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<?php final class Crypt { private static $range = 62; private static $goldenPrimes36 = array( /* * Key..: next prime greater than 36 ^ n / 1.618033988749894848 * Value: modular multiplicative inverse */ '1' => '1', '23' => '11', '809' => '809', '28837' => '29485', '1038073' => '179017', '37370153' => '47534873', '1345325473' => '264202849', '48431716939' => '19727015779', '1743541808839' => '1532265214711', '62767505117101' => '67935388019749', '3656158440062987' => '3323780400057251', '131621703842267239' => '14056686818106199' ); private static $goldenPrimes62 = array( /* * Key..: next prime greater than 62 ^ n / 1.618033988749894848 * Value: modular multiplicative inverse */ '1' => '1', '41' => '59', '2377' => '1677', '147299' => '187507', '9132313' => '5952585', '566201239' => '643566407', '35104476161' => '22071637057', '2176477521929' => '294289236153', '134941606358731' => '88879354792675', '8366379594239857' => '7275288500431249', '518715534842869223' => '280042546585394647' ); private static $chars62 = array( // Ascii : 0-9 0 => 48, 1 => 49, 2 => 50, 3 => 51, 4 => 52, 5 => 53, 6 => 54, 7 => 55, 8 => 56, 9 => 57, // Ascii : A-Z 10 => 65, 11 => 66, 12 => 67, 13 => 68, 14 => 69, 15 => 70, 16 => 71, 17 => 72, 18 => 73, 19 => 74, 20 => 75, 21 => 76, 22 => 77, 23 => 78, 24 => 79, 25 => 80, 26 => 81, 27 => 82, 28 => 83, 29 => 84, 30 => 85, 31 => 86, 32 => 87, 33 => 88, 34 => 89, 35 => 90, // Ascii : a-z 36 => 97, 37 => 98, 38 => 99, 39 => 100, 40 => 101, 41 => 102, 42 => 103, 43 => 104, 44 => 105, 45 => 106, 46 => 107, 47 => 108, 48 => 109, 49 => 110, 50 => 111, 51 => 112, 52 => 113, 53 => 114, 54 => 115, 55 => 116, 56 => 117, 57 => 118, 58 => 119, 59 => 120, 60 => 121, 61 => 122 ); /** * Calculates the hash 36 or 62 based range. * @param integer $int * @return string */ private static function baseX($int) { $key = ''; while (bccomp($int, 0) > 0) { $mod = bcmod($int, self::$range); $key .= chr(self::$chars62[$mod]); $int = bcdiv($int, self::$range, 0); } return strrev($key); } /** * Inverse calculation for hashes 36 or 62 based range. * @param string $key * @return integer */ private static function unbaseX($key) { $int = 0; foreach (str_split(strrev($key)) as $i => $char) { $dec = array_search(ord($char), self::$chars62); $int = bcadd(bcmul($dec, bcpow(self::$range, $i)), $int); } return $int; } /** * Generates the hash 62 based chars(a-z, A-Z, 0-9) to a given int number. * Important: * – the biggest cryptable integer with hash length = 5 is 916 132 831. * – the biggest cryptable integer with hash length = 6 is 56 800 235 583. It seems to be enough, no? * * @param integer $num * @param integer $len * @return string */ public static function hash($num, $len = 5) { $ceil = bcpow(self::$range, $len); $primes = array_keys(self::$range === 36 ? self::$goldenPrimes36 : self::$goldenPrimes62); $prime = $primes[$len]; $dec = bcmod(bcmul($num, $prime, 0),$ceil); $hash = self::baseX($dec); return str_pad($hash, $len, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } /** * Generates the hash 36 based chars(A-Z, 0-9) to a given int number. * * Important: * * – the biggest cryptable integer with hash length = 5 is 60 466 175. * * – the biggest cryptable integer with hash length = 6 is 2 176 782 335. */ public static function hash36($num, $len = 5) { self::$range = 36; return self::hash($num, $len); } /** * Converts a previous generated hash to its original integer. * @param string $hash * @return integer */ public static function unhash($hash) { $len = strlen($hash); $ceil = bcpow(self::$range, $len); $mmiprimes = array_values(self::$range === 36 ? self::$goldenPrimes36 : self::$goldenPrimes62); $mmi = $mmiprimes[$len]; $num = self::unbaseX($hash); $dec = bcmod(bcmul($num, $mmi), $ceil); return $dec; } } $hashParams = array( 'plopi' => 'gato', 'token' => 'lol' ); var_dump($hashParams); $strEncoded = Crypt::hash(json_encode($hashParams)); echo "\n encoded\t:" . $strEncoded. "\n"; echo "\n decode encoded\t:" . Crypt::unhash($strEncoded)."\n"; var_dump(json_decode(Crypt::unhash($strEncoded), true));

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