@ 2015-09-09T01:59:00Z <?php
// DEFINE our cipher
define('AES_256_CBC', 'aes-256-cbc');
// Generate a 256-bit encryption key
// This should be stored somewhere instead of recreating it each time
$encryption_key = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32);
// Generate an initialization vector
// This *MUST* be available for decryption as well
$iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(openssl_cipher_iv_length(AES_256_CBC));
// Create some data to encrypt
$data = "Encrypt me, please!";
echo "Before encryption: $data\n";
// Encrypt $data using aes-256-cbc cipher with the given encryption key and
// our initialization vector. The 0 gives us the default options, but can
$encrypted = openssl_encrypt($data, AES_256_CBC, $encryption_key, 0, $iv);
echo "Encrypted: $encrypted\n";
// If we lose the $iv variable, we can't decrypt this, so append it to the
// encrypted data with a separator that we know won't exist in base64-encoded
// data
$encrypted = $encrypted . ':' . $iv;
// To decrypt, separate the encrypted data from the initialization vector ($iv)
$parts = explode(':', $encrypted);
// $parts[0] = encrypted data
// $parts[1] = initialization vector
$decrypted = openssl_decrypt($parts[0], AES_256_CBC, $encryption_key, 0, $parts[1]);
echo "Decrypted: $decrypted\n";
Enable javascript to submit You have javascript disabled. You will not be able to edit any code.
Output for 7.1.25 , 7.2.0 - 7.2.33 , 7.3.0 - 7.3.33 , 7.4.0 - 7.4.33 , 8.0.0 - 8.0.30 , 8.1.0 - 8.1.31 , 8.2.0 - 8.2.27 , 8.3.0 - 8.3.16 , 8.4.1 - 8.4.3 Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() in /in/nos4i:6
Stack trace:
#0 {main}
thrown in /in/nos4i on line 6
Process exited with code 255 . Output for 7.1.7 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: rPvgukyNf2ae/dqHxWakcYoWOgLV3R1ZjdVdt3h/rkc=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 7.1.6 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: kltDQbu3oQEHWnwjTL4eIwCmrgK7WkKjPDAxeZZMk2I=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 7.1.5 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: m5Xl5zVOYqejGnrc3PY3FkLAxtN69UKg09Gyqg3qkLM=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 7.1.4 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: ZZkTB7WFKQU4ToFz8Nrglh+iGU0q3oHX/pNRj0EeBb4=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 7.1.3 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: tz/vxYwfzQ5anknPNodDH82aycAuvCRqYfRqxgfhFjg=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 7.1.2 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: cMbanVhvyB5lT8fANydOxFIvPBVIeh6IBXNLmmWIIro=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 7.1.1 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: Sgmfcun3abnvOLlvDpUg5VCW4tgc2Xtu/8CSkwV0mRM=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 7.1.0 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: aqGFsG3lOBFXo0m6gErMOxnop3Khf6F57qaOHJC+SPo=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 7.0.20 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: JPynBOZR4RvUn3az5rTSOA2/wKgJeVSliW+Y9TQFOng=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 7.0.19 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: EaDoG1ERosVd+7t02OQ8vtjgcPBSbHvKmHN3sLyG8ew=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 7.0.18 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: Tz0aydAesbW61CmzpwyBqU0oikWggHP5FHtxPvxRxGw=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 7.0.17 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: Sn9EyIu2xH0IMPCb7SpZEz2oTRDf9+42mN3BceLIeHk=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 7.0.16 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: pBvZiO+NNCSdhCOZnIuaafEScs/OUhpBYvbr9g2antI=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 7.0.15 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: 3bk+fwPkrA7BliPFPskuPDW/0f5bqaVKfp4pqz1pXaY=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 7.0.14 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: woHQDoDQKLhAVB0mv9xqu4sArzq7tKBAR3YcMExbBeA=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 7.0.13 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: IgJvQQHPr/gIQuNNgXA/sswJz/Ab7UIJVfNw6GpN+W8=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 7.0.12 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: ms3W8DDONvlj7Uxpyf+5+x0wcKRrSYMG05RSeorSmCw=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 7.0.11 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: MXagFy8/zcs8d7FXHEQB31itk9e7TPACQrHYIBHibMM=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 7.0.10 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: xplHypsgfMLEft3iTMg6VbtjjrpUbeWIs4t5ak/9a+g=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 7.0.9 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: MXSS1uIfRl52RfxC8P0KeNLABi2Whfa0uAebdsEGGRE=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 7.0.8 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: YnsUz5ITBdkBFs7wys/0uqpxjx+zi7yT5Rz7x0oLSec=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 7.0.7 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: mHbe3FCVGhXFgD4KNHqPR6tkcoAT3JM48eoh573QO+A=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 7.0.6 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: gZEEH/rej9CxzfWNs6oauHgUmpLGRKb0csBVY09r9IA=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 7.0.5 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: /hwPIceRADOy6THfcxgwTwW6DcGkFuYfKfO6pTsdLW0=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 7.0.4 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: FGetmM4MqL6KLxpXoySm6NvD1dupcWx4HNgexRhnx4A=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 7.0.3 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: 7GtrmcqSV0W0iG1zSJsmoJmDhjRargsuFLaL8sBaaRo=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 7.0.2 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: VwCoEkxnhA6vm8GU3yX4juR4h/xhGp3/TZnkMDxs6Z8=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 7.0.1 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: 93xpU0fEac0BqSljYtrKJhQ8LkzhWkjCzqs4vN76FgY=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 7.0.0 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: dxEowCx4SJXZ3r0H5oY/O1XmZmADmrYHZg2XyGhi6fw=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.6.30 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: LrVqdvBlgQsz5g/vk2D75Um04hTj0PRVi0MQlMn+2g0=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.6.29 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: 2HnEju2V2VSAA33hfavdf0tHjks6G7xQL7TnEtXJePI=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.6.28 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: lDZgDYf5HJkpbjQRn2r6yyK4SvQvO/s421ae3gN3bFg=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.6.27 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: r59wk+VgI87BTqe/rChQqLgBi+a2PObwWmHn35c3ycI=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.6.26 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: ipNgb35EUlf8Xbs7Sh1y37swwuxxsQIMVjeVGZljvXU=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.6.25 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: idXITO8NhfzjGsWrdVibZzbMYz7kDP6CSnmahPBwYjM=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.6.24 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: uNmvFuegTRB0S+D0t7NIjXd7MBAabSiy/pN3Poj8xC4=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.6.23 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: hm2GIydv281GJsZMZtNVe88RcDj3/H+64QFyA6aY9fw=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.6.22 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: RhHIsahNsS8Slhrsguz0jSvsWzTCfxfOYdymaj5XT1U=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.6.21 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: AV+0KG14ybIkjiOqh9DaFPOsmqrg0S8sULA5SYVb3yw=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.6.20 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: 1whPCXI43hPfgFmDWwifkOSAesEauERJNVGvLc+qZfw=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.6.19 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: r4n50EGPFrnbDhxL7hVQ/YBhDhlwxrAwyK5e2OcsIsY=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.6.18 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: PnMuPz167iAbuWYEZJ/DklB4QR7bmyEi+0J88ClbsFQ=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.6.17 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: jDg3X2wGxXzjh315x+G8kqT0vWfBAWpo21cpf7u7KfA=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.6.16 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: noMQY87SbUvPrArv7dLQFpbFL9N8b+eudl0axtAJaMc=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.6.15 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: XfjjfO2YDi+tG8oStboNUFP5W2c7lYRIjV1bLbYqsW4=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.6.14 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: 770EGHPEH/hM4BjBaPJuujtPZqYmnUMZs10D8xW2xHE=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.6.13 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: B+qDfHNhNN2UInHYppjZQzyJIWVEIYy1cKD6i0uBovE=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.6.12 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: 0KkESpZ6lORldCTJ7LEANFwz2Ct9ydOzFx3V92qJKow=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.6.11 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: ZikD+JzcdozykrPlDoi+QgMFjLO3iXz/aUz3P7NKfag=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.6.10 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: In0JiyVbIUkB1iXLqndQTkOMwrTA5mUdesKs4wetld8=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.6.9 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: dUXoijw5joMxbkMnkwueY8Fo6kJ5DtxEJLPmYGaSd7Q=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.6.8 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: ZBorTCoopbAqDVAECGnSbEBBWMF6R5pUTBqWtao4z3w=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.6.7 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: XitP2NZ1iFetHA3TOARKJqNirXr/RNt3c7chXmMH16o=
Warning: openssl_decrypt(): IV passed is only 11 bytes long, cipher expects an IV of precisely 16 bytes, padding with \0 in /in/nos4i on line 26
Decrypted: Encrypt me,Jl�se!
