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<?php /** * PDO4You is a class that implements the Singleton design pattern for connecting the database using the PDO extension (PHP Data Objects) * * @author Giovanni Ramos <giovannilauro@gmail.com> * @copyright 2010-2013, Giovanni Ramos * @since 2010-09-07 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * @link http://github.com/giovanniramos/PDO4YOU * @package PDO4YOU * @category PDO * @version 3.1 * * */ class PDO4You extends PDO4You_pagination { /** * Stores the name of the server machine on which the database resides * * @access private static * @var string * * */ private static $datahost; /** * Stores the name of the port on which the server is running * * @access private static * @var string * * */ private static $dataport; /** * Stores the name of the current instance of the connection * * @access private static * @var string * * */ private static $connection; /** * Stores an object instance PDO connection * * @access private static * @var object * * */ private static $instance; /** * Stores object instances PDO connection * * @access private static * @var array * * */ private static $handle = array(); /** * Stores the definition of persistent connection * * @access private static * @var boolean * * */ private static $persistent = false; /** * Stores the ID of the last inserted row or sequence value * * @access private * @var string * * */ private static $lastId; /** * Stores the total of affected rows in last CRUD operation * * @access private * @var string * * */ private static $rowCount; /** * Stores messages Exception thrown * * @access private * @var array * * */ private static $exception = array( 'code-1044' => 'Access denied for user: \'%1$s\'', 'code-1045' => 'Failed communication with the database using: \'%1$s\'@\'%2$s\'', 'code-2002' => 'No connection could be made because the destination machine actively refused. This host is not known.', 'code-2005' => 'No communication with the host provided. Check your settings.', 'unrecognized' => 'The Adapter/DSN Instance was not recognized.', 'no-database' => 'Database unknown. Check your settings.', 'no-instance' => 'No instance of object PDO4You available. Unable to access the methods.', 'no-argument-sql' => 'The SQL argument is missing.', 'no-instruction-json' => 'The SQL statement is missing in JSON format.', 'not-implemented' => 'Method not implemented.', 'critical-error' => 'Critical error detected in the system.', 'json-error-depth' => 'Maximum stack depth exceeded.', 'json-error-state-mismatch' => 'Mismatch or arithmetic operation modes impossible to be represented.', 'json-error-ctrl-char' => 'Attribute control unexpected was found.', 'json-error-syntax' => 'The query is poorly formatted JSON provided.' ); /** * The constructor is set to private, preventing direct instance of the class * * @access private * * */ private function PDO4You() { } /** * Method Singleton connection * * @access private static * @param string $alias Pseudonym of a connection instance * @param string $driver Driver DSN connection * @param string $user Username of the database * @param string $pass Password of the database * @param string $option Configuration the connection driver * @return void * @throws PDOException Throws an exception in case of connection failures * * */ private static function singleton($alias, $driver, $user, $pass, $option) { try { try { $instance = @ new PDO($driver, $user, $pass, $option); $instance->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, ($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] == '' || $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] == '::1') ? PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION : PDO::ERRMODE_SILENT); self::setHandle($alias, $instance); self::setInstance($alias); } catch (PDOException $e) { $error = self::getErrorInfo($e); if ($e->getMessage() == 'could not find driver' || $e->getMessage() == 'invalid data source name') { throw new PDOException(self::$exception['unrecognized']); } elseif ($error['code'] == '2005') { throw new PDOException(self::$exception['code-2005']); } elseif ($error['code'] == '2002') { throw new PDOException(self::$exception['code-2002']); } elseif ($error['code'] == '1044') { throw new PDOException(sprintf(self::$exception['code-1044'], $user)); } elseif ($error['code'] == '1045') { throw new PDOException(sprintf(self::$exception['code-1045'], $user, $pass)); } else { throw $e; } } } catch (PDOException $e) { self::stackTrace($e); } } /** * Method for setting a connection instance * * @access public static * @param string $alias Pseudonym of a connection instance * @return void * * */ public static function setInstance($alias) { self::$instance = self::getHandle($alias == null ? 