
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<? /* Tipo : classe Nome : UpLoad Data : 29/08/2003 Autor: Wonder Alexandre Luz Alves Desc : esta class faz upload de arquivo gera uma mini imagem p/ visualização e tem tratamento de erros Versão: 1.2 */ class UpLoad { var $arquivo_permissao; var $dir; var $max_filesize; var $idioma; var $error=0; var $file_type; var $file_name; var $file_size; var $arquivo; var $file_path; var $warning=0; var $MINI_name; var $MINI_path="images_mini"; function UpLoad ($permissao="" , $max_file = 300000, $dir = "images",$idioma="portugues"){ if ( empty ($permissao) ) $permissao = array ("image/pjpeg","image/x-png","image/jpeg","image/png","image/gif"); $this->arquivo_permissao = $permissao; $this->max_filesize = $max_file; $this->dir = $dir; $this->idioma = $idioma; } function putFile ($file){ $this->file_type = strtok ( $_FILES[$file]['type'], ";"); $this->file_name = $_FILES[$file]['name']; $this->file_size = $_FILES[$file]['size']; $this->temp = $_FILES[$file]['tmp_name']; // upload para o diretorio temp if(!in_array($this->file_type, $this->arquivo_permissao)) $this->Error(1); if ( ($this->file_size <= 0) || ($this->file_size > $this->max_filesize) ) $this->Error(2); if ($this->error == ""){ $filename = basename ($this->file_name); if (!empty ($this->dir) ) $this->arquivo = $this->dir."/".$filename; else $this->arquivo = $filename; if (file_exists($this->arquivo)){ srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $filename = rand(0,20000).$filename; if (!empty ($this->dir)) $this->arquivo = $this->dir."/".$filename; else $this->arquivo = $filename; } if(!is_uploaded_file($this->temp)) $this->Error(3); if(!@move_uploaded_file($this->temp,$this->arquivo) ) $this->Error(4); return $this->arquivo; } else { return false; } } function checar_gd() { $testGD = get_extension_funcs("gd"); if (!$testGD) $this->error(5); else{ ob_start(); phpinfo(8); $grab = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $version = strpos ($grab,"2.0 or higher"); if ( $version ) return "gd2"; else return "gd"; } } function Gerar_mini($new_image_file_path, $max_width=480, $max_height=1600 ) { $return_val = 1; if(eregi("\.png$",$this->arquivo)){ $return_val = ( ($img = ImageCreateFromPNG ( $this->arquivo )) && $return_val == 1 ) ? "1" : "0"; } if(eregi("\.(jpg|jpeg)$",$this->arquivo)){ $return_val = ( ($img = ImageCreateFromJPEG ( $this->arquivo )) && $return_val == 1 ) ? "1" : "0"; } if(eregi("\.gif$",$this->arquivo)){ $return_val = ( ($img = ImageCreateFromGif ( $this->arquivo )) && $return_val == 1 ) ? "1" : "0"; } $FullImage_width = imagesx ($img); $FullImage_height = imagesy ($img); $ratio = ( $FullImage_width > $max_width ) ? (real)($max_width / $FullImage_width) : 1 ; $new_width = ((int)($FullImage_width * $ratio)); //full-size width $new_height = ((int)($FullImage_height * $ratio)); //full-size height $ratio = ( $new_height > $max_height ) ? (real)($max_height / $new_height) : 1 ; $new_width = ((int)($new_width * $ratio)); //mid-size width $new_height = ((int)($new_height * $ratio)); //mid-size height if ( $new_width == $FullImage_width && $new_height == $FullImage_height ) copy ( $this->arquivo, $new_image_file_path ); $gd_version = $this->checar_gd(); if ( $gd_version == "gd2" ) { $full_id = ImageCreateTrueColor ( $new_width , $new_height ); //Crea un'immagine ImageCopyResampled ( $full_id, $img, 0,0,0,0, $new_width, $new_height, $FullImage_width, $FullImage_height ); } elseif ( $gd_version == "gd" ){ $full_id = ImageCreate ( $new_width , $new_height ); //Crea un'immagine ImageCopyResized ( $full_id, $img, 0,0,0,0, $new_width, $new_height, $FullImage_width, $FullImage_height ); } else $this->Error(5); if(eregi("\.