
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php echo html_entity_decode('&lt;table id="main"&gt; &lt;thead&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td colspan="4"&gt; &lt;table&gt; &lt;tbody&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td style="width: 98%; font-size: x-large; font-weight: bold;"&gt;İş Emri Raporu&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td style="width: 1%; font-size: x-large; white-space: nowrap;"&gt;ff ee 33&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td style="width: 1%; font-size: x-large; white-space: nowrap;" class="aa"&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;/tbody&gt; &lt;/table&gt; &lt;table class="l spacetop" style="width: 45%;"&gt; &lt;tbody&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;/tbody&gt; &lt;/table&gt; &lt;table class="r mt10" style="width: 54%;"&gt; &lt;tbody&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td colspan="2" class="bold"&gt;İş Emri Bilgileri&lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;İş Emri No&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;&lt;!--?php echo workorders::$id; ?--&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;Durum&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;&lt;!--?php echo statuses::$status; ?--&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;Giriş Tarihi&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;&lt;!--?php echo workorders::$datein ? date(&#39;d.m.Y H:i&#39;, strtotime(workorders::$datein)) : null; ?--&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;Çıkış Tarihi&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;&lt;!--?php echo workorders::$dateout ? date(&#39;d.m.Y H:i&#39;, strtotime(workorders::$dateout)) : null; ?--&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;Giriş KM&#39;si&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;&lt;!--?php echo workorders::$kmin; ?--&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;Çıkış KM&#39;si&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;&lt;!--?php echo workorders::$kmout; ?--&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;/tbody&gt; &lt;/table&gt; &lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;/thead&gt; &lt;tbody&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td colspan="4" style="font-weight: bold;"&gt;Araç Bilgileri&lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;Araç No&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;&lt;!--?php echo vehicles::$id; ?--&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;Şasi No&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;&lt;!--?php echo vehicles::$chassis; ?--&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;Motor No&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;&lt;!--?php echo vehicles::$engine; ?--&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;Plaka&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;&lt;!--?php echo vehicles::$licence; ?--&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;Marka&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;&lt;!--?php echo vehicles::$brand; ?--&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;Model Yılı&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;&lt;!--?php echo vehicles::$year; ?--&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;Renk&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td colspan="3"&gt;&lt;!--?php echo vehicles::$color; ?--&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td class="spacer"&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td colspan="4" style="font-weight: bold;"&gt;Hesap Bilgileri&lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;Hesap No&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;&lt;!--?php echo accounts::$id; ?--&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;Kimlik No&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;&lt;!--?php echo accounts::$citizenshipid; ?--&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;Firma&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;&lt;!--?php echo accounts::$company; ?--&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;Ad ve Soyad&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;&lt;!--?php echo accounts::$fullname; ?--&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;E-posta Adresi&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;&lt;!--?php echo accounts::$email; ?--&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;Cep Telefonu&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;&lt;!--?php echo accounts::$cellphone; ?--&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;İş Telefonu&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;&lt;!--?php echo accounts::$workphone; ?--&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;Faks&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;&lt;!--?php echo accounts::$fax; ?--&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;Ülke&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;&lt;!--?php echo accounts::$country; ?--&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;İl&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;&lt;!--?php echo accounts::$province; ?--&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;İlçe/Semt&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;&lt;!--?php echo accounts::$district; ?--&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;Adres&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;&lt;!--?php echo accounts::$address; ?--&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;Vergi Dairesi&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;&lt;!--?php echo accounts::$taxoffice; ?--&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;Vergi Kimlik Numarası&lt;/td&gt; &lt;td&gt;&lt;!--?php echo accounts::$taxid; ?--&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td colspan="4"&gt; Row 1 of a HTML table with a header to be automatically repeated on all the PDF pages &lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td colspan="4"&gt; Row 1 of a HTML table with a header to be automatically repeated on all the PDF pages &lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td colspan="4"&gt; Row 1 of a HTML table with a header to be automatically repeated on all the PDF pages &lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td colspan="4"&gt; Row 1 of a HTML table with a header to be automatically repeated on all the PDF pages &lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td colspan="4"&gt; Row 1 of a HTML table with a header to be automatically repeated on all the PDF pages &lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td colspan="4"&gt; Row 1 of a HTML table with a header to be automatically repeated on all the PDF pages &lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; 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&lt;tr&gt; &lt;td colspan="4"&gt; Row 1 of a HTML table with a header to be automatically repeated on all the PDF pages &lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td colspan="4"&gt; Row 1 of a HTML table with a header to be automatically repeated on all the PDF pages &lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td colspan="4"&gt; Row 1 of a HTML table with a header to be automatically repeated on all the PDF pages &lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td colspan="4"&gt; Row 1 of a HTML table with a header to be automatically repeated on all the PDF pages &lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td colspan="4"&gt; Row 1 of a HTML table with a header to be automatically repeated on all the PDF pages &lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;/tbody&gt; &lt;tfoot&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td colspan="4"&gt; &lt;table class="l mt10" style="width: 45%;"&gt; &lt;tbody&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td&gt;&lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;/tbody&gt; &lt;/table&gt; &lt;table class="r mt10" style="width: 54%;"&gt; &lt;tbody&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td style="height: 25px; padding: 5px; text-align: justify;"&gt;Yukarıda belirtilen sorunların giderilmesi için servisinizi yetkili kılıyorum. Araç üzerinde bulunan ve servisinize bildirmediğim eşyaların kaybolması durumunda servisinizin mesuliyet kabul etmeyeceğini onaylıyorum. Tecrübe kontrol, test ve getir/götür sürüşlerinin müşteri rizikosunda yapıldığını kabul ediyorum. Ekstra iş çıkması durumunda beni haberdar ediniz.&lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td style="padding-top: 10px; vertical-align: top; border-width: 0;"&gt;Müşteri İmzası&lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;/tbody&gt; &lt;/table&gt; &lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;/tfoot&gt; &lt;/table&gt;'); ?>
