
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php class URI { public static function getRegex() { static $cache; if ($cache) return $cache; ################################################################################### # # pct-encoded := "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG # unreserved := ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~" # reserved := gen-delims / sub-delims # gen-delims := "#" / "/" / ":" / "?" / "@" / "[" / "]" # sub-delims := "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")" / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "=" # pchar := unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@" $pct_encoded = '\x25[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]'; $unreserved = '[\x2d\x2e\x30-\x39\x41-\x5a\x5f\x61-\x7a\x7e\p{L}]'; $gen_dims = '[\x23\x2f\x3a\x3f]'; $sub_delims = '[\x21\x24\x26-\x2c\x3b\x3d\x40\x5b\x5d]'; $reserved = '[\x21\x23\x24\x26-\x2c\x2f\x3a\x3b\x3d\x3f\x40\x5b\x5d]'; $pchar = "(?:[\\x21\\x24\\x26-\\x2e\\x30-\\x3b\\x3d\\x40-\\x5a\\x5f\\x61-\\x7a\\x7e\\p{L}]|$pct_encoded)"; ################################################################################# # # segment := *pchar # segment-nz := 1*pchar # segment-nz-nc := 1*(unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / "@") # ; non-zero-length segment without any colon ":" $segment = "$pchar*"; $segment_nz = "$pchar+"; $segment_nx_nc = "(?:$unreserve|$pct_encoded|$sub_delims|\\x40)+"; ################################################################################# # # path-abempty := *( "/" segment ) # path-absolute := "/" [ segment-nz *( "/" segment ) ] # path-noscheme := segment-nz-nc *( "/" segment ) # path-rootless := segment-nz *( "/" segment ) # path-empty := 0<pchar> $path_abempty = "(P<Path>(?:\\x2f$segment)*)"; $path_absolute = "(P<Path>\\x2f(?:$segment(?:\\x2f$segment)*)?)"; $path_noscheme = "(P<Path>$setment_nz_nc(?:\\x2f$segment)*)"; $path_rootless = "(P<Path>$segment_nz(?:\\x2f$segment)*)"; $path_empty = "(P<Path>)"; ################################################################################## # # IP-literal := "[" (IPv6address / IPvFuture) "]" # # IPvFuture := "v" 1*HEXDIG "." 1*(unreserved / sub-delims / ":") # # IPv6address := 6(h16 ":") ls32 # / "::" 5(h16 ":") ls32 # / [h16] "::" 4(h16 ":") ls32 # / [*1(h16 ":") h16] "::" 3(h16 ":") ls32 # / [*2( h16 ":") h16] "::" 2(h16 ":") ls32 # / [*3(h16 ":") h16] "::" h16 ":" ls32 # / [*4(h16 ":") h16] "::" ls32 # / [*5(h16 ":") h16] "::" h16 # / [*6(h16 ":") h16] "::" # # IPv4address := dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet # # h16 := 1*4HEXDIG # ls32 := (h16 ":" h16) / IPv4address # dec-octet := DIGIT ; 0-9 # / %x31-39 DIGIT ; 10-99 # / "1" 2DIGIT ; 100-199 # / "2" %x30-34 DIGIT ; 200-249 # / "25" %x30-35 ; 250-255 $dec_octet = '(?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]'; $IPv4Address = "(P<IPv4Address>$dec_octet\\x2e$dec_octet\\x2e$dec_octet\\x2e$dec_octet)"; $h16 = '[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}'; $ls32 = "(?:$h16\\x3a$h16|$IPv4Address)"; $IPv6Address = "(P<IPv6Address>" . "(?:$h16\\x3a){6}$ls32|" . "\\x3a\\x3a(?:$h16\\x3a){5}$ls32|" . "(?:$h16)?\\x3a\\x3a(?:$h16\\x3a){5}$ls32|" . "(?:(?:$h16\\x3a){,1}$h16)?\\x3a\\x3a(?:$h16\\x3a){3}$ls32|" . "(?:(?:$h16\\x3a){,2}$h16)?\\x3a\\x3a(?:$h16\\x3a){2}$ls32|" . "(?:(?:$h16\\x3a){,3}$h16)?\\x3a\\x3a(?:$h16\\x3a){1}$ls32|" . "(?:(?:$h16\\x3a){,4}$h16)?\\x3a\\x3a$ls32|" . "(?:(?:$h16\\x3a){,5}$h16)?\\x3a\\x3a$h16|" . "(?:(?:$h16\\x3a){,6}$h16)?\\x3a\\x3a" . ")"; $IPvFuture = "v[0-9A-Fa-f]+\\x2e(?:$unreserved|$sub_delims|\\x3a)"; $IPvLiteral = "(?:\\x5b$IPv6Address|$IPvFuture\\x5d)"; ################################################################################ # # reg-name := *(unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims) $reg_name = "(?:$unreserved|$pct_encoded|$sub_delims)*"; ################################################################################ # # authority := [userinfo "@"] host [":" port] # userinfo := *(unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":") # host := IP-literal / IPv4address / reg-name # port := *DIGIT $userninfo = "(P<Userinfo>(?:$unreserved|$pct_encoded|$sub_delims|\\x3a)*)"; $host = "(P<Host>$reg_name|$IPvLiteral|$IPv4Address)"; $port = "(P<Port>[0-9]*)"; $authoritry = "(?:$userinfo\\x40)?