Output for 5.6.6 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: TWPcT1rL+4uuizxW06Z5TBOAqB09+Q8RaxwaT+FMtBE=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.6.5 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: crIlRu2qsOTCN+vdUjt5NeeqgT51Xt+54RTqnex76PQ=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.6.4 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: 4evg8L+OL73QTbGmXpXADjI2V/foOKq9BnPDAXM60X8=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.6.3 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: Fhtpmz/cRI8XJuqHaCMqvj8oemhshKY7UWSCJsb7kFg=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.6.2 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: pbaLnVBwpV+1RzRNjB7jYKnuLYCn2KS8mlB1ncbJwKE=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.6.1 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: V2L76S9am89Jv4oAMdsUn1mtbsJI29sW1tGtfkZ7o6E=
Warning: openssl_decrypt(): IV passed is only 3 bytes long, cipher expects an IV of precisely 16 bytes, padding with \0 in /in/nos4i on line 26
Decrypted: EncH8��$_Ck"�V�se!
Output for 5.6.0 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: FVvfi0FTtqKTOsuMuDl+nX+uWVuxra6EQ6ECWvVFTDc=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.38 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: lHefC6hemTErtlGjsDCOdgElmq6q8qLaqu3Y0easTMA=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.37 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: 2EZD2cKC5c5D6nuaADI6TNaVv1g4Ya50pGNduFDpLks=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.36 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: cOKrLLcc/efDstmydIiF1mPfKtIhfsUyRD6T862xM+0=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.35 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: Yg/2914ZGMuV/5XXx+zoTH/r0GiD5W7YHhwjTx9fkGw=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.34 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: xGWoNEwNYE1lY81+orKhfORhp6CBjKbUGwJ++ObVIPg=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.33 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: e1UZlU4PsV1qh9fxXJRwMS+8tg3+s2m4v+CHvMGHpQg=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.32 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: so79VNf4r9wJfs8CUX0aoV3F2lAuWM08IuPTeJd6UoA=
Warning: openssl_decrypt(): IV passed is only 10 bytes long, cipher expects an IV of precisely 16 bytes, padding with \0 in /in/nos4i on line 26
Decrypted: Encrypt me���se!
Output for 5.5.31 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: i+j4dr549jp3CXhtexoYHnd0gXb+JdAsMCDV8BIRvqk=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.30 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: hWwqENNFbneEtPrMXgWElttbOcmRY+3OPxW+ecak/nY=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.29 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: JMcRrOBJkYX9DMcHu0W4weWRIFNd/dnPCAhc9dDrzZo=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.28 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: Dzm8QIMyu0gxmCkZHduMtiAxl95tDb12u0t6dLxskA4=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.27 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: m+19iC497m/2C0s5f2yALuFkPbNEffWbmud2S9Nku7k=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.26 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: xQdKBIhPUO42ZrrOUAx+mTVsleVgLQxsN8jJCVi8XjI=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.25 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: TD49rpEffbCWuublCKHLFKFf8jaszgOMs/W8k1H5qVg=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.24 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: cSIlIJEmQ9MkMX4tWGb/PAuLjTTX6/b1HUTxVDoLQUA=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.23 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: Pil2weD9KgMkMHCy+f83Wvm2A5tJQRmg9oMVj5yOv2I=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.22 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: L3UK5EdXnFI0rbNIrzqTsq62kgNj8wCF4fA09UnrGNU=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.21 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: B4nvKh0zCS4Urde1Ym/Gi+jzOt9BNjf+FiIeiXhVjZg=
Warning: openssl_decrypt(): IV passed is only 2 bytes long, cipher expects an IV of precisely 16 bytes, padding with \0 in /in/nos4i on line 26
Decrypted: EnY�����KF��vse!