(jpg|jpeg)$",$this->arquivo)){ $return_val = ( $full = ImageJPEG( $full_id, $new_image_file_path, 80 ) && $return_val == 1 ) ? "1" : "0"; } if(eregi("\.png$",$this->arquivo)) { $return_val = ( $full = ImagePNG( $full_id, $new_image_file_path ) && $return_val == 1 ) ? "1" : "0"; } if(eregi("\.gif$",$this->arquivo)) { if($gd_version != "gd2") return 0; $return_val = ( $full = imagegif($full_id, $new_image_file_path) && $return_val == 1 ) ? "1" : "0"; } ImageDestroy( $full_id ); return ($return_val) ? TRUE : FALSE ; } function Miniatura($larg=80, $alt=80, $pre_name="MINI_"){ if ((eregi("\.png$", $this->arquivo) || eregi("\.(jpg|jpeg)$", $this->arquivo) || eregi("\.gif$", $this->arquivo)) && $this->arquivo){ $this->MINI_name = $pre_name . $this->file_name; if (!empty ($this->MINI_path)) $thumb_path = $this->MINI_path ."/". $pre_name . $this->file_name; else $thumb_path = $pre_name . $this->file_name; if ($this->Gerar_mini($thumb_path, $larg, $alt)) return $thumb_path; else{ $this->Warning(1); return 0; } } else $this->Warning(2); } function Error($op){ if($this->idioma="portugues"){ switch ($op){ case 0: return; break; case 1: $this->error = "Error 1: Este tipo de arquivo não tem permissão para upload : $this->file_type."; break; case 2: $this->error = "Error 2: Erro no tamanho do arquivo: $this->file_size Kb. Tamanho Maximo é $this->max_filesize."; break; case 3: $this->error = "Error 3: Ocorreu um erro na transferencia do arquivo: $this->file_name."; break; case 4: $this->error = "Error 4: Ocorreu um erro na transferencia de $this->temp para $this->file_name."; break; case 5: $this->error = "Error 5: Biblioteca GD não instalada!";break; } } ?> <SCRIPT> alert("<?= $this->error; ?>"); </SCRIPT> <? exit; } function Warning($op){ if($this->idioma="portugues"){ switch ($op){ case 1: $this->warning = "Aviso 1: Ocorreu um erro na criação da Miniatura.";break; case 2: $this->warning = "Aviso 2: Esse arquivo não tem Miniatuara"; break; } } ?> <SCRIPT> alert("<?= $this->warning; ?>"); </SCRIPT> <? } function Mostrar_MINI($tipo='1'){ if(file_exists($this->MINI_path . "/" . $this->MINI_name)) $url = "<img src=" . $this->MINI_path . "/" . $this->MINI_name . " name=x>"; else $url = "<center>Não Há Amostra!</center>"; if($tipo==2) return $url; ?> <script> WIN = window.open ('', 'NINIatura', 'toolbar=no,width=90,height=90,directories=no,status=no,scrollbars=no,resize=no,menubar=no'); WIN.document.write("<? echo $url ?>"); </script> <? } } ?>
Output for 7.2.29 - 7.2.33, 7.3.16 - 7.3.31, 7.4.3 - 7.4.25, 7.4.27 - 7.4.32, 8.0.0 - 8.0.12, 8.0.14 - 8.0.30, 8.1.0 - 8.1.28, 8.2.0 - 8.2.18, 8.3.0 - 8.3.6
<? /* Tipo : classe Nome : UpLoad Data : 29/08/2003 Autor: Wonder Alexandre Luz Alves Desc : esta class faz upload de arquivo gera uma mini imagem p/ visualização e tem tratamento de erros Versão: 1.2 */ class UpLoad { var $arquivo_permissao; var $dir; var $max_filesize; var $idioma; var $error=0; var $file_type; var $file_name; var $file_size; var $arquivo; var $file_path; var $warning=0; var $MINI_name; var $MINI_path="images_mini"; function UpLoad ($permissao="" , $max_file = 300000, $dir = "images",$idioma="portugues"){ if ( empty ($permissao) ) $permissao = array ("image/pjpeg","image/x-png","image/jpeg","image/png","image/gif"); $this->arquivo_permissao = $permissao; $this->max_filesize = $max_file; $this->dir = $dir; $this->idioma = $idioma; } function putFile ($file){ $this->file_type = strtok ( $_FILES[$file]['type'], ";"); $this->file_name = $_FILES[$file]['name']; $this->file_size = $_FILES[$file]['size']; $this->temp = $_FILES[$file]['tmp_name']; // upload para o diretorio temp if(!in_array($this->file_type, $this->arquivo_permissao)) $this->Error(1); if ( ($this->file_size <= 0) || ($this->file_size > $this->max_filesize) ) $this->Error(2); if ($this->error == ""){ $filename = basename ($this->file_name); if (!empty ($this->dir) ) $this->arquivo = $this->dir."/".$filename; else $this->arquivo = $filename; if (file_exists($this->arquivo)){ srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $filename = rand(0,20000).$filename; if (!empty ($this->dir)) $this->arquivo = $this->dir."/".$filename; else $this->arquivo = $filename; } if(!is_uploaded_file($this->temp)) $this->Error(3); if(!