'standard' : $alias); } /** * Method to get a single instance of the database per connection * * @access public static * @param string $alias Pseudonym that will be used as a pointer to an instance of established connection * @param string $type Connection type if using "Initial Setup" or "Full DSN" * @param string $user Username of the database * @param string $pass Password of the database * @param string $option Configuration the connection driver * @return object * @throws Exception Throws an exception in case of connection failures * * */ public static function getInstance($alias = 'standard', $type = null, $user = null, $pass = null, Array $option = null) { try { try { if (!array_key_exists($alias, self::$handle)) { if ($alias == 'standard') { $dir = dirname(__FILE__); $file = $dir . '/PDO4You.settings.ini'; if (file_exists($file)) { if (is_readable($file)) { $datafile = parse_ini_file_advanced($file); if (isset($datafile['adapter'])) { if (PDO4YOU_ADAPTER == 'vcap') { $json = json_decode(getenv("VCAP_SERVICES"), true); $data = $datafile['adapter']['vcap']; $part = preg_split('~[|]~', $data['vcap']); $conf = $json[$part[0]][$part[1]]['credentials']; $type = isset($data['type']) ? $data['type'] : null; $host = isset($conf['hostname']) ? $conf['hostname'] : null; $port = isset($conf['port']) ? $conf['port'] : null; $user = isset($conf['username']) ? $conf['username'] : null; $pass = isset($conf['password']) ? $conf['password'] : null; $base = isset($conf['name']) ? $conf['name'] : null; } else { $part = preg_split('~[.]~', preg_replace('~[\s]{1,}~', null, PDO4YOU_ADAPTER)); $conf = count($part) == 2 ? @$datafile['adapter'][$part[0]][$part[1]] : @$datafile['adapter'][$part[0]]; $type = isset($conf['type']) ? $conf['type'] : null; $host = isset($conf['host']) ? $conf['host'] : null; $port = isset($conf['port']) ? $conf['port'] : null; $user = isset($conf['user']) ? $conf['user'] : null; $pass = isset($conf['pass']) ? $conf['pass'] : null; $base = isset($conf['base']) ? $conf['base'] : null; } } else { exit('The settings for existing databases, were not configured in the <strong>PDO4You.settings.ini</strong>.'); } } else { exit('The <strong>PDO4You.settings.ini</strong> file cannot be read.'); } } else { exit('The <strong>PDO4You.settings.ini</strong> file could not be found in directory:<br /> ' . $dir); } } $type = strtolower($type); switch ($type) { case 'maria': $driver = 'mysql:' . (!(empty($base)) ? 'dbname=' . $base . ';' : null) . 'host=' . $host . ';port=' . $port . ';'; break; case 'mysql': case 'pgsql': case 'cubrid': $driver = $type . ':' . (!(empty($base)) ? 'dbname=' . $base . ';' : null) . 'host=' . $host . ';port=' . $port . ';'; break; case 'mssql': case 'dblib': case 'sybase': $driver = $type . ':' . (!(empty($base)) ? 'dbname=' . $base . ';' : null) . 'host=' . $host . ';'; break; case 'sqlsrv': $driver = 'sqlsrv:' . (!(empty($base)) ? 'database=' . $base . ';' : null) . 'server=' . $host . ';'; break; case 'oracle': $driver = 'oci:' . (!(empty($base)) ? 'dbname=' . $base : null); break; case 'sqlite': $driver = 'sqlite:' . (!(empty($base)) ? $base : null); break; default: $driver = $type; } $option = !is_null($option) ? $option : array(PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => self::$persistent, PDO::ATTR_CASE => PDO::CASE_LOWER); self::singleton($alias, $driver, $user, $pass, $option); } } catch (PDOException $e) { $error = self::getErrorInfo($e); if ($error['state'] == '42000') { throw new PDOException(self::$exception['no-database']); } else { throw $e; } } } catch (PDOException $e) { self::stackTrace($e); } return self::$instance; } /** * Method for assigning a new object instance PDO connection * * @param string $alias Pseudonym to identify the connection instance * @param PDO $instance Object PDO connection * @return void * */ private static function setHandle($alias, PDO $instance) { self::$handle[$alias] = $instance; } /** * Method to return an object PDO connection * * @param string $alias Pseudonym of a connection instance * @return object * */ private static function getHandle($alias) { self::setConnection($alias); return self::$handle[$alias]; } /** * Method to set the server name * * @access private static * @param string $host Server name * @return void * * */ private static function setDatahost($host) { self::$datahost = $host; } /** * Method to retrieve the server name * * @access public static * @param void * @return string * * */ public static function getDatahost() { return self::$datahost; } /** * Method to set the port number of the server * * @access private static * @param string $port Port number * @return void * * */ private static function setDataport($port) { self::$dataport = $port; } /** * Method to retrieve the port