
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?Php /* * by Henrique Kieckbusch * * just send this .php file into a PHP server and open it. * * */ class chromaSquad{ var $dados; function chromaSquad(){ $this->dados = array(); } function salvoParaArray( $conteudo ){ $t = explode('#',$conteudo); foreach($t as $_t){ $t2 = explode('!',$_t); if(count($t2)>1)$this->dados[ $this->_c( $t2[0] )] = $this->_c($t2[1] ); } } function _c($a, $d = -1){ for($a = str_split( utf8_decode($a) ), $r='',$i=0;$i<count($a);$i++) $r .= chr( ord($a[$i]) + ( $d*ord( substr(str_rot13('vOSnn95Lo8C1fDPMYKIUvrLcYZ8G699o'), $i%32, 1) ) ) ); return $d > 0 ? utf8_encode($r) : $r; } function postParaArquivo( $a ){ foreach($a as $i=>$j) echo $this->_c($i,1).'!'.$this->_c($j,1).'#'; } } $cabecalho = ' <style type="text/css">*{font-family:verdana; margin:12px;}input[type="text"]{width:400px; border:1px blue solid; padding:4px;}</style> <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> '; if( count($_FILES) > 0 && $_FILES['arq']['size'] > 0) { echo $cabecalho; $t = new chromaSquad(); $t->salvoParaArray( file_get_contents( $_FILES['arq']['tmp_name'] ) ); if(count($t->dados) < 3) die('Wrong file.'); echo 'Above you have your save file data, most of values are advanced. Maybe you just want to change the money? <br/><br/> Well... After that, click in the button and save the new file in the same folder. <hr/><br/><br/>'; foreach($t->dados as $i=>$k) echo $i.'<br/> <input type="text" name="'.$i.'" value="'.$k.'" /> <br/>'; echo '<hr/> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Download edited file" /> '; }else{ if( count($_POST)>2 ){ unset($_POST['submit']); $t = new chromaSquad(); header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=new_save.csqd'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); $t->postParaArquivo( $_POST ); die(); } echo $cabecalho; ?> Please, send above the *.csqd file of your game. You find it in the "savedGames" directory of Chroma Squad Game. <br/> <input type="file" name="arq" /> <br/><br/> <input type="submit" value="send it" /> <br/> <?Php } echo '</form>';

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