Output for 5.5.20 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: gL6IxU4AndoDV1uZBMvgGt7oNCrzb0ZhOJjnERfw0hs=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.19 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: TOh6GNSq8Bqq+UTpDonfvqXP8lMCB8UL7kB3tMalsRc=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.18 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: 8ra/vcf6qvZmrS8ui8jxZ/I1WzZ1xVM7jwWAaiMWNc4=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.16 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: l734lDT3QDxlJAzkx0mVK1jxt7vSGQvv8yo4gH+BuTo=
Warning: openssl_decrypt(): IV passed is only 10 bytes long, cipher expects an IV of precisely 16 bytes, padding with \0 in /in/nos4i on line 26
Decrypted: Encrypt meg��Юse!
Output for 5.5.15 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: wAE96JtKGxLFZw993aODFOjry6O7mj7tqpZxjPxJLlE=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.14 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: HtxL/w+jMrWP25O51TcL/SoLbbElChQAE9C7d5vJmJ8=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.13 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: ffIYyyQ/B0o51NpBqPeu/q3pN4GlTvQouMov+2Ej1Ho=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.12 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: BUo85vBONcI0eXp8lawVaTybwypZp78MaEmIN1sUcb0=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.11 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: iOQv/i+owU1GLnVrgO1VZKa1XnW6vw2HMysi7ez0jYo=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.10 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: mh5mw6mtMxoipYUcuJrWFfmWtts588O2rLYjv5ZXEPY=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.9 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: fBOuF3ZjGR/kI2/N+wRIXm9os2r17pp/oa7aj6/be8k=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.8 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: 2VuQ1EmoGyac7M9EGAr1KVTqx/Yyd2BaqJw7h2r4bkE=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.7 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: IWTMxYrOkGop1NuvB4NPlD/iv6MOTZpB/q2IWgt0izc=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.6 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: rr/gBmNGY/EAT8yjl/RBQ2+bsoK4ActVktEzNcZEOzU=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.5 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: 4XejU4ZGKNgIfn580O5KSsh+eyri+vQ4qwDZ6VCQUlE=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.4 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: NhEBBe2eRB5HBLx14HP/RGTgcSRs8yo82OSoyzQ1oDA=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.3 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: npEYJ/qnK9IPimzW+taccTPhmok8GfPhVUhqA99a83k=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.2 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: fumz5tBB2d7iuXMV+HFJbwMBrwtbNZO3CoTmiPqsong=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.1 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: J1gogk4glS6KKjS2VrtaBGC06MvoCWCAG5GNGDriYQQ=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.5.0 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: DJ5W0QMvLoQz8iRCr1lxfFvH/sYE7h8ja2NQaovJFtg=
Warning: openssl_decrypt(): IV passed is only 8 bytes long, cipher expects an IV of precisely 16 bytes, padding with \0 in /in/nos4i on line 26
Decrypted: Encrypt W��Z�+se!
Output for 5.4.45 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: uBroWYkaKC625tuTYN4SmlKjVHzuWCkre+noYCFv8ps=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.4.44 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: 6qppK6gzSmkaeXP1+GkjPlrxY1yoy3WC4XmxMf26/BU=
Warning: openssl_decrypt(): IV passed is only 4 bytes long, cipher expects an IV of precisely 16 bytes, padding with \0 in /in/nos4i on line 26
Decrypted: EncrC�=&a �]`£se!
Output for 5.4.43 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: 6V/K66CgzlB4DfBhGagQ5+3x3DeyV2G6NAIjSSssAlI=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.4.42 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: FNFsaQH5r5yOtqdZ0zbnKwz6YlKbW5ORq6SJVdTyDLs=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.4.41 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: KH5QPenMNfIb7kTWoZLj6upC1JWoS7z5OmrNzHK+FQo=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.4.40 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: PcZnRrH70hK0j6/5tSz/+X8QM8yJNELTAGjNzxvADf4=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.4.39 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: Z+6pIhDZZ+5cKOfi1OIG/q5zHlydMV0c8NG9+/CMFX4=
Warning: openssl_decrypt(): IV passed is only 7 bytes long, cipher expects an IV of precisely 16 bytes, padding with \0 in /in/nos4i on line 26
Decrypted: Encryptb*���%�se!
