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<?php class EAHashor { private $right32; //initialise the class public function __construct() { // This is a 32- and 64-bit safe way to get an integer with only the // right-most 32-bits set $this->right32 = ~((~0 << 16) << 16); } public function eaEncode($string){ $a = "67452301"; $b = "EFCDAB89"; $c = "98BADCFE"; $d = "10325476"; $words = $this->init($string); for($i = 0, $l = count($words) / 16 - 1; $i <= $l; $i++){ $A = $a; $B = $b; $C = $c; $D = $d; /* ROUND 1 */ $this->FF ($A, $B, $C, $D, $words[0 + ($i * 16)], 7, "d76aa478"); $this->FF ($D, $A, $B, $C, $words[1 + ($i * 16)], 12, "e8c7b756"); $this->FF ($C, $D, $A, $B, $words[2 + ($i * 16)], 17, "242070db"); $this->FF ($B, $C, $D, $A, $words[3 + ($i * 16)], 22, "c1bdceee"); $this->FF ($A, $B, $C, $D, $words[4 + ($i * 16)], 7, "f57c0faf"); $this->FF ($D, $A, $B, $C, $words[5 + ($i * 16)], 12, "4787c62a"); $this->FF ($C, $D, $A, $B, $words[6 + ($i * 16)], 17, "a8304613"); $this->FF ($B, $C, $D, $A, $words[7 + ($i * 16)], 22, "fd469501"); $this->FF ($A, $B, $C, $D, $words[8 + ($i * 16)], 7, "698098d8"); $this->FF ($D, $A, $B, $C, $words[9 + ($i * 16)], 12, "8b44f7af"); $this->FF ($C, $D, $A, $B, $words[10 + ($i * 16)], 17, "ffff5bb1"); $this->FF ($B, $C, $D, $A, $words[11 + ($i * 16)], 22, "895cd7be"); $this->FF ($A, $B, $C, $D, $words[12 + ($i * 16)], 7, "6b901122"); $this->FF ($D, $A, $B, $C, $words[13 + ($i * 16)], 12, "fd987193"); $this->FF ($C, $D, $A, $B, $words[14 + ($i * 16)], 17, "a679438e"); $this->FF ($B, $C, $D, $A, $words[15 + ($i * 16)], 22, "49b40821"); /* ROUND 2 */ $this->GG ($A, $B, $C, $D, $words[1 + ($i * 16)], 5, "f61e2562"); $this->GG ($D, $A, $B, $C, $words[6 + ($i * 16)], 9, "c040b340"); $this->GG ($C, $D, $A, $B, $words[11 + ($i * 16)], 14, "265e5a51"); $this->GG ($B, $C, $D, $A, $words[0 + ($i * 16)], 20, "e9b6c7aa"); $this->GG ($A, $B, $C, $D, $words[5 + ($i * 16)], 5, "d62f105d"); $this->GG ($D, $A, $B, $C, $words[10 + ($i * 16)], 9, "02441453"); $this->GG ($C, $D, $A, $B, $words[15 + ($i * 16)], 14, "d8a1e681"); $this->GG ($B, $C, $D, $A, $words[4 + ($i * 16)], 20, "e7d3fbc8"); $this->GG ($A, $B, $C, $D, $words[9 + ($i * 16)], 5, "21e1cde6"); $this->GG ($D, $A, $B, $C, $words[14 + ($i * 16)], 9, "c33707d6"); $this->GG ($C, $D, $A, $B, $words[3 + ($i * 16)], 14, "f4d50d87"); $this->GG ($B, $C, $D, $A, $words[8 + ($i * 16)], 20, "455a14ed"); $this->GG ($A, $B, $C, $D, $words[13 + ($i * 16)], 5, "a9e3e905"); $this->GG ($D, $A, $B, $C, $words[2 + ($i * 16)], 9, "fcefa3f8"); $this->GG ($C, $D, $A, $B, $words[7 + ($i * 16)], 14, "676f02d9"); $this->GG ($B, $C, $D, $A, $words[12 + ($i * 16)], 20, "8d2a4c8a"); /* ROUND 3 */ $this->HH ($A, $B, $C, $D, $words[5 + ($i * 16)], 4, "fffa3942"); $this->HH ($D, $A, $B, $C, $words[8 + ($i * 16)], 11, "8771f681"); //HH ($C, $D, $A, $B, $words[11 + ($i * 16)], 16, "6d9d6122"); //the line below has been changed to use 14 rather than 16 as seen in the commented line $this->HH ($C, $D, $A, $B, $words[11 + ($i * 16)], 14, "6d9d6122"); $this->HH ($B, $C, $D, $A, $words[14 + ($i * 16)], 23, "fde5380c"); $this->HH ($A, $B, $C, $D, $words[1 + ($i * 16)], 4, "a4beea44"); $this->HH ($D, $A, $B, $C, $words[4 + ($i * 16)], 11, "4bdecfa9"); $this->HH ($C, $D, $A, $B, $words[7 + ($i * 16)], 16, "f6bb4b60"); $this->HH ($B, $C, $D, $A, $words[10 + ($i * 16)], 23, "bebfbc70"); $this->HH ($A, $B, $C, $D, $words[13 + ($i * 16)], 4, "289b7ec6"); $this->HH ($D, $A, $B, $C, $words[0 + ($i * 16)], 11, "eaa127fa"); $this->HH ($C, $D, $A, $B, $words[3 + ($i * 16)], 16, "d4ef3085"); $this->HH ($B, $C, $D, $A, $words[6 + ($i * 16)], 23, "04881d05"); $this->HH ($A, $B, $C, $D, $words[9 + ($i * 16)], 4, "d9d4d039"); $this->HH ($D, $A, $B, $C, $words[12 + ($i * 16)], 11, "e6db99e5"); $this->HH ($C, $D, $A, $B, $words[15 + ($i * 16)], 16, "1fa27cf8"); $this->HH ($B, $C, $D, $A, $words[2 + ($i * 16)], 23, "c4ac5665"); /* ROUND 4 */ $this->II ($A, $B, $C, $D, $words[0 + ($i * 16)], 6, "f4292244"); $this->II ($D, $A, $B, $C, $words[7 + ($i * 16)], 10, "432aff97"); $this->II ($C, $D, $A, $B, $words[14 + ($i * 16)], 15, "ab9423a7"); $this->II ($B, $C, $D, $A, $words[5 + ($i * 16)], 21, "fc93a039"); $this->II ($A, $B, $C, $D, $words[12 + ($i * 16)], 6, "655b59c3"); $this->II ($D, $A, $B, $C, $words[3 + ($i * 16)], 10, "8f0ccc92"); $this->II ($C, $D, $A, $B, $words[10 + ($i * 16)], 15, "ffeff47d"); $this->II ($B, $C, $D, $A, $words[1 + ($i * 16)], 21, "85845dd1"); $this->II ($A, $B, $C, $D, $words[8 + ($i * 16)], 6, "6fa87e4f"); $this->II ($D, $A, $B, $C, $words[15 + ($i * 16)], 10, "fe2ce6e0"); $this->II ($C, $D, $A, $B, $words[6 + ($i * 16)], 15, "a3014314"); $this->II ($B, $C, $D, $A, $words[13 + ($i * 16)], 21, "4e0811a1"); $this->II ($A, $B, $C, $D, $words[4 + ($i * 16)], 6, "f7537e82"); $this->II ($D, $A, $B, $C, $words[11 + ($i * 16)], 10, "bd3af235"); $this->II ($C, $D, $A, $B, $words[2 + ($i * 16)], 15, "2ad7d2bb"); $this->II ($B, $C, $D, $A, $words[9 + ($i * 16)], 21, "eb86d391"); //this last line is used twice $this->II ($B, $C, $D, $A, $words[9 + ($i * 16)], 21, "eb86d391"); $this->addVars($a, $b, $c, $d, $A, $B, $C, $D); } $MD5 = ''; foreach (array($a, $b, $c, $d) as $x) { $MD5 .= implode('', array_reverse(str_split($this->leftpad($x, 8), 2))); } return $MD5; } /* General functions */ private function hexbin($str){ $hexbinmap = array( "0" => "0000", "1" => "0001", "2" => "0010", "3" => "0011" , "4" => "0100" , "5" => "0101" , "6" => "0110" , "7" => "0111" , "8" => "1000" , "9" => "1001" , "A" => "1010" , "a" => "1010" , "B" => "1011" , "b" => "1011" , "C" => "1100" , "c" => "1100" , "D" => "1101" , "d" => "1101" , "E" => "1110" , "e" => "1110" , "F" => "1111" , "f" => "1111"); $bin = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($str); $i++){ $bin .= $hexbinmap[$str[$i]]; } $bin = ltrim($bin, '0'); // echo "Original: ".$str." New: ".$bin."<br />"; return $bin; } private function strhex($str){ $hex = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($str); $i++){ $hex = $hex.