_logger->error(null, 'select() operation failed!'); exit(1); } else if ($count === 0) { $this->_logger->debug(null, 'select() returned 0 streams with activity'); return; } $this->_logger->debug( null, 'select() returned %d streams with activity (read: %d, write: %d, except: %d)', $count, count($streams['read']), count($streams['write']), count($streams['except']) ); foreach (array('read', 'write', 'except') as $op) { foreach ($streams[$op] as $stream) { $id = (int) $stream; if (isset($this->_streamWatchers[$op]['callbacks'][$id])) { call_user_func($this->_streamWatchers[$op]['callbacks'][$id], $stream); } } } } /** * Add a watcher for a stream * * @param string $op * @param resource $stream * @param callable $callback * @return bool * @access module */ function _addStreamWatcher($op, $stream, $callback) { $id = (int) $stream; $op = strtolower($op); if (!isset($this->_streamWatchers[$op])) { $this->_logger->debug(null, 'Failed to add %s watcher on stream #%d: unknown op', $op, $id); return false; } else if (!is_resource($stream)) { $this->_logger->debug(null, 'Failed to add %s watcher on stream #%d: not a valid stream resource', $op, $id); return false; } else if (!is_callable($callback)) { $this->_logger->debug(null, 'Failed to add %s watcher on stream #%d: invalid callback', $op, $id); return false; } if (!isset($this->_streamWatchers[$op]['streams'][$id])) { $this->_streamWatchers[$op]['streams'][$id] = $stream; $this->_streamWatcherCount++; } else { $this->_logger->debug(null, 'Overwrote %s watcher on stream #%d', $op, $id); } $this->_streamWatchers[$op]['callbacks'][$id] = $callback; $this->_logger->debug(null, 'Added %s watcher on stream #%d, watchers: %d', $op, $id, $this->_streamWatcherCount); return true; } /** * Remove a watcher for a stream or stream ID * * @param string $op * @param resource|int $stream * @access module */ function _removeStreamWatcher($op, $stream) { $id = (int) $stream; $op = strtolower($op); if (isset($this->_streamWatchers[$op]['streams'][$id])) { unset($this->_streamWatchers[$op]['streams'][$id], $this->_streamWatchers[$op]['callbacks'][$id]); $this->_streamWatcherCount--; $this->_logger->debug(null, 'Removed %s watcher on stream #%d, watchers: %d', $op, $id, $this->_streamWatcherCount); } else { $this->_logger->debug(null, 'Could not remove %s watcher on stream #%d: not registered', $op, $id); } } /** * Clean up and shut down the event loop */ function _shutdown() { $this->_logger->info(null, 'Shutting down event loop'); // Remove all stream watchers apart from workers foreach (array('read', 'write', 'except') as $op) { foreach ($this->_streamWatchers[$op]['callbacks'] as $id => $callback) { if (!is_array($callback) || !is_a($callback[0], 'WorkerParentEndpoint')) { $this->_removeStreamWatcher($op, $id); } } } // Empty the schedule $this->_scheduler->shutdown(); // Send all workers a terminate signal $this->_dynamicWorkerPool->shutdown(); $this->_dnsWorkerPool->shutdown(); // Let workers terminate gracefully while ($this->_streamWatcherCount > 0) { $this->_processStreams($this->_getNextActivityTime()); $this->_scheduler->processActivity(); } } /** * Register a handler for a stream wrapper or set of wrappers * * @param StreamHandler $handler * @param array $schemes * @return bool */ function registerStreamHandler(&$handler, $schemes) { if (!is_a($handler, 'StreamHandler')) { return false; } foreach ($schemes as $scheme) { $this->_streamHandlers[strtolower($scheme)] = &$handler; } return true; } /** * Create a new stream * * @param string $address * @return SocketStream */ function &openStream($address) { if (!$url = parse_url($address)) { $this->_logger->warn(null, 'Unable to parse stream URL %s: Parse failed', $address); return null; } else if (!isset($url['scheme'])) { $this->_logger->warn(null, 'Unable to parse stream URL %s: Missing scheme', $address); return null; } $scheme = strtolower($url['scheme']); if (!isset($this->_streamHandlers[$scheme])) { $this->_logger->warn(null, 'No stream handler registered for URI scheme: %s', $scheme); return null; } $stream = &$this->_streamHandlers[$scheme]->createStream($this, $url); return $stream; } /** * Schedule a job to be run asynchronously in a worker * * @param string $method * @param mixed ...$args * @return AsyncJob */ function &async($method) { $args = func_get_args(); $job = &new AsyncJob($method, array_slice($args, 1)); $this->_dynamicWorkerPool->pushJob($job); $this->_logger->info(null, 'Queued async job, method: %s', $method); return $job; } /** * Resolve a host name to an IP address asynchronously * * @param string $host * @param callable $callback * @param bool $returnHost */ function resolveHost($host, $callback, $returnHost = false) { if ($host === '' || ip2long($host) !== -1) { $this->in(0, $callback, $returnHost ? array($host, $host) : array($host)); } else { $job = &new AsyncJob('DNSWorker::resolve', array($host)); $this->_dnsWorkerPool->pushJob($job); $job->on('complete', $callback, $returnHost ? array($host) : array()); $job->on('error', $callback, $returnHost ? array($host, null) : array(null)); } } /** * Schedule a callback to be execute after a specified number of microseconds * * @param int $usecs * @param callable $callback * @param array $args * @return int */ function in($usecs, $callback, $args = array()) { return $this->_scheduler->createItem($this->_now() + ($usecs / 1000000), $callback, $args); } /** * Schedule a callback to execute at a specified timestamp * * @param float $timestamp * @param callable $callback * @param array $args * @return int */ function at($timestamp, $callback, $args = array()) { return $this->_scheduler->createItem($timestamp, $callback, $args); } /** * Schedule a recurring callback to execute after a specified number of microseconds * * @param int $usecs * @param callable $callback * @param array $args * @return int */ function every($usecs, $callback, $args = array()) { $secs = $usecs / 1000000; return $this->_scheduler->createItem($this->_now() + $secs, $callback, $args, $secs); } /** * Cancel a scheduled callback * * @param int $id * @return bool */ function cancel($id) { return $this->_scheduler->removeItem($id); } /** * Execute the event loop */ function run() { $this->_logger->info(null, 'Starting event loop'); $this->_running = true; // Main loop while ($this->_running && $this->_isActive()) { $timeout = $this->_getNextActivityTime(); if ($this->_streamWatcherCount > 0) { $this->_processStreams($timeout); } else { $this->_awaitNextActivity($timeout); } $this->_dynamicWorkerPool->processActivity(); $this->_dnsWorkerPool->processActivity(); $this->_scheduler->processActivity(); } $this->_running = false; $this->_shutdown(); $this->_logger->info(null, 'Event loop terminated'); } /** * Check whether the event loop is running * * @return bool */ function isRunning() { return $this->_running; } /** * Stop the event loop after the current iteration */ function stop() { $this->_logger->debug(null, 'Stopping event loop'); $this->_running = false; } } CLASS; print_r(extract_docblocks($str));

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