Output for 5.4.38 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: Ti0AvZFgZc5OyjA+hcTxox/ANXOCnL8ZftPYnW/0RrY=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.4.37 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: PaPBRqFzrO6TqRYGmT6+yK6BrRzrSZBZu/tY21lKZVA=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.4.36 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: maFQ3YifT8nzadNa588TaBStpWHa5+D+ucIZ6zc0PU4=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.4.35 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: m5PkeR7kSXwfUO9QS/Zi62f+zAAg6bvsIjT1C38qOjM=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.4.34 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: QqxSNi9lNzDnVLHGF+WG22x7zPZ7ptDpRdH2yRx4tKc=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.4.32 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: m7MBEbyPN17ua4llLuHq9ke7PQJHJrDO0F6R7IyU18U=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.4.31 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: nEuRhSX573QLw7fGUJz9H1wTFTllk39iFDnJ5/KHvVM=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.4.30 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: s4go57Ok2jSIb63n1PFUG3ZPG4M210fZSc2qfWmDCkU=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.4.29 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: 1ZPkMCcAfbTqb8JDe5lOE3g3Oo37kWuiRuCHqxQqIsw=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.4.28 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: LF6jW5Wbls71D1vb4Ukj3zjQzbUBynqQVhmkYAnFCkU=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.4.27 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: 29GWTR7JS/jaU1kvUn8if9wh2+Al19l1cPmsWQJ2P60=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.4.26 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: 63agAnY+UYb+80b3eZ3SinG+5+/u8onLyIG3mhp9GN8=
Warning: openssl_decrypt(): IV passed is only 1 bytes long, cipher expects an IV of precisely 16 bytes, padding with \0 in /in/nos4i on line 26
Decrypted: ETiŸr�+���R�se!
Output for 5.4.25 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: aCRfDlWauMKG3TPpRVJ5xv2hafJ+CS1A09UePGput8Y=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.4.24 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: DhaR4TxYVJZ22vSw/m2YURdB91q0LzfVRnkQrkarZE8=
Warning: openssl_decrypt(): IV passed is only 6 bytes long, cipher expects an IV of precisely 16 bytes, padding with \0 in /in/nos4i on line 26
Decrypted: EncrypN��!e3�U��se!
Output for 5.4.23 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: gtwHzMVLq98MtirCxeb561iXjtEBZ+1PWfi3JnO32+8=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.4.22 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: tkVTpspg86gmvagtYFgCbLN++lS1jnabRAU6d8t1YV4=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.4.21 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: NAgFsv7TK1l0qwxft2WZxM5G4yq6Nrf4va3LuSOPdVM=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.4.20 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: v4p2u/hIR2dj12yXvHsJYdBGCp/JvYRlHB4R+SUnrag=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.4.19 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: 3HnQ2/lSbuwdayKXNmNx4e8nk84Iw/eWwMuvketkLD0=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.4.18 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: N3LfcMOCOOqrGNS3pJrtcy5V0uDMgYEvqLi8u/kBDA0=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.4.17 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: I3mQZkC+DJC1Q4w0YWKAutMtvqdT8+hTtGYsihxAZ/w=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.4.16 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: Jz3mQlZKZpJixb5XWOS7zkEdFHazNvmNAPwcHxVtXvE=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.4.15 Before encryption: Encrypt me, please!
Encrypted: 2TRqSNG3rgu7y3BVpcAuM3Lda1r8EKtUmwzTLsbyza8=
Decrypted: Encrypt me, please!
Output for 5.0.0 - 5.0.5 , 5.1.0 - 5.1.6 , 5.2.0 - 5.2.17 , 5.3.0 - 5.3.29 , 5.4.0 - 5.4.14 Fatal error: Call to undefined function openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() in /in/nos4i on line 6
Process exited with code 255 . Output for 4.4.5 - 4.4.9 Fatal error: Call to undefined function: openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() in /in/nos4i on line 6
Process exited with code 255 . Output for 4.3.2 - 4.3.11 , 4.4.0 - 4.4.4 Fatal error: Call to undefined function: openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() in /in/nos4i on line 6
Process exited with code 255 . Output for 4.3.0 - 4.3.1 Fatal error: Call to undefined function: openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() in /in/nos4i on line 6
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