@move_uploaded_file($this->temp,$this->arquivo) ) $this->Error(4); return $this->arquivo; } else { return false; } } function checar_gd() { $testGD = get_extension_funcs("gd"); if (!$testGD) $this->error(5); else{ ob_start(); phpinfo(8); $grab = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $version = strpos ($grab,"2.0 or higher"); if ( $version ) return "gd2"; else return "gd"; } } function Gerar_mini($new_image_file_path, $max_width=480, $max_height=1600 ) { $return_val = 1; if(eregi("\.png$",$this->arquivo)){ $return_val = ( ($img = ImageCreateFromPNG ( $this->arquivo )) && $return_val == 1 ) ? "1" : "0"; } if(eregi("\.(jpg|jpeg)$",$this->arquivo)){ $return_val = ( ($img = ImageCreateFromJPEG ( $this->arquivo )) && $return_val == 1 ) ? "1" : "0"; } if(eregi("\.gif$",$this->arquivo)){ $return_val = ( ($img = ImageCreateFromGif ( $this->arquivo )) && $return_val == 1 ) ? "1" : "0"; } $FullImage_width = imagesx ($img); $FullImage_height = imagesy ($img); $ratio = ( $FullImage_width > $max_width ) ? (real)($max_width / $FullImage_width) : 1 ; $new_width = ((int)($FullImage_width * $ratio)); //full-size width $new_height = ((int)($FullImage_height * $ratio)); //full-size height $ratio = ( $new_height > $max_height ) ? (real)($max_height / $new_height) : 1 ; $new_width = ((int)($new_width * $ratio)); //mid-size width $new_height = ((int)($new_height * $ratio)); //mid-size height if ( $new_width == $FullImage_width && $new_height == $FullImage_height ) copy ( $this->arquivo, $new_image_file_path ); $gd_version = $this->checar_gd(); if ( $gd_version == "gd2" ) { $full_id = ImageCreateTrueColor ( $new_width , $new_height ); //Crea un'immagine ImageCopyResampled ( $full_id, $img, 0,0,0,0, $new_width, $new_height, $FullImage_width, $FullImage_height ); } elseif ( $gd_version == "gd" ){ $full_id = ImageCreate ( $new_width , $new_height ); //Crea un'immagine ImageCopyResized ( $full_id, $img, 0,0,0,0, $new_width, $new_height, $FullImage_width, $FullImage_height ); } else $this->Error(5); if(eregi("\.(jpg|jpeg)$",$this->arquivo)){ $return_val = ( $full = ImageJPEG( $full_id, $new_image_file_path, 80 ) && $return_val == 1 ) ? "1" : "0"; } if(eregi("\.png$",$this->arquivo)) { $return_val = ( $full = ImagePNG( $full_id, $new_image_file_path ) && $return_val == 1 ) ? "1" : "0"; } if(eregi("\.gif$",$this->arquivo)) { if($gd_version != "gd2") return 0; $return_val = ( $full = imagegif($full_id, $new_image_file_path) && $return_val == 1 ) ? "1" : "0"; } ImageDestroy( $full_id ); return ($return_val) ? TRUE : FALSE ; } function Miniatura($larg=80, $alt=80, $pre_name="MINI_"){ if ((eregi("\.png$", $this->arquivo) || eregi("\.(jpg|jpeg)$", $this->arquivo) || eregi("\.gif$", $this->arquivo)) && $this->arquivo){ $this->MINI_name = $pre_name . $this->file_name; if (!empty ($this->MINI_path)) $thumb_path = $this->MINI_path ."/". $pre_name . $this->file_name; else $thumb_path = $pre_name . $this->file_name; if ($this->Gerar_mini($thumb_path, $larg, $alt)) return $thumb_path; else{ $this->Warning(1); return 0; } } else $this->Warning(2); } function Error($op){ if($this->idioma="portugues"){ switch ($op){ case 0: return; break; case 1: $this->error = "Error 1: Este tipo de arquivo não tem permissão para upload : $this->file_type."; break; case 2: $this->error = "Error 2: Erro no tamanho do arquivo: $this->file_size Kb. Tamanho Maximo é $this->max_filesize."; break; case 3: $this->error = "Error 3: Ocorreu um erro na transferencia do arquivo: $this->file_name."; break; case 4: $this->error = "Error 4: Ocorreu um erro na transferencia de $this->temp para $this->file_name."; break; case 5: $this->error = "Error 5: Biblioteca GD não instalada!";break; } } ?> <SCRIPT> alert(" Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Using $this when not in object context in /in/FOZ8G:174 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /in/FOZ8G on line 174
Process exited with code 255.