$host(?:\\x3a$port)?"; ################################################################################ # # scheme := ALPHA *(ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "-" / ".") # hier-part := "//" authority path-abempty # / path-absolute # / path-rootless # / path-empty # # relative-part := "//" authority path-abempty # / path-absolute # / path-rootless # / path-empty # query := *(pchar / "/" / "?") # fragment := *(pchar / "/" / "?") $scheme = '(P<Scheme>[A-Za-z][\x2b\x2d\x2e0-9A-Za-z]*)'; $hier_part = "(?:\\x2f\\x2f$authority$path_abemtpy|$path_absolute|$path_rootless|$path_empty)"; $relative_part = "(?:\\x2f\\x2f$authority$path_abemtpy|$path_absolute|$path_noscheme|$path_empty)"; $query = "(P<Query>(?:$pchar|\x2f|\x3f)*)"; $fragment = "(P<Fragment>(?:$pchar|\x2f|\x3f)*)"; ################################################################################ # # URI-reference := URI / relative-ref # # URI := scheme ":" hier-part ["?" query] ["#" fragment] # # relative-ref := relative-part ["?" query] ["#" fragment] $URI = "(?:$scheme\\x3a$hier_part(?:\\x3f$query)?(?:\\x23$fragment)?"; $relative_ref = "$relative_part(?:\\x3f$query)?(?:\\x23$fragment)?"; $URI_spec = "(P<URI>:$URI|$relative_ref)"; return $cache = $URI_spec; } /** * Resolves dot segments in a path. * * <h3>Introduction</h3> * * <p>This function takes a valid url path and nomalizes it into * the simplest form possible.</p> * * <hr> * * @throws \BLW\Model\InvalidArgumentException If <code>$Path</code> is not a string or is empty. * * @param string $Path Path to normalize. * @param bool $isRelative Whether path is relative or absolute. * @return string Normailized path. */ public static function removeDotSegments($Path, $isRelative = false) { # Not a string or empty if (is_string($Path)? !empty($Path) : false) { # Does path start with "/" $isAbsolute = $Path[0] == '/'; # Does path end with "/" $isTrailingSlash = $Path[strlen($Path) - 1] == '/'; # Split path into segments $Segments = array_values(array_filter(explode("/", $Path), function($v) {return !!$v;})); # Go through parts and resolve dots ("." & "..") for ($up=0, $i=count($Segments)-1; $i>=0; $i--) { # Part is a single dot if ($Segments[$i] == '.') { # Remove it unset($Segments[$i]); } # Part is a double dot elseif ($Segments[$i] == '..') { # Remove it unset($Segments[$i]); # Move up $up++; } # Part is a directory / file else { # did we move up? if ($up) { # Remove it unset($Segments[$i]); #move down $up--; } } } # Recreate path if ($isRelative) { $Path = str_repeat('../', $up) . implode('/', $Segments); } else { $Path = implode('/', $Segments); } # Check results if (empty($Path) && !$isAbsolute) $Path = ''; # Restore trailing slash if (!empty($Path) && $isTrailingSlash) $Path .= '/'; # Restore starting slash if ($isAbsolute) $Path = '/' . $Path; # Done return $Path; } # Path is empty or not a string else throw new InvalidArgumentException(0); # Done return ''; } public static function parse($URI) { # Default return value $return = array( 'Scheme' => '' ,'Userinfo' => '' ,'Host' => '' ,'Port' => '' ,'Path' => '' ,'Query' => '' ,'Fragment' => '' ,'IPv4Address' => '' ,'IPv6Address' => '' ); # Is URI a string? if (is_string($URL) ?: is_callable(array($URI, '__toString'))) { # Run regex if (preg_match('!^'. self::getRegex() .'$!', $URI, $m)) { var_dump($m); } } # Invalid URI else throw new InvalidArgumentException(0); # Done return $return; } } $Test = array( 'ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt' ,'http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt' ,'ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass?one' ,'mailto:John.Doe@example.com' ,'news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix' ,'tel:+1-816-555-1212' ,'telnet://' ,'urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2' ); foreach ($Test as $URI) { URI::parse($URI); }

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