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<?php function cs_theme_cost_calculator_input_box_shortcode($atts) { extract(shortcode_atts(array( "id" => "input-box", "name" => "input-box", "label" => "", "default_value" => "", "type" => "text", "checked" => "1", "placeholder" => "1", "top_margin" => "none", "el_class" => "" ), $atts)); $output = '<div class="cost-calculator-box clearfix' . ($type=="checkbox" ? ' float' : '') . ($top_margin!="none" ? ' ' . esc_attr($top_margin) : '') . ($el_class!="" ? ' ' . esc_attr($el_class) : '') . '">'; if($type!="checkbox") $output .= '<label>' . $label . '</label>'; $output .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . esc_attr($name) . '-label" value="' . esc_attr($label) . '">'; if($type=="date") $output .= '<div class="datepicker-container"><span class="ui-icon template-arrow-dropdown"></span>'; $output .= '<input id="' . esc_attr($id) . '" class="cost-slider-input big type-' . esc_attr($type) . '" name="' . esc_attr($name) . '" type="' . esc_attr($type) . '"' . ($type=="checkbox" && (int)$checked ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' value="' . ($type=="checkbox" && !(int)$checked ? 0 : esc_attr($default_value)) . '" data-value="' . esc_attr($default_value) . '" placeholder="' . esc_attr($placeholder) . '"> ' . ($type=="checkbox" ? '<label class="checkbox-label template-bullet" for="' . esc_attr($id) . '"><span class="checkbox-box"></span>' . $label . '</label>' : ''); if($type=="date") $output .= '</div>'; $output .= '</div>'; return $output; } add_shortcode("cost_calculator_input_box", "cs_theme_cost_calculator_input_box_shortcode"); //visual composer wpb_map( array( "name" => __("Cost calculator input box", 'carservice'), "base" => "cost_calculator_input_box", "class" => "", "controls" => "full", "show_settings_on_create" => true, "icon" => "icon-wpb-layer-cost-calculator-input-box", "category" => __('Carservice', 'carservice'), "params" => array( array( "type" => "textfield", "holder" => "div", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Id", 'carservice'), "param_name" => "id", "value" => "input-box", "description" => __("Please provide unique id for each 'Cost calculator input box' on your page.", 'carservice') ), array( "type" => "textfield", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Input name", 'carservice'), "param_name" => "name", "value" => "input-box" ), array( "type" => "textfield", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Label", 'carservice'), "param_name" => "label", "value" => "" ), array( "type" => "textfield", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Default value", 'carservice'), "param_name" => "default_value", "value" => "" ), array( "type" => "dropdown", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Type", 'carservice'), "param_name" => "type", "value" => array(__("text", 'carservice') => "text", __("number", 'carservice') => "number", __("date", 'carservice') => "date", __("email", 'carservice') => "email", __("checkbox", 'carservice') => "checkbox") ), array( "type" => "dropdown", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Is checked", 'carservice'), "param_name" => "checked", "value" => array(__("yes", 'carservice') => "1", __("no", 'carservice') => "0"), "dependency" => Array('element' => "type", 'value' => "checkbox") ), array( "type" => "textfield", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Placeholder", 'carservice'), "param_name" => "placeholder", "value" => "" ), array( "type" => "dropdown", "class" => "", "heading" => __("Top margin", 'carservice'), "param_name" => "top_margin", "value" => array(__("None", 'carservice') => "none", __("Page (small)", 'carservice') => "page-margin-top", __("Section (large)", 'carservice') => "page-margin-top-section") ), array( 'type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __( 'Extra class name', 'js_composer' ), 'param_name' => 'el_class', 'description' => __( 'If you wish to style particular content element differently, then use this field to add a class name and then refer to it in your css file.', 'js_composer' ) ) ) )); ?>

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