Output for 8.0.13
Parse error: The (real) cast has been removed, use (float) instead in /in/FOZ8G on line 107
Process exited with code 255.
Output for 7.4.33
Deprecated: The (real) cast is deprecated, use (float) instead in /in/FOZ8G on line 107 Deprecated: The (real) cast is deprecated, use (float) instead in /in/FOZ8G on line 111 Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; UpLoad has a deprecated constructor in /in/FOZ8G on line 12
Output for 5.4.0 - 5.4.45, 5.5.0 - 5.5.38, 5.6.0 - 5.6.38, 7.3.32 - 7.3.33, 7.4.26
Output for 7.0.0 - 7.0.33, 7.1.0 - 7.1.25, 7.2.0 - 7.2.13, 7.3.0
Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; UpLoad has a deprecated constructor in /in/FOZ8G on line 12
Output for 5.3.0 - 5.3.29
<? /* Tipo : classe Nome : UpLoad Data : 29/08/2003 Autor: Wonder Alexandre Luz Alves Desc : esta class faz upload de arquivo gera uma mini imagem p/ visualização e tem tratamento de erros Versão: 1.2 */ class UpLoad { var $arquivo_permissao; var $dir; var $max_filesize; var $idioma; var $error=0; var $file_type; var $file_name; var $file_size; var $arquivo; var $file_path; var $warning=0; var $MINI_name; var $MINI_path="images_mini"; function UpLoad ($permissao="" , $max_file = 300000, $dir = "images",$idioma="portugues"){ if ( empty ($permissao) ) $permissao = array ("image/pjpeg","image/x-png","image/jpeg","image/png","image/gif"); $this->arquivo_permissao = $permissao; $this->max_filesize = $max_file; $this->dir = $dir; $this->idioma = $idioma; } function putFile ($file){ $this->file_type = strtok ( $_FILES[$file]['type'], ";"); $this->file_name = $_FILES[$file]['name']; $this->file_size = $_FILES[$file]['size']; $this->temp = $_FILES[$file]['tmp_name']; // upload para o diretorio temp if(!in_array($this->file_type, $this->arquivo_permissao)) $this->Error(1); if ( ($this->file_size <= 0) || ($this->file_size > $this->max_filesize) ) $this->Error(2); if ($this->error == ""){ $filename = basename ($this->file_name); if (!empty ($this->dir) ) $this->arquivo = $this->dir."/".$filename; else $this->arquivo = $filename; if (file_exists($this->arquivo)){ srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $filename = rand(0,20000).$filename; if (!empty ($this->dir)) $this->arquivo = $this->dir."/".$filename; else $this->arquivo = $filename; } if(!is_uploaded_file($this->temp)) $this->Error(3); if(!@move_uploaded_file($this->temp,$this->arquivo) ) $this->Error(4); return $this->arquivo; } else { return false; } } function checar_gd() { $testGD = get_extension_funcs("gd"); if (!$testGD) $this->error(5); else{ ob_start(); phpinfo(8); $grab = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $version = strpos ($grab,"2.0 or higher"); if ( $version ) return "gd2"; else return "gd"; } } function Gerar_mini($new_image_file_path, $max_width=480, $max_height=1600 ) { $return_val = 1; if(eregi("\.png$",$this->arquivo)){ $return_val = ( ($img = ImageCreateFromPNG ( $this->arquivo )) && $return_val == 1 ) ? "1" : "0"; } if(eregi("\.