number of the server * * @access public static * @param void * @return string * * */ public static function getDataport() { return self::$dataport; } /** * Method to define which the current instance of connection * * @access private static * @param string $alias Pseudonym of a connection instance * @return void * * */ private static function setConnection($alias) { self::$connection = $alias; } /** * Method to retrieve the name of the current instance of connection * * @access public static * @param void * @return string * * */ public static function getConnection() { return self::$connection; } /** * Method for defining the type of communication with the database * The default connection is not persistent * * @access public static * @param boolean $persistent Sets a persistent connection * @return void * * */ public static function setPersistent($persistent = false) { self::$persistent = $persistent; } /** * Method to capture the error information of an Exception * * @access public static * @param Exception $e Gets the message from the exception thrown * @param boolean $debug Enables the display of the captured values * @return array * * */ public static function getErrorInfo(Exception $e, $debug = false) { if (defined(PDO4YOU_WEBMASTER)) { self::fireAlert(self::$exception['critical-error'], $e); } $info = null; $errorInfo = null; $message = $e->getMessage(); preg_match('~SQLSTATE[[]([[:alnum:]]{1,})[]]:?\s[[]?([[:digit:]]{1,})?[]]?\s?(.+)~', $message, $errorInfo); $info['state'] = isset($errorInfo[1]) ? $errorInfo[1] : null; $info['code'] = isset($errorInfo[2]) ? $errorInfo[2] : null; $info['message'] = isset($errorInfo[3]) ? $errorInfo[3] : null; if ($debug) { echo '<pre>', print_r($info), '</pre>'; } return $info; } /** * Method to retrieve the name of the current driver * * @access public static * @param void * @return string * * */ public static function getDriver() { return self::$instance->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME); } /** * Method to display details about the target server's database connected * * @access public static * @param void * @return void * * */ public static function getServerInfo() { try { if (self::$instance instanceof PDO) { self::setStyle(); $driver = self::getDriver(); $info = ($driver == 'sqlite' || $driver == 'mssql') ? 'not available' : self::$instance->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_SERVER_INFO); echo '<h7>Server Information - ', is_array($info) ? implode(', ', $info) : $info, '</h7>'; } else { throw new PDOException(self::$exception['no-instance']); } } catch (PDOException $e) { self::stackTrace($e); } } /** * Method to display the PDO drivers installed and supported by the server * * @access public static * @param void * @return void * * */ public static function getAvailableDrivers() { try { if (self::$instance instanceof PDO) { self::setStyle(); $info = self::$instance->getAvailableDrivers(); echo '<h7>Available Drivers: ', implode(', ', $info), '</h7>'; } else { throw new PDOException(self::$exception['no-instance']); } } catch (PDOException $e) { self::stackTrace($e); } } /** * PDO4You Style * * @access public static * @param void * @return void * * */ public static function setStyle() { $style = '<style type="text/css">'; $style.= 'body,.code { background:#FAFAFA; font:normal 12px/1.7em Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,Courier New,Monospace; margin:0; padding:0; }'; $style.= '#pdo4you h2 { display:block; color:#000; background:#FFF; font-size:20px; margin:0; padding:10px; border-bottom:solid 1px #999; }'; $style.= '#pdo4you h7 { display:block; color:#FFF; background:#000; font-size:12px; margin:0; padding:2px 5px; }'; $style.= '.pdo4you { margin:8px; padding:0; }'; $style.= '.code { font:inherit; background:#EFEFEF; border:solid 1px #DDD; border-right-color:#BBB; border-bottom:none; margin:10px 10px 0 10px; overflow:auto; }'; $style.= '.trace,.debug { background:#FFF; border:solid 1px #BBB; border-left-color:#DDD; border-top:none; margin:0 10px 15px 10px; }'; $style.= '.trace div { clear:both; }'; $style.= '.debug { padding:5px; }'; $style.= '.title { padding-left:6px; font-weight:bold; }'; $style.= '.title span { font-weight:normal; }'; $style.= '.number { color:#AAA; background:#EFEFEF; min-width:40px; padding:0 5px; margin-right:5px; float:left; text-align:right; cursor:default; }'; $style.= '.highlight { background:#FFC; }'; $style.= '</style>'; print $style; } }
Output for git.master, git.master_jit, rfc.property-hooks
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "PDO4You_pagination" not found in /in/b9bO3:16 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /in/b9bO3 on line 16
Process exited with code 255.

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