Output for git.master, git.master_jit, rfc.property-hooks
<table id="main"> <thead> <tr> <td colspan="4"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width: 98%; font-size: x-large; font-weight: bold;">İş Emri Raporu</td> <td style="width: 1%; font-size: x-large; white-space: nowrap;">ff ee 33</td> <td style="width: 1%; font-size: x-large; white-space: nowrap;" class="aa"></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table class="l spacetop" style="width: 45%;"> <tbody> <tr> <td></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table class="r mt10" style="width: 54%;"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="bold">İş Emri Bilgileri</td> </tr> <tr> <td>İş Emri No</td> <td><!--?php echo workorders::$id; ?--></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Durum</td> <td><!--?php echo statuses::$status; ?--></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Giriş Tarihi</td> <td><!--?php echo workorders::$datein ? date('d.m.Y H:i', strtotime(workorders::$datein)) : null; ?--></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Çıkış Tarihi</td> <td><!--?php echo workorders::$dateout ? date('d.m.Y H:i', strtotime(workorders::$dateout)) : null; ?--></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Giriş KM'si</td> <td><!--?php echo workorders::$kmin; ?--></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Çıkış KM'si</td> <td><!--?php echo workorders::$kmout; ?--></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="4" style="font-weight: bold;">Araç Bilgileri</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Araç No</td> <td><!--?php echo vehicles::$id; ?--></td> <td>Şasi No</td> <td><!--?php echo vehicles::$chassis; ?--></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Motor No</td> <td><!--?php echo vehicles::$engine; ?--></td> <td>Plaka</td> <td><!--?php echo vehicles::$licence; ?--></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Marka</td> <td><!--?php echo vehicles::$brand; ?--></td> <td>Model Yılı</td> <td><!--?php echo vehicles::$year; ?--></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Renk</td> <td colspan="3"><!--?php echo vehicles::$color; ?--></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="spacer"></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4" style="font-weight: bold;">Hesap Bilgileri</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Hesap No</td> <td><!--?php echo accounts::$id; ?--></td> <td>Kimlik No</td> <td><!--?php echo accounts::$citizenshipid; ?--></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Firma</td> <td><!--?php echo accounts::$company; ?--></td> <td>Ad ve Soyad</td> <td><!--?php echo accounts::$fullname; ?--></td> </tr> <tr> <td>E-posta Adresi</td> <td><!--?php echo accounts::$email; ?--></td> <td>Cep Telefonu</td> <td><!--?php echo accounts::$cellphone; ?--></td> </tr> <tr> <td>İş Telefonu</td> <td><!--?php echo accounts::$workphone; ?--></td> <td>Faks</td> <td><!--?php echo accounts::$fax; ?--></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Ülke</td> <td><!--?php echo accounts::$country; ?--></td> <td>İl</td> <td><!--?php echo accounts::$province; ?--></td> </tr> <tr> <td>İlçe/Semt</td> <td><!--?php echo accounts::$district; ?--></td> <td>Adres</td> <td><!--?php echo accounts::$address; ?--></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Vergi Dairesi</td> <td><!--?php echo accounts::$taxoffice; ?--></td> <td>Vergi Kimlik Numarası</td> <td><!--?php echo accounts::$taxid; ?--></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"> Row 1 of a HTML table with a header to be automatically repeated on all the PDF pages </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"> Row 1 of a HTML table with a header to be automatically repeated on all the PDF pages </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"> Row 1 of a HTML table with a header to be automatically repeated on all the PDF pages </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"> Row 1 of a HTML table with a header to be automatically repeated on all the PDF pages </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"> Row 1 of a HTML table with a header to be automatically repeated on all the PDF pages </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"> Row 1 of a HTML table with a header to be automatically repeated on all the PDF pages </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"> Row 1 of a HTML table with a header to be automatically repeated on all the PDF pages </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"> Row 1 of a HTML table with a header to be automatically repeated on all the PDF pages </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"> Row 1 of a HTML table with a header to be automatically repeated on all the PDF pages </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"> Row 1 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Row 1 of a HTML table with a header to be automatically repeated on all the PDF pages </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"> Row 1 of a HTML table with a header to be automatically repeated on all the PDF pages </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"> Row 1 of a HTML table with a header to be automatically repeated on all the PDF pages </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"> Row 1 of a HTML table with a header to be automatically repeated on all the PDF pages </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4"> Row 1 of a HTML table with a header to be automatically repeated on all the PDF pages </td> </tr> </tbody> <tfoot> <tr> <td colspan="4"> <table class="l mt10" style="width: 45%;"> <tbody> <tr> <td></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table class="r mt10" style="width: 54%;"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="height: 25px; padding: 5px; text-align: justify;">Yukarıda belirtilen sorunların giderilmesi için servisinizi yetkili kılıyorum. Araç üzerinde bulunan ve servisinize bildirmediğim eşyaların kaybolması durumunda servisinizin mesuliyet kabul etmeyeceğini onaylıyorum. Tecrübe kontrol, test ve getir/götür sürüşlerinin müşteri rizikosunda yapıldığını kabul ediyorum. Ekstra iş çıkması durumunda beni haberdar ediniz.</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding-top: 10px; vertical-align: top; border-width: 0;">Müşteri İmzası</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> </tfoot> </table>

This tab shows result from various feature-branches currently under review by the php developers. Contact me to have additional branches featured.

Active branches

Archived branches

Once feature-branches are merged or declined, they are no longer available. Their functionality (when merged) can be viewed from the main output page

41.69 ms | 421 KiB | 8 Q