(jpg|jpeg)$",$this->arquivo)){ $return_val = ( ($img = ImageCreateFromJPEG ( $this->arquivo )) && $return_val == 1 ) ? "1" : "0"; } if(eregi("\.gif$",$this->arquivo)){ $return_val = ( ($img = ImageCreateFromGif ( $this->arquivo )) && $return_val == 1 ) ? "1" : "0"; } $FullImage_width = imagesx ($img); $FullImage_height = imagesy ($img); $ratio = ( $FullImage_width > $max_width ) ? (real)($max_width / $FullImage_width) : 1 ; $new_width = ((int)($FullImage_width * $ratio)); //full-size width $new_height = ((int)($FullImage_height * $ratio)); //full-size height $ratio = ( $new_height > $max_height ) ? (real)($max_height / $new_height) : 1 ; $new_width = ((int)($new_width * $ratio)); //mid-size width $new_height = ((int)($new_height * $ratio)); //mid-size height if ( $new_width == $FullImage_width && $new_height == $FullImage_height ) copy ( $this->arquivo, $new_image_file_path ); $gd_version = $this->checar_gd(); if ( $gd_version == "gd2" ) { $full_id = ImageCreateTrueColor ( $new_width , $new_height ); //Crea un'immagine ImageCopyResampled ( $full_id, $img, 0,0,0,0, $new_width, $new_height, $FullImage_width, $FullImage_height ); } elseif ( $gd_version == "gd" ){ $full_id = ImageCreate ( $new_width , $new_height ); //Crea un'immagine ImageCopyResized ( $full_id, $img, 0,0,0,0, $new_width, $new_height, $FullImage_width, $FullImage_height ); } else $this->Error(5); if(eregi("\.(jpg|jpeg)$",$this->arquivo)){ $return_val = ( $full = ImageJPEG( $full_id, $new_image_file_path, 80 ) && $return_val == 1 ) ? "1" : "0"; } if(eregi("\.png$",$this->arquivo)) { $return_val = ( $full = ImagePNG( $full_id, $new_image_file_path ) && $return_val == 1 ) ? "1" : "0"; } if(eregi("\.gif$",$this->arquivo)) { if($gd_version != "gd2") return 0; $return_val = ( $full = imagegif($full_id, $new_image_file_path) && $return_val == 1 ) ? "1" : "0"; } ImageDestroy( $full_id ); return ($return_val) ? TRUE : FALSE ; } function Miniatura($larg=80, $alt=80, $pre_name="MINI_"){ if ((eregi("\.png$", $this->arquivo) || eregi("\.(jpg|jpeg)$", $this->arquivo) || eregi("\.gif$", $this->arquivo)) && $this->arquivo){ $this->MINI_name = $pre_name . $this->file_name; if (!empty ($this->MINI_path)) $thumb_path = $this->MINI_path ."/". $pre_name . $this->file_name; else $thumb_path = $pre_name . $this->file_name; if ($this->Gerar_mini($thumb_path, $larg, $alt)) return $thumb_path; else{ $this->Warning(1); return 0; } } else $this->Warning(2); } function Error($op){ if($this->idioma="portugues"){ switch ($op){ case 0: return; break; case 1: $this->error = "Error 1: Este tipo de arquivo não tem permissão para upload : $this->file_type."; break; case 2: $this->error = "Error 2: Erro no tamanho do arquivo: $this->file_size Kb. Tamanho Maximo é $this->max_filesize."; break; case 3: $this->error = "Error 3: Ocorreu um erro na transferencia do arquivo: $this->file_name."; break; case 4: $this->error = "Error 4: Ocorreu um erro na transferencia de $this->temp para $this->file_name."; break; case 5: $this->error = "Error 5: Biblioteca GD não instalada!";break; } } ?> <SCRIPT> alert("<?= $this->error; ?>"); </SCRIPT> <? exit; } function Warning($op){ if($this->idioma="portugues"){ switch ($op){ case 1: $this->warning = "Aviso 1: Ocorreu um erro na criação da Miniatura.";break; case 2: $this->warning = "Aviso 2: Esse arquivo não tem Miniatuara"; break; } } ?> <SCRIPT> alert("<?= $this->warning; ?>"); </SCRIPT> <? } function Mostrar_MINI($tipo='1'){ if(file_exists($this->MINI_path . "/" . $this->MINI_name)) $url = "<img src=" . $this->MINI_path . "/" . $this->MINI_name . " name=x>"; else $url = "<center>Não Há Amostra!</center>"; if($tipo==2) return $url; ?> <script> WIN = window.open ('', 'NINIatura', 'toolbar=no,width=90,height=90,directories=no,status=no,scrollbars=no,resize=no,menubar=no'); WIN.document.write("<? echo $url ?>"); </script> <? } } ?>

284.1 ms | 417 KiB | 369 Q