$this->leftpad(dechex(ord($str[$i])), 2); } return $hex; } /* MD5-specific functions */ private function init($string){ $len = strlen($string) * 8; $hex = $this->strhex($string); // convert ascii string to hex $bin = $this->leftpad($this->hexbin($hex), $len); // convert hex string to bin $padded = $this->pad($bin); $padded = $this->pad($padded, 1, $len); $block = str_split($padded, 32); foreach ($block as &$b) { $b = implode('', array_reverse(str_split($b, 8))); } return $block; } private function pad($bin, $type=0, $len = 0){ if($type == 0){ $bin = $bin."1"; $buff = strlen($bin) % 512; if($buff != 448){ while(strlen($bin) % 512 != 448){ $bin = $bin."0"; } } } // append length (b) of string to latter 64 bits elseif($type == 1){ $bLen = $this->leftpad(decbin($len), 64); $bin .= implode('', array_reverse(str_split($bLen, 8))); } return $bin; } /* MD5 base functions */ private function F($X, $Y, $Z){ $X = $this->binarySafeHexDec($X); $Y = $this->binarysafehexdec($Y); $Z = $this->binarysafehexdec($Z); $calc = (($X & $Y) | ((~ $X) & $Z)); // X AND Y OR NOT X AND Z return $calc; } private function G($X, $Y, $Z){ $X = $this->binarysafehexdec($X); $Y = $this->binarysafehexdec($Y); $Z = $this->binarysafehexdec($Z); $calc = (($X & $Z) | ($Y & (~ $Z))); // X AND Z OR Y AND NOT Z return $calc; } private function H($X, $Y, $Z){ $X = $this->binarysafehexdec($X); $Y = $this->binarysafehexdec($Y); $Z = $this->binarysafehexdec($Z); $calc = ($X ^ $Y ^ $Z); // X XOR Y XOR Z return $calc; } private function I($X, $Y, $Z){ $X = $this->binarysafehexdec($X); $Y = $this->binarysafehexdec($Y); $Z = $this->binarysafehexdec($Z); $calc = ($Y ^ ($X | (~ $Z))) ; // Y XOR (X OR NOT Z) return $calc; } /* MD5 round functions */ /* $A - hex, $B - hex, $C - hex, $D - hex (F - dec) $M - binary $s - decimal $t - hex */ private function FF(&$A, $B, $C, $D, $M, $s, $t){ $A = $this->binarysafehexdec($A); $t = $this->binarysafehexdec($t); $M = $this->binarysafebindec($M); $A = $this->add($A, $this->F($B, $C, $D), $M, $t) & $this->right32; //decimal $A = $this->rotate($A, $s); $A = dechex($this->add($this->binarysafehexdec($B), $this->binarysafehexdec($A)) & $this->right32); echo $A . "\n"; } private function GG(&$A, $B, $C, $D, $M, $s, $t){ $A = $this->binarysafehexdec($A); $t = $this->binarysafehexdec($t); $M = $this->binarysafebindec($M); $A = $this->add($A, $this->G($B, $C, $D), $M, $t) & $this->right32; //decimal $A = $this->rotate($A, $s); $A = dechex($this->add($this->binarysafehexdec($B), $this->binarysafehexdec($A)) & $this->right32); echo $A . "\n"; } private function HH(&$A, $B, $C, $D, $M, $s, $t){ $A = $this->binarysafehexdec($A); $t = $this->binarysafehexdec($t); $M = $this->binarysafebindec($M); $A = $this->add($A, $this->H($B, $C, $D), $M, $t) & $this->right32; //decimal $A = $this->rotate($A, $s); $A = dechex($this->add($this->binarysafehexdec($B), $this->binarysafehexdec($A)) & $this->right32); echo $A . "\n"; } private function II(&$A, $B, $C, $D, $M, $s, $t){ $A = $this->binarysafehexdec($A); $t = $this->binarysafehexdec($t); $M = $this->binarysafebindec($M); $A = $this->add($A, $this->I($B, $C, $D), $M, $t) & $this->right32; //decimal $A = $this->rotate($A, $s); $A = dechex($this->add($this->binarysafehexdec($B), $this->binarysafehexdec($A)) & $this->right32); echo $A . "\n"; } // shift private function rotate ($decimal, $bits) { //returns hex return dechex((($decimal << $bits) | ($decimal >> (32 - $bits))) & $this->right32); } private function addVars(&$a, &$b, &$c, &$d, $A, $B, $C, $D){ $A = $this->binarysafehexdec($A); $B = $this->binarysafehexdec($B); $C = $this->binarysafehexdec($C); $D = $this->binarysafehexdec($D); $aa = $this->binarysafehexdec($a); $bb = $this->binarysafehexdec($b); $cc = $this->binarysafehexdec($c); $dd = $this->binarysafehexdec($d); $aa = $this->add($aa, $A) & $this->right32; $bb = $this->add($bb, $B) & $this->right32; $cc = $this->add($cc, $C) & $this->right32; $dd = $this->add($dd, $D) & $this->right32; $a = dechex($aa); $b = dechex($bb); $c = dechex($cc); $d = dechex($dd); } private function leftpad($needs_padding, $alignment) { if (strlen($needs_padding) % $alignment) { $pad_amount = $alignment - strlen($needs_padding) % $alignment; $left_pad = implode('', array_fill(0, $pad_amount, '0')); $needs_padding = $left_pad . $needs_padding; } return $needs_padding; } public function binarySafeBinDec($bin) { $bits = array_reverse(str_split($bin, 1)); $result = 0; foreach ($bits as $position => $bit) { $result |= ((int) $bit) << $position; } return $result; } private function binarySafeHexDec($hex) { $h = str_split(str_pad($hex, 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), 2); return (hexdec($h[0]) << 24) | (hexdec($h[1]) << 16) | (hexdec($h[2]) << 8) | hexdec($h[3]); } // shamelessly stolen from http://stackoverflow.com/a/4068918/889949 private function binarySafeAddition($a, $b) { $carry = $a & $b; $result = $a ^ $b; while($carry != 0) { $shiftedcarry = $carry << 1; $carry = $result & $shiftedcarry; $result ^= $shiftedcarry; } return $result; } public function add() { $result = 0; foreach (func_get_args() as $int) { $result = $this->binarySafeAddition($result, $int); } return $result; } } $eahashor = new EAHashor(); $hash = $eahashor->eaEncode('test'); echo $hash;
Output for 5.3.0 - 5.3.29, 5.4.0 - 5.4.45, 5.5.0 - 5.5.38, 5.6.0 - 5.6.28, 7.0.0 - 7.0.20, 7.1.0 - 7.1.33, 7.2.0 - 7.2.33, 7.3.0 - 7.3.33, 7.4.0 - 7.4.33, 8.0.0 - 8.0.30, 8.1.0 - 8.1.27, 8.2.0 - 8.2.18, 8.3.0 - 8.3.6
ded2a12e f74edac f1824515 daf27c2c c5adad00 b7ac6179 480530da e95caa49 d2b0528f 3a68633f e81c99b1 39c7f222 70426956 6c99c85b 1c3dc813 2f9be0b e6bca679 95200ee0 a1551890 dce63c0f 90098dd 15c03ec7 4ba62b4 eb97fa59 7f3420de d933566e 89f5cc1e e2416eb4 1dfc71b1 4cb69e35 8841b1fd 377d2ce4 4f880ed5 38cc24fb 3f467281 1f0524df ec6be8bf 8a081345 270ec2ad 7a1e5bba 3c1d7938 90248b89 2c625dae 1be1dec1 f577043c 9add0e0b 4a79ce5b 137cff57 da2c677d 44859aa8 3c813104 94525ddc 7515e4cc 757f59a7 17f57d54 77960830 c0239a23 67702270 fe929798 ee3e6135 d75f1462 8826f1d9 332d2dea 90bed7f4 68932803 6337a43e8cd36058e80ae8cb4f465998

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