
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php namespace Hoa\Bench { class Mark { /** * Mark ID. * * @var \Hoa\Bench\Mark string */ protected $_id = null; /** * Start time. * * @var \Hoa\Bench\Mark float */ protected $start = 0.0; /** * Stop time. * * @var \Hoa\Bench\Mark float */ protected $stop = 0.0; /** * Addition of pause time. * * @var \Hoa\Bench\Mark float */ protected $pause = 0.0; /** * Whether the mark is running. * * @var \Hoa\Bench\Mark bool */ protected $_running = false; /** * Whether the mark is in pause. * * @var \Hoa\Bench\Mark bool */ protected $_pause = false; /** * Built a mark (and set the ID). * * @access public * @param string $id The mark ID. * @return void */ public function __construct ( $id ) { $this->setId($id); return; } /** * Set the mark ID. * * @access protected * @param string $id The mark ID. * @return string */ protected function setId ( $id ) { $old = $this->_id; $this->_id = $id; return $old; } /** * Get the mark ID. * * @access public * @return string */ public function getId ( ) { return $this->_id; } /** * Start the mark. * A mark can be started if it is in pause, stopped, or if it is the first start. * Else, an exception will be thrown. * * @access public * @return \Hoa\Bench\Mark * @throw \Hoa\Bench\Exception */ public function start ( ) { if(true === $this->isRunning()) if(false === $this->isPause()) throw new Exception( 'Cannot start the %s mark, because it is running.', 0, $this->getId()); if(true === $this->isPause()) $this->pause += microtime(true) - $this->stop; else { $this->reset(); $this->start = microtime(true); } $this->_running = true; $this->_pause = false; return $this; } /** * Stop the mark. * A mark can be stopped if it is in pause, or started. Else, an exception * will be thrown (or not, according to the $silent argument). * * @access public * @param bool $silent If set to true and if the mark is not running, * no exception will be thrown. * @return \Hoa\Bench\Mark * @throw \Hoa\Bench\Exception */ public function stop ( $silent = false ) { if(false === $this->isRunning()) if(false === $silent) throw new Exception( 'Cannot stop the %s mark, because it is not running.', 1, $this->getId()); else return $this; $this->stop = microtime(true); $this->_running = false; $this->_pause = false; return $this; } /** * Reset the mark. * * @access public * @return \Hoa\Bench\Mark */ public function reset ( ) { $this->start = 0.0. $this->stop = 0.0; $this->pause = 0.0; $this->_running = false; $this->_pause = false; return $this; } /** * Pause the mark. * A mark can be in pause if it is started. Else, an exception will be * thrown (or not, according to the $silent argument). * * @access public * @param bool $silent If set to true and the mark is not running, * no exception will be throw. Idem if the mark * is in pause. * @return \Hoa\Bench\Mark * @throw \Hoa\Bench\Exception */ public function pause ( $silent = false ) { if(false === $this->isRunning()) if(false === $silent) throw new Exception( 'Cannot stop the %s mark, because it is not running.', 2, $this->getId()); else return $this; if(true === $this->isPause()) if(false === $silent) throw new Exception( 'The %s mark is still in pause. Cannot pause it again.', 3, $this->getId()); else return $this; $this->stop = microtime(true); $this->_pause = true; return $this; } /** * Get the difference between $stop and $start. * If the mark is still running (it contains the pause case), the current * microtime will be used in stay of $stop. * * @access public * @return float */ public function diff ( ) { if(false === $this->isRunning() || true === $this->isPause()) return $this->stop - $this->start - $this->pause; return microtime(true) - $this->start - $this->pause; } /** * Compare to mark. * $a op $b : return -1 if $a < $b, 0 if $a == $b, and 1 if $a > $b. We * compare the difference between $start and $stop, i.e. we call the diff() * method. * * @access public * @param \Hoa\Bench\Mark $mark The mark to compare to. * @return int */ public function compareTo ( Mark $mark ) { $a = $this->diff(); $b = $mark->diff(); if($a < $b) return -1; elseif($a == $b) return 0; else return 1; } /** * Check if the mark is running. * * @access public * @return bool */ public function isRunning ( ) { return $this->_running; } /** * Check if the mark is in pause. * * @access public * @return bool */ public function isPause ( ) { return $this->_pause; } /** * Alias of the diff() method, but return a string, not a float. * * @access public * @return string */ public function __toString ( ) { return (string) $this->diff(); } } class Bench implements \Iterator, \Countable { /** * Statistic : get the result. * * @const int */ const STAT_RESULT = 0; /** * Statistic : get the pourcent. * * @const int */ const STAT_POURCENT = 1; /** * Collection of marks. * * @var \Hoa\Bench array */ protected static $_mark = array(); /** * Collection of filters. * * @var \Hoa\Bench array */ protected $_filters = array(); /** * Get a mark. * If the mark does not exist, it will be automatically create. * * @access public * @param string $id The mark ID. * @return \Hoa\Bench\Mark * @throw \Hoa\Bench\Exception */ public function __get ( $id ) { if(true === $this->markExists($id)) return self::$_mark[$id]; $mark = new Mark($id); self::$_mark[$id] = $mark; return $mark; } /** * Check if a mark exists. * Alias of the protected markExist method. * * @access public * @param string $id The mark ID. * @return bool */ public function __isset ( $id ) { return $this->markExists($id); } /** * Destroy a mark. * * @access public * @param string $id The mark ID. * @return void */ public function __unset ( $id ) { unset(self::$_mark[$id]); return; } /** * Destroy all mark. * * @access public * @return void */ public function unsetAll ( ) { self::$_mark = array(); return; } /** * Check if a mark already exists. * * @access protected * @param string $id The mark ID. * @return bool */ protected function markExists ( $id ) { return isset(self::$_mark[$id]); } /** * Get the current mark for the iterator. * * @access public * @return \Hoa\Bench\Mark */ public function current ( ) { return current(self::$_mark); } /** * Get the current mark ID for the iterator. * * @access public * @return string */ public function key ( ) { return key(self::$_mark); } /** * Advance the internal mark collection pointer, and return the current * mark. * * @access public * @return \Hoa\Bench\Mark */ public function next ( ) { return next(self::$_mark); } /** * Rewind the internal mark collection pointer, and return the first mark. * * @access public * @return \Hoa\Bench\Mark */ public function rewind ( ) { return reset(self::$_mark); } /** * Check if there is a current element after calls the rewind or the next * methods. * * @access public * @return bool */ public function valid ( ) { if(empty(self::$_mark)) return false; $key = key(self::$_mark); $return = (next(self::$_mark) ? true : false); prev(self::$_mark); if(false === $return) { end(self::$_mark); if($key === key(self::$_mark)) $return = true; } return $return; } /** * Add a filter. * Used in the self::getStatistic() method, no in iterator. * A filter is a callable that will receive 3 values about a mark: ID, time * result, and time pourcent. The callable must return a boolean. * * @access public * @param mixed $callable Callable. * @return void */ public function filter ( $callable ) { $this->_filters[] = xcallable($callable); return $this; } /** * Return all filters. * * @access public * @return array */ public function getFilters ( ) { return $this->_filters; } /** * Get statistic. * Return an associative array : id => sub-array. The sub-array contains the * result time in second (given by the constant self::STAT_RESULT), and the * result pourcent (given by the constant self::START_POURCENT). * * @access public * @param bool $considerFilters Whether we should consider filters or * not. * @return array */ public function getStatistic ( $considerFilters = true ) { if(empty(self::$_mark)) return array(); $max = $this->getLongest()->diff(); $out = array(); foreach($this as $id => $mark) { $result = $mark->diff(); $pourcent = ($result * 100) / $max; if(true === $considerFilters) foreach($this->getFilters() as $filter) if(true !== $filter($id, $result, $pourcent)) continue 2; $out[$id] = array( self::STAT_RESULT => $result, self::STAT_POURCENT => $pourcent ); } return $out; } /** * Get the maximum, i.e. the longest mark in time. * * @access public * @return \Hoa\Bench\Mark */ public function getLongest ( ) { $max = 0; $outMark = null; foreach($this as $id => $mark) if($mark->diff() > $max) { $outMark = $mark; $max = $mark->diff(); } return $outMark; } /** * Draw statistic in text mode. * * @access public * @param int $width The graphic width. * @return string * @throw \Hoa\Bench\Exception */ public function drawStatistic ( $width = 80 ) { if(empty(self::$_mark)) return ''; if($width < 1) throw new Exception( 'The graphic width must be positive, given %d.', 0, $width); $out = null; $stats = $this->getStatistic(); $margin = 0; foreach($stats as $id => $foo) strlen($id) > $margin and $margin = strlen($id); $width = $width - $margin - 18; $format = '%-' . $margin . 's %-' . $width . 's %5dms, %5.1f%%' . "\n"; foreach($stats as $id => $stat) $out .= sprintf( $format, $id, str_repeat( '|', round(($stat[self::STAT_POURCENT] * $width) / 100) ), round(1000 * $stat[self::STAT_RESULT]), round($stat[self::STAT_POURCENT], 3) ); return $out; } /** * Count the number of mark. * * @access public * @return int */ public function count ( ) { return count(self::$_mark); } /** * Alias of drawStatistic() method. * * @access public * @return string */ public function __toString ( ) { return $this->drawStatistic(); } } } namespace { $bench = new Hoa\Bench(); $memory = array(); $string = str_repeat('foo', 10000); $_string = $string; $memory['substr'] = memory_get_usage(); $bench->substr->start(); while(0 < strlen($_string)) { preg_match('#^(?:foo)#u', $_string, $matches); $_string = mb_substr($_string, mb_strlen($matches[0])); } $bench->substr->stop(); $memory['substr'] = memory_get_usage() - $memory['substr']; unset($matches); unset($_string); $_string = $string; $offset = 0; $memory['offset'] = memory_get_usage(); $bench->offset->start(); while($offset < strlen($_string)) { preg_match('#(?:foo)#u', $_string, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset); $offset += mb_strlen($matches[0][0]); } $bench->offset->stop(); $memory['offset'] = memory_get_usage() - $memory['offset']; echo $bench; print_r($memory); }

33.61 ms | 402 KiB | 5 Q